Search results

  1. IMG_20110323_064628.jpg


  2. IMG_0651.JPG


  3. IMG_0652.JPG


  4. IMG_0650.JPG


  5. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

    Speaker wires from the main board eliminating the small board all together, so raw speaker out.
  6. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

    1 watt speaker out
  7. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

    I got a MS 4 also and I want to put it in something like a cigar box or something, i will google some ideas
  8. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

  9. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

  10. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

  11. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

    I basically took a Heavey metal cd box and put a MS 2 in it.
  12. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

    How to resize?
  13. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

    valid message!
  14. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

    It says file too big! then it looks like shit! I uploaded it to my pics, Why so complicated?
  15. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

    Oh fuck it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

    Cant figure out how to add pictures
  17. joemarshalljmp

    Out of boredom

    Trying to add photo
  18. mini


    CD Case amp
  19. IMG_0981.JPG


    CD case
  20. IMG_0985.JPG

