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  1. W

    1960b front baffle

    Hi, can anyone please give me the spacing distance between all the speakers on the front baffle of a 1960b as I need to cut a blank baffle. thanks. Kev.
  2. W

    G12-65s & v-30s

    Hiya , Just bought an empty 1960b cab and need to fill it. At my disposal i have two v-30s and two G12t-75s . I currently use all these in two 1936 cabs. Question is. should i throw them all in the 1960 or should i consider using either of the above pair WITH some G12-65s that i may be able to...
  3. W


    so, can an amp actually be biased effectively just using the bias pots with test leads on the test pins or should other measurements be taken also,.. as i dont really want to delve in too deeply without knowing exactly what i`m doing. dont want to spark out just yet! Kev.
  4. W


    Cool. . Just for interest,the ma has bias adj for each valve (50 watt version only) so odd valves can be biased to match. Does biasing depend on what make the valves are ,or do all el34's bias to the same reading?
  5. W


    Thanks for all your comments guys. So if you set the bias reading low that means its over biased yes? Currently using 1 svet and 1 tad which have worked well together until now but suspect one or both are getting past it. Have recently biased them at 30ma and liked the result as it seemed to...
  6. W


    If I told you its an MA50h, through 2x1936 cabs you'll probably laugh. 1 is a vintage. Has sounded ok til now. Also distortion /gain sounded a bit ragged. Not normally like it. Must start exploring. . Cheers all. All comments welcome. kev.
  7. W


    Thanks mate,all as I expected! Time to splash the cash.bias previously done correctly. But can a dodgy tube loose its bias setting? I guess so?. . K
  8. W


    Hi guys Can i ask in what way weak or failing el34`s will do in terms of power output and tonal quality? Also` when biasing an amp i presume the readings/adjustments should be done with the amp ticking over (quiet) rather than being played? Any thoughts would be most welcome...
  9. W

    cab lining

    Thanks Soundboy and all. will have to check the constuction but i suspect they are both mdf. Seriously CANT afford any other speakers but interesting to hear your experiences with a 1936. I usually rehearse with just one cab,for ease but will be using both this monday .usually play with vol on...
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    cab lining

    Hi there Does anyone have any views about lining the insides of a cab. I have two 1936s one std the other vintage. I have swapped one speaker from each cab so that when stacked they form an `x` config. I realize that HiFi cabs may be lined or stuffed but would like some idea of what...
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    AVT150h extension cab

    Hi Lee, used to run mine on 2x 1926 cabs.Sounded great. Taller than a 4x12 so, better sound projection. More cabinet volume (dimensions) and better bass than a 4x12. Also VERY portable and a choice of one cab or two depending on circumstances. Still have the AVT, and use same cabs with MA 50h...
  12. W

    MA50H missing parts, still works! Yikes!

    Hi Marshaleck I`m new to the forum and have just seen your post. I bought an MA 50h last year second- hand. I had cause to `phone Marshall and speak to a tech` and while on the phone to him I asked if he knew what mods were done to revoice the amp. Those components plus others were either...

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