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  1. B

    1959 SLP into Powerbrake into Universal Audio Ox?

    I was always intrigued by the two amps and cabs he used live with Blur (which I think were both 100w SLPs but he may have switched to one being 50 watt for solo gigs). From what I can make out it seems that only one amp head was in use at a time and so perhaps the second was a back up? From the...
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    1959 SLP into Powerbrake into Universal Audio Ox?

    Thanks for the reply. My main concern was whether the amp would be okay with this configuration but I take your point about stacking attenuators!
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    1959 SLP into Powerbrake into Universal Audio Ox?

    Yes, I do understand it seems odd thing to want to do. From what I’ve heard though, Powerbrakes may offer a touch of compression and colour the tone. Generally, this isn’t favourable but I’m trying to recreate the tone of someone who has used Powerbrakes throughout his career and therefore forms...
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    1959 SLP into Powerbrake into Universal Audio Ox?

    Thanks for the reply. My only concern is running essentially two attenuators in series which seems to cause some people to get nervous based on some online searches I’ve done. I think my scenario above is slightly different though because the second ‘attenuator’ (I.e the Ox) is taking the place...
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    1959 SLP into Powerbrake into Universal Audio Ox?

    Hello all, I'm a big fan of Graham Coxon from Blur's 1959 SLP tones through his Powerbrakes and into 1960AVs. In order for me to try to recreate this tone and not wake the neighbours (!), can I safely run a 1959 SLP into a Powerbrake and then into a Universal Audio Ox (with no cabinet...
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    SV20C newbie questions

    firstly thank you all for the warm (tube-like) welcome!! gene - thank you for that, I will give it a go. I didn’t realise it might work that way. thinking on a bit further, I could take the fx send signal run it through the CAB M but with just the power amp emulation on (switch the cab...
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    SV20C newbie questions

    Recently picked up a SV20C but wondering (once my daughter is in bed) can I run the fx send through a Two Notes CAB M into headphones / DAW but leave the fx return with nothing plugged in? Does the amp still see the speaker load but effectively mute the speaker? Very nervous of destroying the...