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  1. B

    Rivera Rock crusher ?

    I have one of the 8/16 ohm models. Works great.
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    PRS appreciation thread

    I am totally sold on the PRS SE line. There is NOTHING you can get in the $500-$800 range that even approaches them in terms of build quality and tone. I own 3 SE 245s and an SE Custom 24 Floyd. The only thing I don't like about them are the pups, so whenever I get a new one I drop in a Duncan...
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    BASIC MATH: 1+1 = 3 (2 amps sound awesome'r)

    Lately I've been playing around with running a JCM800 and Triple Recto in stereo. Really beefs up the tone. I also use an isolation transformer to deal with ground loop noise caused by two amps on the same circuit.
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    Any Other Axe FX Owners Back To Their Tubes?

    Yeah. Which makes me think I just had the EQ wrong, because the mix, to my ears anyway, was just mush. Like you, with the Axe now I plan to get rid of most of my other heads, but the 800 is definitely a keeper. :hbang:
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    Any Other Axe FX Owners Back To Their Tubes?

    My power amp is a Matrix GT1000FX.
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    Any Other Axe FX Owners Back To Their Tubes?

    Sorry, I guess I should have been a little more clear... this was in a rehearsal space, not in a true live setting. In that case, yeah I'm sure a good sound guy could mix it well through the board. The problem during rehearsal is that I stand right next to my drummer, who is freaking *loud*...
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    Show us your Marshall

    My baby (1984 2204)... :shred:
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    Any Other Axe FX Owners Back To Their Tubes?

    I have an Axe FX II and had been using it exclusively for about a year until recently. The unit is great and has a zillion great tones in it, but what I found was that in a loud live setting, it just couldn't cut through the mix... even with the Preamp and Matrix power amps cranked going through...
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    Marshall Amps and Metal Music

    1. 1984 JCM-800 2204 2. I switch back and forth between Thrash and Doom (sort of a Yin/Yang thing). 3. My main rig is actually a JCM-800 run stereo with a Mesa Triple Recto. I run the Recto highly scooped, but just the head, the JCM I have the Pre-Amp pegged, 7s across the board (except the...
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    Need Help on JCM 800

    I have an '84 2204 and paid right about that... more than I wanted to, but those things don't come around too often. I figured the extra was the premium I had to pay to guarantee that it was mine. :shred: The front and back look similar, but the best way to tell is to go off the serial number...
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    JCM 800 + Triple Recto: High Gain Bliss

    Thanks for the tip on the bass-heaviness. I had read somewhere that the 800s like to have the bass cranked. I'll probably start by backing that off a smidge.
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    JCM 800 + Triple Recto: High Gain Bliss

    Most impressive! 100% :) Yes, #1 is the Recto alone. #2 is the 800 alone. #3 is both together. Some of it may be cell phone speakers and some may be my bad mic-ing, but your instincts were spot on!:shred: If people have any sort of setup recommendations or requests I'll be glad to try...
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    JCM 800 + Triple Recto: High Gain Bliss

    OK first disclaimers. 1. I suck. 2. I am not an expert at optimal mic placement. That said. I made three audio files. One each for the Marshall and Mesa by themselves and one with both. To make this sort of fun I'm not going to say at the outset which file corresponds with what. So try to...
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    JCM 800 + Triple Recto: High Gain Bliss

    Hi All! I'll post some comparison audio later today. Apologies in advance for my crappy playing. Here are a few pics of my rig layout. I tried to get them as clear as I could so you could see my settings. The basic chain is: Git --> Whammy DT ---> Chorus ---> Delay --> Recto ---> Mesa 4x12...
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    JCM 800 + Triple Recto: High Gain Bliss

    Have these beauties running stereo. Just started playing with them and wow... just... wow.