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  1. Symphonichrome

    Marshall Silver Jubilee 100W reissue: low volume output, fizzy and glitchy

    If only everything repaired itself overnight likely amp seemingly did lol
  2. Symphonichrome

    Marshall Silver Jubilee 100W reissue: low volume output, fizzy and glitchy

    LOL I wish it was that but, some elves must have fixed it overnight
  3. Symphonichrome

    Marshall Silver Jubilee 100W reissue: low volume output, fizzy and glitchy

    OK, maybe there was a ghost int he machine last night as today, it is at full volume, no fizz, no glitch
  4. Symphonichrome

    Marshall Silver Jubilee 100W reissue: low volume output, fizzy and glitchy

    Yeah - about 2 months old Will check tubes tomorrow and if it is not the tubes, will open a warranty claim
  5. Symphonichrome

    Marshall Silver Jubilee 100W reissue: low volume output, fizzy and glitchy

    I already have pedals in there Thank you for the welcome
  6. Symphonichrome

    Marshall Silver Jubilee 100W reissue: low volume output, fizzy and glitchy

    Hi everyone - this is my first post here - I am glad to have found this forum as I bought a new Marshal Silver Jubilee 100W reissue and, as of today, the output is low volume, fizzy and glitchy Am I looking at a bad tube or something more serious?