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  1. G

    The YJM-100

    ok, some random thoughts on owning the YJM.... (otherwise i'm never going to get this done if i try to properly write an and it IS 3:30 am where i am.... lol 1. the thing is LOUD.... like, really, really LOUD. with the attenuator at half, the thing can rattle windows and split...
  2. G

    The YJM-100

    oh i tried every combination of mode, setting, cab/speaker, guitar, etc. etc. and every clip i had heard/seen online had for the most part come across really well.... funny, one of my techs just laughed it off to the fact that it had 6550's in it and he "knew" i would hate that tube going...
  3. G

    The YJM-100

    LOL.... ironically, and surprisingly, i find it easier to deal with than my old JVM.... but that's "out of said box".... carrying it from my car into the house "inside said box" alone i must have looked like a bad outtake of Jim Caviezel staggering through the streets with his cross in...
  4. G

    The YJM-100

    ok for dsl100.... just to prove i'm not at home 'really' playing with the saturation knob on my peavey bandit 65 lol.... here's a quick iPhone pic.... when i was a/b-ing with the jvm....
  5. G

    The YJM-100

    rick24a; the afd was the original amp i had been tracking for over the past year or so, and was very much looking forward to getting that first.... presentation-wise i was very impressed with the packaging, presentation, etc. it did look like marshall put some decent effort into the product...
  6. G

    The YJM-100

    just setting up my account, but.... i am in canada (ontario) and i received my YJM last week (sept. 15th) and according to the completion certificate it was made/tested on august 18th.... previously i have had a tsl, vm and most recently a jvm410 (oh and an afd100 for 3 hours before i returned...