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  1. Dmann

    Thoughts on Nunos cheap shot at Slash?

    what's more amusing to me is that pretty much all of us not famous cover players that have done top 40, weddings, commercial, executive, corporate events, etc, could probably do Rhianna better than Nuno without even having to try because it's what we've done every weekend for 30 years lol...
  2. Dmann

    Happy New Year 2022->2023

    Happy new year good to se all the usual suspects still posting!
  3. Dmann

    Deleting photos and albums from your Media

    I don't have the option to delete my media files either. not sure why whomever set up the forums did this, but I shouldn't require permission to delete them.
  4. Dmann

    I'm a better guitar player than Eddie Van Halen..

    So saying you learned something then standing up for yourself is arrogant and rude. Get back to strumming Joe.
  5. Dmann

    I'm a better guitar player than Eddie Van Halen..

    The only one being a cock is you. "Us guys"? What the fuck is that. It truly amazes me how ignorant one can be while hiding behind their internet connection. Don't Have a nice weekend
  6. Dmann

    I'm a better guitar player than Eddie Van Halen..

    Lol, dude you're funny. I haven't played it in 30 years, but whatever. I spent the time, learned it note for note, with a cassette tape at 17 years old, 4 years into playing. I know many friends who also learned it. Look on YouTube there's thousands. Just because you can't doesn't mean anyone...
  7. Dmann

    I'm a better guitar player than Eddie Van Halen..

    I never said it was easy, but its not very difficult, as it is just a bunch of warm up exercises strung together. /shrug
  8. Dmann

    I'm a better guitar player than Eddie Van Halen..

    I don't find any of the stuff he wrote difficult to play, however no one will ever write stuff the way he did.
  9. Dmann

    Perhaps the most ridiculous price of all

    Buy used, and refurbish, save $500
  10. Dmann

    Rick Beato bored listening to Rush

    I can't believe any sane person would watch a video of a crybaby listening to music while bored. The world is doomed
  11. Dmann

    Why are the studio series so expensives in the States compare to Europe?

    So this turned into a Vax thread... :blah::blah::blah::blah:
  12. Dmann

    The Matrix- Resurrections... *Spoiler Alert*

    I loved it. Seen it in theaters on Wed, watched at home again last night after work. It's amusing to me reading the reviews. It's almost like no one can just take in a sci-fi story anymore. I recall the same outrage over star wars. Lol.
  13. Dmann

    Is DSL100HR being discontinued?

    yes inflation.... however 33% ??????? that's not inflation.
  14. Dmann

    Is DSL100HR being discontinued?

    Yup, however I live in the only province that only pays 5% (gst only, no hst/pst).
  15. Dmann

    Is DSL100HR being discontinued?

    Just checked locally here in Calgary, $1250.00 (approx $980.00 USD). I bought one in 2016 for $899.00 The JCM800 RI was $2999.99 last year, it's now $3999.99 Fuck these guys, inflation is a thing, but 33% increase across the board? What a shit show.
  16. Dmann

    My Latest Vocal Effort - Sabbath (Changes)

    I highly recommend the program Singing Success.
  17. Dmann

    Staying in shape at an older age!

    For me it really boiled down to diet. You can work out for 10 hours a day, but if your diet is mostly processed, sugary, salty, saucy, or fatty foods and you drink alcohol regularly you will not see great results and you won't really feel any better. Yea, you will get stronger, but there's much...
  18. Dmann

    I’m sick of hearing a 4x12 is too loud to play out

    On the topic of new music. I just checked out Adele's latest. This is #1? Music is dead
  19. Dmann

    Which lead guitarist, not frontman, would you switch with?

    Kerry King or Jeff Hanneman for me.