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  1. pacAir

    Need advice on Marshall Haze 40

    If the back of the amp is removed carefully so the screws do not show any abuse and the tube swap is done carefully and correctly there probably wouldn't be a problem in my opinion. However, if you are not well versed in this stuff you can have problems changing tubes you cannot see (it must be...
  2. pacAir

    Haze 40...which distortion pedal?

    One of my favorites is the Boss SD-1 ($40) is one of the cheapest but also has only one tone knob. The Marshall Guv'nor GV2 has an awesome 4-knob EQ section and usually sells for about double the SD-1's price ($80). The Ibanez TS808 (or reissue) sounds great with a Marshall, but the reissue...
  3. pacAir

    Need advice on Marshall Haze 40

    Different designs do different things with the tubes. The ECC83/12AX7 tubes have 2 sections, essentially 2 Triode tubes in one common glass envelope and with a common heater. Since there is a single input on the Haze 40, it makes sense that the first half of Tube #1 is used as the input...
  4. pacAir

    marshall haze 40 combo

    That sounds like and could be a tube failure. The preamp tube farthest away from the output tubes (far-right when looking at the back of the amp) should be input stage and clean channel. The second preamp tube should be the distortion channel and tone control stage and the third ECC83/12AX7...
  5. pacAir

    marshall haze 40 combo

    It is Alive! I got the whole Haze finished and reassembled this weekend. I found the clean channel to sound very good and much better than any of the previous Marshall amps I have owned (primarily JCM800 vintage). The drive channel surprised me at being so low in gain that even with the...
  6. pacAir

    marshall haze 40 combo

    Marshall Haze 40... Rebuild Almost Done! Well, I AM a glutton for punishment! I certainly wouldn't expect most people to go this route but it's "my thing". I'd rather get the basket case and rebuild it than get a perfect one at twice the price. It's a little like being a car enthusiast who...
  7. pacAir

    marshall haze 40 combo

    Marshall Haze 40 Internal "Gut" Shots Since the previous poster's internal photos are no longer available, I'll post a few of mine (hosted on my own server so they won't disappear anytime soon). Note: The only "surface mount" components are on the plug-in DSP Effects board...
  8. pacAir

    Haze 15

    Oooh, P-90s and a Haze with 6V6 output tubes. This combo ought to sound really smooth and greasy! I Likey! :dude: Steve
  9. pacAir

    Is it true the Marshall MA combo amps come with Eminence speakers????

    It is entirely possible that they save money shipping amps sans speakers from whatever factory they are made in and new Eminence speakers are installed at a local assembly point and final tested. I know, this doesn't sound like standard procedure for Korg or Marshall but stranger things have...
  10. pacAir

    So tell me about footswitch issues with the JVM?

    It is amazing how reliable a lot of gear really is when people take care of it! This stuff isn't made to a military-grade standard, it is consumer gear. Keeping things cool, avoiding physical abuse, not stacking drinks on top, using a good cover and gentle loading and unloading will extend the...
  11. pacAir

    So tell me about footswitch issues with the JVM?

    A few months ago I repaired a JVM footswitch for my friend's JVM410C. I found that the switch-bussing wire connections to the switches were not long enough and could electrically short the buttons out, rendering them non-working. I had to extend the length of a number of wires and use...
  12. pacAir

    What model is my 93 JCM800 2x12 combo?

    Here are a couple of 4104 photos (front & rear) for what it's worth. These are from an earlier 1982/83/84 model (vertical input jacks, no D.I. output jack). I personally have the vertical input jack 1983 and a later horizontal input jack 1986 (with D.I. jack) and they both...
  13. pacAir

    marshall haze 40 combo

    Thanks! I know my posts can be incomprehensible or of no interest to some but sharing information is how things get done and how we can all learn on the internet. You just drink as much as you need from the firehose! I'll check back and post some observations on the amps sonic performance...
  14. pacAir

    marshall haze 40 combo

    Marshall Haze 40 Footswitch Problem & Tech Review Marshall MHZ40C Haze Repair Narrative 11/2/09 Up front, let me state that I have played guitar for over 40 years and have repaired amps and worked in electronics design and manufacturing for over 35 years. I am not a vintage "snob" or a...

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