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  1. J

    2554 Jube Combo...weird Midrange Honk Suddenly?!

    Hey guys, I played out with my 2554 jube combo last week and gave it a real good I played it for the first time since and it sounds different?! It has a weird piercing midrange honk that it didn’t before, and I know the tone of this amp owning it since 1987 so I know something’s...
  2. J

    2554 Jube Combo...weird Midrange Honk Suddenly

    Hey guys, I played out with my 2554 jube combo last week and gave it a real good I played it for the first time and it sounds different?! It has a weird piercing midrange honk that it didn’t before, and I know the tone of this amp owning it since 1987 so I know something’s up...
  3. J

    Silver Jubilee Circuit Question

    Why the heck is the text so dark?!!!
  4. J

    Silver Jubilee Circuit Question

    Sorry guys couldn’t read the original post! Here it is again: Hey guys, I’m the proud owner of an original 2554 SJ combo...that I bought when they first came out in the late 80’s . After 20 years of gigging with it I never got into using the “rhythm clip” on the input gain pot for some dirt...
  5. J

    Silver Jubilee Circuit Question

    Hey guys, I’m the proud owner of an original 2554 SJ combo...that I bought when they first came out in the late 80’s . After 20 years of gigging with it I never got into using the “rhythm clip” on the input gain pot for some dirt on the clean channel, it always seemed too bright to me and...
  6. J

    Now THIS is a versatile cab!!!

    With the superlead
  7. J

    Now THIS is a versatile cab!!!

    Just picked up this Dr Z "Z best" cab at GC...traded my 425B cab for it.. I'm telling the truth when I say this, this has absolutely transformed my silver jubilee! It sounds so thick and creamy, and the boxy midrange is totally gone! The clean channel sounds like a fender through this cab...
  8. J

    Need help determining date: old superlead

    LOL! I know, someone really overdid it on this amp, but believe it or not, it's sounds excellent!!im going to have it converted to the EL 34's pretty soon... The guy who owned it before me was into metal so he modded it for his style of music...
  9. J

    Speaker mismatch...need advice on power rating

    Aahhhh...makes sense now! Thanks man...I'm going to check to make sure that's it's 8 ohms with a meter
  10. J

    Speaker mismatch...need advice on power rating

    Is it because of how it's wired? I have a 4x12 1960B cab that has 25w greenbacks in it, and the total power handling is that would mean it theoretically could only handle 50watts?
  11. J

    Speaker mismatch...need advice on power rating

    Just picked up a 212 cab that has a 60 watt speaker one side, 30 watt speaker the other side...both are 16 ohms, wired for a total of 8 ohms... Question is, how many watts is this cab able to handle? Is it determined by the weakest speaker (30watts) or is it a sum total of both speakers...
  12. J

    Decent output tranny for my superlead?

    Looking to replace a no-name output tranny in my old superlead, and was wondering which ones are recommended...I know mercury magnetics probably are the best ones but I can't afford that much for one, so I was considering heyboer or classic tone...I noticed online the classic tone got decent...
  13. J

    Bias question for metal face superlead

    Hey guys, on my 1970 superlead I currently have 6550 tubes in place, amp tech is gonna swap them with el34's... He asked me if I want my bias cold, warm or hot....I have no clue!!! What would be the difference in tone? I'm into a lead tone like Joe bonamassa or jd Simo...nice and smooth...
  14. J

    Hot plate question

    One more if I plugged my amp set at 4 ohms directly into a 16 ohm cab would that blow the transformer? Or how about the amp set at 16ohms plugged in to a 4 ohm cab? Thanks for clarifying it for me!
  15. J

    Hot plate question

    Hey guys, I'm a bit confused on the ohm settings on my amp/hotplate/cab... I have an old metal face superlead that of course is switchable from 4-8-16 ohms...I also have an 8 ohm thd hotplate, and my 4x12 marshall vintage modern cab is switchable from 4 ohms to 16 ohms (mono) So what...
  16. J

    Need help determining date: old superlead

    What threw me off also is that there are 6550's in it right now, so figured it was a later you think that there was a reason why maybe they switched to 6550, possibly to get a different tone? Thanks!
  17. J

    Need help determining date: old superlead

    What points to a late 69? it the front panel? Or is there a difference between a 69 to a 70 chassis? I thought maybe a 70' because of the brown turret board? Thanks for your help!!
  18. J

    Need help determining date: old superlead

    Ya I's some more pix