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  1. Dry Toast

    PSA- JTM20 studio massive price drop at Zzounds

    LOL: ”Shit-can” needed a hyphen here. Took me an embarrassing length of time to digest that sentence (“They need to shit? How does he know? Wait, “Can the distributor…” that doesn’t look like a question… oh fuck me.”). Once I did though, 1000% agree.
  2. Dry Toast

    NGD! 2023 Gibson SG 61 Maestro

    Congrats!! She’s a keeper, no doubt about it. Are there 9’s or 10’s on that red devil?
  3. Dry Toast

    Guitars, what do you think?

    This right here: Every so often I’ll see one that is just smokin’ hot, like high quality porn hot. I’ll think to myself, “It’s been a while, maybe they’re better now, or maybe this particular one has ‘it,’” and I’ll give it a listen. Nope. Still can’t connect to it, and it sounds exactly...
  4. Dry Toast

    Another NAD: Marshall SV20H

    If you’re not already aware of it, some things that don’t seem like they’d impact your tone do in fact matter. (I bring this up b/c the gear listed in your sig doesn’t generally have the following eccentricities.) e.g.: 1. Plugged into bright only, so normal volume shouldn’t do much, right...
  5. Dry Toast

    Fender Jazz into an SV20H & SV212?

    Totally agreed, but I was never going for the right tool (leaning in the direction of the 50w Ampeg portaflex for tubey vintage flavor), I was just going for the cheapest/easiest viable option (in this case, something I already have).
  6. Dry Toast

    Fender Jazz into an SV20H & SV212?

    Follow up: It’s okay through the SV20, but requires a fair amount of knob turning just to keep it from sounding bad. It actually sounds fine for practice and study going straight into the RC-1 (which is in the PS-2A’s effects loop), which of course eliminates all of the control fiddling. For...
  7. Dry Toast

    Another NAD: Marshall SV20H

    Generally, I agree, most attenuators do suck, it’s just a question of to what extent. I’ve had a few and it was always out of necessity, never desire. Then I bought a PS-2A. If you haven’t tried a Fryette Power Station, I highly recommend it. Lots of places seem to offer renting gear...
  8. Dry Toast

    I fell in love with the 1959HW - the question is how to make it usable? PPIMV or else?

    BOSS Tube Amp Expanders and Fryette Power Stations have already both been mentioned. If you just want decibel control and as-honest-as-possible tone in the room, still from your speakers, I’d lean Fryette. Tone alone, A/B them, the Fryette wins. Not in all contexts, and not by a lot, but it...
  9. Dry Toast

    Buying guitar without trying first.

    It’s all an odds game, but it isn’t impossible to have some sense of the odds you’re working with. The more high end you shop, the higher the likelihood that you’ll come out okay. $15k USD for a Tom Murphy painted and aged R9 w/ a BrazilIan board and flame top that’d make a PRS blush, sold by...
  10. Dry Toast

    Buying guitar without trying first.

    Just wanted to say that, Broski, I like your advice and your energy.
  11. Dry Toast

    NAD SV20 and After a Tube Swap -- Wow!

    Congrats, and happy NAD! I second what’s already been said: would love to hear a full report and comparison. Especially with the details of what cabs and speakers are hosting each’s glorious noise. For context, perhaps what duty they’ll each fulfill (wet/dry, clean/crunch, etc.). Side note...
  12. Dry Toast

    JTM20 ... where is the advantage?

    Welcome to the forum! As a fellow PS-2A owner, I’d just like to point out that no amp’s effects loop will ever provide what your Fryette’s effects loop does. I would even go so far as to suggest to ignore the effects loop in any amp purchasing decision, doubly so in anything with no master...
  13. Dry Toast

    Fender Jazz into an SV20H & SV212?

    Like many a Marshall + Les Paul/Strat player, I have an elementary looper (Boss RC-1) that I use nearly every time I play. It’s stereo. That second line could be managing a bass guitar track. My SV20H has a lot of inputs. You can tell where I’m headed. What I’d like to know is if anyone has...
  14. Dry Toast

    JTM20 ... where is the advantage?

    The real questions. I’ve been mulling over what to eventually choose as a clean (to edge-of-breakup) partner to my SV20H+SV212. I’ve been leaning towards the general territory of a blackface-era Fender. Getting to demo a hand-wired Deluxe ruined me for the PCB reissues. That said, I don’t...
  15. Dry Toast

    JTM20 ... where is the advantage?

    They did alternate appearances on the first three Studio Series, they’ll do it again on this. For that matter, I think there were not only broadly available alternates, but some dealers got their own dealer-specific alternates. Wildwood in Colorado comes to mind. Keep a look out, I suppose...
  16. Dry Toast

    Sunn amplifiers - Fender is bringing them back!

    The power section of a Fryette is class D, iirc. It neither adds to nor takes from an SV20H cranked. This is exactly what’s desired in this context of course. Scale, invisibly. For the power section of an amp, one wonders. I wouldn’t knock it until I’ve tried it. Anyone had any experience...
  17. Dry Toast

    JTM20 ... where is the advantage?

    I wonder if a pair of 6L6GC’s would fit in place of those 5881’s. A pinch more headroom, a pinch more bottom, and perhaps even a pinch more top-end might inject just enough added clean potential to make this the clean side of a clean/dirty rig opposite an SV20H & SV212. At some point someone...
  18. Dry Toast

    JTM20 ... where is the advantage?

    As another person in love with an SV20, I can say my curiosity (border-lining interest, pending personal experience w/ it) is predicated upon a desire for a clean amp to pair in a clean/dirty A/B setup. Sure, I use instrument knobs to clean up / dial in colors from my SV20, but that’s not the...
  19. Dry Toast

    JTM 20 (merged)

    While I think the answer is definitely “yes,” I think the follow-up question would be: wouldn’t it need a smaller recto tube to yield the same amount and duration of sag on attack as a “real” JTM 45 would? Admittedly not an electrical engineer, but I tend to think an amp that’s either 50% less...
  20. Dry Toast

    Dad life with a plexi clone

    If the price isn’t an issue, a Fryette Power Station (doesn’t matter which) is magical for taming beasts like that. Never used the IR/headphones/etc. on mine, but for “bedroom” volumes (and as an effects loop), there’s no better solution.