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  • Hello administrator, can you tell me a little about how this forum started? is it directly through Marshall / own by Marshall? + who founded / created it? Thanks..
    I need to remove the letter x in my last name , I must of fat fingered it when I created the profile . The correct spelling is Price , it appears I do not have, read / right permissions, in my account to make this change. thank you
    Hi I had made the entrys to change my name and it is now waitring for approval by moderator.
    I want to cancel this change and leave it as it is now.
    as a matter of note;
    the link at the bottome of the site page "contact" no longer works.

    But as name changes is linited I just wanted to leave things the way they are.
    cheers and thanks! The new look is great!
    Ill Surrealista
    Hi. I've just registered with the forum but it seems to be showing my real name (Doug Findlay). I'd prefer to use my online pseudonym, NelsonP.

    Is there a way to change that?
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