Search results

  1. J

    '70 super lead-Wrong bright cap?

    Hey guys appreciate you helping me sort my old marshall out! I cut one lead of the bright cap on the bright channel and it sounds great!! However to my surprise, it's not a 5k cap (as far as I know) says ".0047" followed by the letter "Z"...I'll try to include a picture of it... I'm...
  2. J

    Bright cap clip...Wow what a difference

    Yup gonna order one from mojotone along with some other stuff, sounds like a good compromise! The cap clip was almost "too" radical of a change...
  3. J

    Bright cap clip...Wow what a difference

    Went ahead and clipped the bright cap on my '70 superlead...what a difference! Some observations: 1) the gain is reduced BIGTIME -to get the same gain I used to get on 2, I need to turn it to about 5-6 now...not bad, but the gain has changed, less sustain at the same gain it seems. The gain...
  4. J

    '70 superlead conversion to '68 specs?

    What would be a better alternative to the orange drops besides old stock caps? How about sozo caps? The guy who makes them lives in my town...
  5. J

    Pictures of my '70 superlead circuit posted....

    Where can I get one of those? Stew Mac? Thank you sir for your help!
  6. J

    Ppmv removal, changes tone?

    Yeah, I know, a lot going on in there lol! I will try the bright cap snip..I've read about a mod that the bright cap gets cut completely out and added on to the volume 2 (normal) channel, and the normal channel sounds awesome afterwards...found it in a newsletter from mercury magnetics... By...
  7. J

    Pictures of my '70 superlead circuit posted....

    Thanks for helping me out with that! Still learning how to work this board ;)
  8. J

    '70 superlead conversion to '68 specs?

    Yeah, I know... can you tell by the pix if there is any mods to the amp that might increase the gain? The amp goes from 0 to moderate gain from 0-1 on the volume, over 2 it's full on gain....I would love to be able to have the gain start after 3-4 so I can at least set it clean or semi...
  9. J

    Ppmv removal, changes tone?

    Hey Josh, just created a photo album of my can view it in my public profile. Not sure of how to post a link here... Thanks for your help!!
  10. J

    Pictures of my '70 superlead circuit posted....

    Hey guys, I just created a photo album of my superlead circuit...I'm not sure how to put a link to it here but you can view it under my public profile by clicking on my name. I appreciate any comments on the amp, I'm still learning about superleads and seeing I purchased the amp used, I'm...
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  13. PPMV


  14. Speaker jacks and impedence selector

    Speaker jacks and impedence selector

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  16. PPMV mod and turret board

    PPMV mod and turret board

  17. PPMV Mod

    PPMV Mod

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  20. '70 superlead on top of '73 cab

    '70 superlead on top of '73 cab
