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  1. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Seems like it’s an issue with the voltage on the line. The only other loads connected to the other socket is a laptop charger and a pedalboard power supply.
  2. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    To be fair, from my specific symptoms, the last thing you expect to have caused this problem is a bad socket. It’s one of those cases where if it didn’t happen, no one would’ve known it’s a possibility — unless of course it’s obvious.
  3. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    It’s most definitely the outlets. Tested the amp on a completely different circuit and it works perfectly on the same setup. Connect it back to my other outlet and boom, everything falls apart. Ig this outlet isn’t rated for high power draw (it’s a dorm room). I connected the amp to a socket...
  4. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Update: got the new amp in and……guess what, the damn problem is back. This to me says it’s a problem with my outlets. I highly doubt two different amps show the same issue. A note on my outlets: I measured them and they’re putting out 124V. That can’t be good for the amp. Could that be causing...
  5. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Yep! Ordered a set of both EL34s and 6CA7s to test the amp with.
  6. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Also if anyone reads this and if you own an el34 5150, I highly recommend putting in 6CA7s. They make the amp sound much better imho. Tighter low end, clearer mid range, less muddy at higher volumes, and much more!
  7. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Okay guys, I threw in the towel and returned the amp back to the seller. I was persistent in trying to fix it since the amp was at an unbeatable price. Luckily I found another one near me for about the same price in seemingly better condition overall.
  8. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Occasionally, when the drops occur, I get a sort of crashing distortion sound at the lower peaks. Could this suggest that it may be an issue within the pre amp? This is to help narrow it down.
  9. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Fender says since the amp contains lethal voltages, only fender authorized service centers are allowed to have the amp schematics and they won’t send direct to consumers. Bummer. What do you suggest I do?
  10. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    I can’t seem to find it online either. I have emailed fender to request for the el34 schematic. But here’s a link to an updated 6L6 schematic that looks much more similar to the el34. C37 can be found on V1 but C8 doesn’t seem to exist. Let...
  11. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    I found that 2 ceramic disk caps for v1 were microphonic when tapped with a stick. No other part in the amp was microphonic. Could this be the failed part causing these drops? Specifically C8 and C37. @Pete Farrington
  12. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Volume was set at about 10:30. It’s set just at the transition point there’s a small bit of power tube distortion mixed in the tone. But do note that this volume issue happens at all volume levels.
  13. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    would those resistors have caused the volume issue?
  14. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Some photos of the tubes sockets of the power tubes and phase inverter, they’re all mounted to the same daughter board. Let me know if my eyes missed anything as they don’t look too bad to me. The screen resistors look a bit toasty but that seems to be a common occurrence on the EL34 version of...
  15. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    @Pete Farrington any tips?
  16. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Update: swapped the power tubes, problem persists. I’ve made an observation, however. As the amp heats up (I presume), the issue slowly goes away I i.e. the problem is most severe when the amp has just been turned on. I could guess this is indicative of a bad solder joint off the top of my...
  17. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    From my symptoms, would you too reckon that it’s the power tubes causing the issue?
  18. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Plugged the amp in again, the problem is gone now 😭. Really taking me for a ride here, this amp.
  19. sdn25

    EVH 5150 iii EL34 50w volume keeps changing slowly while playing.

    Ok I’ve bit the bullet and ordered some new power tubes to test with. I can only hope that’s the issue. They arrive either tomorrow or the day after - I will update you guys once they’re in.