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  1. M

    Marshalls Full Twin Stacks Only

    Just added another 1960BX cab:
  2. M

    Shipping a JMP in a headcase.

    I'd box it. Just think it's safer. people won't know what it is or think to open it. Dave does killer mods. I love the JMPs. That will be my next amp. Always wanted one with the John Suhr SE mod. (Doug Aldrich's main amp)...
  3. M

    Which to buy: JCM 800 2205 or a JCM 2000 DSL

    Have played and owned both. I was surprised, but in a side by side comparison the DSL kicked both the 2205 and 2210's asses (same cabs, effects, guitars, etc)...
  4. M

    What's your favorite boost for your Marshall?

    OFA modded SD-1, TS-808, or TS-9
  5. M

    On Floor Audio SD-1 kicks Ass!

    Will try and get some clips on You tube this week. This may or may not help with sales:fingersx: It is a killer sounding pedal, even if my playing sucks...
  6. M

    On Floor Audio SD-1 kicks Ass!

    Hey guys, I'm relatively new here, but been lurking for a while. I just got back my OFA SD-1 and it is incredible! I have a three amp set-up with two modded SLPs and a DSL. I originally wanted the SD-1 for in front of the DSL, but after hearing it I had to use it in front of my #1 amp - my LA...
  7. M

    80's Hair Metal Tone

    Duncan distortion... I have a bunch of old and new Custom Shop Charvels with JBs, Duncan Distortions, and EVH's. Hands down the most balls is the distortion. Lynch was using Duncan Distortions on the first few Dokken albums.
  8. M

    KK JCM 800 - How to get a volume boost?

    What a great thread!!! My favorite solution is to run an EQ in the effects loop of my modded Marshall. I use a PQ-3 in the loop of a GCX switcher. This way I can have a totally different lead and rhythm tone. I can boost the mids and treble with the PQ-3 to cut through as well as boost the...
  9. M

    Best cabinet for JCM800 2203 Reissue (80's hard rock)?

    I just went through the same thing. Tried 4 cabs: 1960A, 1960AV, late 70's with 65W Marshall labeled Celestions, and a 1960BX. By far the best cab was the 1960BX with the greenbacks. Very smooth, alot of punch. Just a great cab and definitely the missing piece in my puzzle. FYI, I use a...