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  1. chocol8

    New to me 1967 Marshall JTM50

    My advice would be to never use the standby with a tube rectifier. The rectifier will come up slowly and give the amp a "soft start" vs the surge using a standby switch.
  2. chocol8

    Best electrolytics for servicing a '79 2104?

    That means the caps are holding a charge which is a positive sign.
  3. chocol8

    Nobody Wants Heads / We All Want Small Amps... Really?

    And I bet they weren't the first 100 watt amps you have played.
  4. chocol8

    Nobody Wants Heads / We All Want Small Amps... Really?

    Amps are not dead, but the vast majority of new tube amps sold these days are 50 watts or under. That is a fact, and no amount of anecdotes will change the numbers. The manufacturers and retailer have very good data on what sells and what sits. Teens and 20 somethings are simply not buying...
  5. chocol8

    Nobody Wants Heads / We All Want Small Amps... Really?

    Only the people who have experience playing big amps understand what they can do that little amps and modelers cannot. Most of us already own the amps and if we are still buying, we are looking for vintage/used gear or boutique small builder amps. The retail market for new big amps is all but...
  6. chocol8

    NAD - 1974 Fender Dual Showman - Holy Cow

    I have had a few Twins and Supers over the years. The Twin/Showman amps all breakup when pushed hard enough. Humbuckers, P90's or a Strat/Tele with a boost should easily get you there by around 5 to 7. Some breakup earlier on the volume knob than others, but they are all loud as heck when it...
  7. chocol8

    Simple Attenuators - Design And Testing

    The physical size of an L2 inductor for a 2 ohm version might be a problem. You might need to go to a bigger box or leave off the bass resonance circuit if you can't find the right value, with sufficient current capacity in a small enough size. What 100 watt 2 ohm amp are you thinking of...
  8. chocol8

    The need to buy burned in tubes and the DSL

    I disagree with this…big time! I participated in a blind test with some friends and local players. 100% of the people involved picked a mismatched set as sounding best. YMMV.
  9. chocol8

    ID Help, 50's wiring

    Complete snake oil. You can clearly hear a difference until you do a blind test with money on the line. You won’t pass, no one does. And yes, you wouldn’t change anything original on a collectible guitar, but that has nothing to do with tone and certainly nothing to do with PIO since half of...
  10. chocol8

    Funny Azz Videos to brighten our day.

    Satire is funny because it is mostly true.
  11. chocol8

    ID Help, 50's wiring

    Gibson used what was cheap and readily available. They only used PIO until there was a better option, and starting in 1959 the old “bumblebees“ are in fact Mylar not PIO. The new ones are polyester film, not PIO. PIO caps go bad and leak. They are garbage being marketed as gold, and...
  12. chocol8

    ID Help, 50's wiring

    Well, their oil is squeezed from only the highest quality rare tropical snakes. :D
  13. chocol8

    Does fuzz make you sweat?

    It means the volume is too low. You need to get the speakers moving enough air to fan you and keep you cool and dry.
  14. chocol8

    Hello Kitty Fender Squier strat

    Because they make a statement and are cool in a punk sort of way to a segment of the population. They could make a Pikachu or Naruto model and they would have similar appeal and also leave a lot of other people scratching their heads.
  15. chocol8

    ID Help, 50's wiring

    For guitar tone caps it doesn't matter. I often use Mallory 150 style as the are cheap, consistently measure close to nominal values, and are readily available from suppliers I order from, but I recently did a guitar with "expensive" orange drops. By spending $10 extra on the over priced caps I...
  16. chocol8

    ID Help, 50's wiring

    Complete hogwash. PIO are low quality caps that do nothing for tone. His caps look like foil caps which is a good thing.
  17. chocol8

    ID Help, 50's wiring

    Or replace the tone pots with no load pots so you can take the cap out of the circuit when you want. That said, it sounds like what you really want is a clearer vintage wind pickup.
  18. chocol8

    ID Help, 50's wiring

    Construction of the cap can matter, brand not so much. The impacts are tiny and get lost in the rest of the signal chain anyway. If you post a closer and in focus picture it would help, but it looks like one says CDE which would be Cornell Dubilier.
  19. chocol8

    Ceriatone Australian Shipping?

    Email Nik for an actual quote. My shipping from him came in WAY lower than what the website implied based on weight.
  20. chocol8

    ID Help, 50's wiring

    That picture is way to blurry to read anything on the caps. Other than wanting a different value there is no reason to replace those.