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  1. Gilles Gravier

    Marshall Code Editor For Pc

    Hi! Where can the source code be found, and what license is it published under? Open source tends to imply that one should be able to access the code, and use it according to an OSI approved open source license. Thanks for the great work! Gilles
  2. Gilles Gravier

    Marshall Code Tone Sharing Site

    Hi! The PC live editor is listed as being proposed under the MIT license. This is very cool. That means the source code should be available somewhere for people to be able to take, and contribute to. Have you considered hosting it on something like GitHub? I'd love to be able to tackle things...
  3. Gilles Gravier

    Marshall Code Editor For Pc

    James, I see your (very cool) software comes under the MIT license. This is very cool. Is the source code available somewhere (say, GitHub, maybe)? It would be great to be able to participate in adding features.