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  1. J

    What does 50+50µF mean?

    so, that would mean I can use 2 separate 50µF 300V caps? (I assume the 3rd pin is a ground or a dummy?)
  2. J

    What does 50+50µF mean?

    Hi all, Before messing with amps, I'm trying my skills on an old tube radio. I'd like to replace the bad caps with new ones. For now, I just change them 1-on-1 with the same value. So far so good. But I noticed that the power caps have more than one rating written on them. Like: 50+50µF...
  3. J

    Opinions about Randall RH series, plz.

    I've been looking for a (practice) amp that could serve like a practice amp without costing me an arm and a leg. So I ended up with some older solid state amps. I had my eye on a : - Marshall Valvestate (but sold already) - Marshall MF350 (but it's extremely dirty and has dust all over the...
  4. J

    How well does the headphone out work on the Valvestate amps?

    Yes, the older 8000 and VS series :)
  5. J

    How well does the headphone out work on the Valvestate amps?

    I'm looking for a practice amp, and had my eyes set on some older valvestate amps. They can be found rather cheap and they have a headphone out. But, how well does the headphone out work (compared to the speaker signal) I assume it is a simulated signal through the headphones? and how reliable...
  6. J

    JCM900 MKIII or 2203KK ?

    Can someone tell me how the JCM900 MKIII 50W holds up against the 2203KK? Gain wise and clean tones? At the moment I have a 2203KK. If i'm right, I think the 900 has a more tight gain (which I think I'd like). But I think it also sounds thinner, less balsy compared to a 2203KK. I am aware of...
  7. J

    My Marshall 2203KK sounds thin and harsh :/

    Thanks, I'll give that a try as well.
  8. J

    My Marshall 2203KK sounds thin and harsh :/

    Thanks, I've tried other preamp tubes and it only changed tone a tiny, tiny bit, but it's not the difference that I need. As for speakers, I've the standard Marshall 1960 cab with G12T-75's, not the warmest, but the speakers are broken in nicely and they do very well with my 2210 amp. :) Guess...
  9. J

    My Marshall 2203KK sounds thin and harsh :/

    Hi guys, I recently got a 2203KK (it was 2nd hand) and I don't know what it is but I find it to be sounding very cold, harsh, thin... It still has a lot of power and goes extremely loud, but it lacks warmth, body and character. I can't get a nice full round tone out of it. In fact, I simply...
  10. J

    Jcm800 2205 '88 & '89.

    Hey guys, I got my eyes on two JCM 800 2205 amps. Based on some photos, I'd say that both amps are (visually) in good shape. One is from '88 (guy lives nearby) and the other one is from '89 but that last guy lives quite a distance from me. With all the circuit changes that Marshall has done...
  11. J

    Help me choose a guitar?

    In an ideal world yes, unfortunately the guitars are at different sellers who do not live so near. :)
  12. J

    Help me choose a guitar?

    Can anyone give some comments and/or help me make a choice between these guitars? Jackson Stealth XL Professional (early '90s) MIJ, SSH, ash body, transparant finish, rosewood fretboard... Charvel Model 3 (late 80s) SSH, Basswood body, maple neck, rosewood fretboard. Charvel Model 88 ('88 :)...
  13. J

    Why do some amps have a black label on the backside?

    It's funny that on my 2205 the "black label" is just a transparant one with black font ;)
  14. J

    Possible to backtrace an amp's manufacturing date?

    It's a S number that's stamped in the chassis. I insisted on a clear pic of the serial number. But the words "Serial No: S/A" indication were pretty much gone, I think he backtraced that "S/A" by using the stamped serial number. Hope to get the amp next week ;)
  15. J

    New guitar Day ...Jackson

    Gratz man! What's in the little bag,btw?
  16. J

    Possible to backtrace an amp's manufacturing date?

    Guys, I'm trying to buy an amp and when I asked the seller what year it was from, he said that he backtraced the year by using just the serial numbers and that "it should be an S". The amp is a JCM800 2203, supposedly from '84 (vertical inputs and 6 filter caps). It's a lot of money and I like...
  17. J

    Why do some amps have a black label on the backside?

    Well, the upper pic is one that I got from the web and it said "1982". The bottom one is the one I got mailed and the seller said it was "1984". (It has no FX loop, so it can't be the Reissue. It's vertical input as well, must be one of the last ones before they changed to horizontal inputs and...
  18. J

    Why do some amps have a black label on the backside?

    Hi, While I was browsing the web for a JCM800 2203, I noticed that the backside was a bit different. Why is it that some have a black label on their backside, the one indicating information like "model", "power", "power input".... The one that I want to buy, I noticed that it does not have...
  19. J

    Which to get, JCM800 2205 or JCM900 SL-X ?

    Thanks, since I've always wanted a late 2210 really, I'm gonna make an appointed for the '88 2205 anyway. :)
  20. J

    Which to get, JCM800 2205 or JCM900 SL-X ?

    I know about the different 50w/100w models etc... When I read about the SL-X, especially with 6L6's, I read that it differs a lot from the other 900's.