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  1. R

    Simple Attenuators - Design And Testing

    That’s a real good idea about using a pedal to gauge desired decibel attenuation! I will do that with the trusty Rat. When adding a stage, I can add it in between any previous stage (2,3, and 4), right? I would just wire the resistors and switch in between, for example, stage 2 and 3 and leave...
  2. R

    Simple Attenuators - Design And Testing

    Thanks for the info on the extra stages John! I think one more 14db should do the trick. Gene, I was able to get everything attenuating as should be, thankfully. Always a cool thing when results match perfectly with the schematic. I will add some pictures to the completed build thread once I...
  3. R

    Simple Attenuators - Design And Testing

    Success (mostly)! It turns out my 8 ohm jack was wired incorrectly and that was messing up everything else. Will need to fix that but that is a feature I’ll seldom use so it can wait. Thanks for the tips though! Can’t believe how helpful you have been throughout this forum, John! I do have a...
  4. R

    Simple Attenuators - Design And Testing

    Well, I rewired the switches and same results. However, when I disconnected the coil, I get the attenuation right in line with the stated values but the resistances don’t match up with the 3.5 to 5 ohm range. Instead I get 13.5 - 15.5 ohms. Can only surmise it is the coil but not sure what is...
  5. R

    Simple Attenuators - Design And Testing

    Thanks for the ideas, John - much appreciated! I hooked up a signal generator and fed a sine wave and recorded the decibels. Each stage was attenuating, but less than what I was expecting. Without attenuation, the signal was 72.6 db. After the 1st stage it was down to 66.1 db; after the 2nd...
  6. R

    Simple Attenuators - Design And Testing

    Hello all! In need of an attenuator, I found this thread. Thanks so much to John, Gene, and all! After reading through the whole thread I went ahead and built a 4 ohm M2 model. Wow! For the first time I could hear my Bassman (5f2a) clone, ~35-45 watts, overdrive the power tubes. Sounds...