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  1. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    I second that mr torgeot :headbanger::headbanger::headbanger::headbanger: :headbanger:
  2. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    Thx guys! About the mods ... The second output is still wired up and secured inside the chassis ... Evidently they only needed one 8ohm output and and didn't want to drill any holes for the MV ... As for the MV it feels more like attenuation to me rather than a gain knob in the preamp ...
  3. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    :headbanger:Newest member of the NMV family!!! On top 79' SLP!!!:headbanger:
  4. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    Happy birthday there Papus ..... Sweet amp!!!
  5. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

  6. Nickc6

    Gonna' trade the JVM for a 1987x !!!

    :headbanger:That thing is the SHIT!!!! Matching cab or not it's gonna rock ur bawlz off!!!:headbanger:
  7. Nickc6

    Some JMP schooling, please....

    I currently own a 1980 4 hole NMV JMP 50w (1987) and its my favorite amp!!! I've also owned a newer (2204) and I would say you can't go wrong with either! Both are great amps! The 2 hole JMP alows you to drive the pre amp independently of the power amp (MV) while the 4 hole JMP gives you more eq...
  8. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    Good night guys... Gonna watch a movie with the wife! .... She's awesome ..... She don't mind loud Marshall stacks!!!!!:dude:
  9. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

  10. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    Yeah LOL!!!! .... no officer .... No loud music here....
  11. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    Come to think of it ... I've got cops living 2 and 4 houses in each direction of me!:laugh2::laugh2:
  12. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    ROCK ON!!!! Hasn't happened to me yet ... When it does I'll invite em in, offer em a beer, and give em an exhibition!!!:rock:
  13. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    :laugh2:In her defense I think she lived there first!:laugh2:
  14. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    One time I had the back door open with the amp there and I noticed a neighbor at the back yard fence waiving her hands .... She said I was shaking her windows:wtf:It had to be 100ft to her house! She asked me to turn it down, I said sure, shut the door, and kep right on truckin!!!
  15. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    Damn Strait!!! You lose harmonic depth without the power section ... Even the low wattage amps don't push the speakers hard enough!!! There's no way around it .... Fuck the neighbors!!!!
  16. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    You can get it with a MV but the tendency is to drive the preamp to keep the volume low.
  17. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    Yeah the 1987 forced me to use the amp the way ur sposed to. The only way to get overdrive is to slam that bitch!!!! Really opened my ears!!! .... Then my bowels !
  18. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    :rock:HELL YEAH!!! 10Pages!!! this thread is the SHIT!!!:rock:
  19. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    im expecting more dynamic punch! im also not opposed to the MV mod to hear what i can do with it.... either way the power amp will be JUICED!!!:headbanger:
  20. Nickc6

    Deaf Mans Thread.. Welcome Non-Master Volume Owners

    Definately!!! power section FIRST!!!:headbanger: