

Do you know what the cab is rated at? I have the Marshall AVT50h with matching angle cab but i want to hook my JCM900 4502 through the cab. My JCM is a 50 watt combo. I am not sure if the AVT cab is rated at 4 or 8 ohms.
I dont have avt cab, my comment is to stay away from them, they got very poor speaker from what i heard because of small magnet, much worse than the one found in the avt100 combo.
Thank you took off back VERY small magnets rated at 8ohm 50 watts G12 looking to invest paid $400.
I took the clipper diodes out of my 50C and 50H and it made it more classic sounding alot less gain.

Another thing i found with that amp the effects loop was really good. I put a simple delay pedal in the lop and it REALLY improved the sound like it filtered the sound or something and made it alot better over all.

I got all 3 of mine blown for near nothing and put maybe $15. into all 3 of em so i didnt have much into em. I would of kept em if they didnt blow so easy.

the 50H was the best one imo

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