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  1. Cardiac Tom

    Need Some Assistance Please...JMP

    I could not be happier with this rig...Used it at our show on Friday night and sounded amazing... Regarding the cab...was able to ohm out and just like you said, 13.7 Ohms... Bottom right speaker??? Something to be concerned about? Cab sounded great!! And, in action... Again...
  2. Cardiac Tom

    Need Some Assistance Please...JMP

    Ah cool... On mine, there is tape residue...dude would just tape over the plug to keep it in place...
  3. Cardiac Tom

    Need Some Assistance Please...JMP

    Thank you again!! I knew the basics, but never thought I would have the opportunity to run 4 cabs...I was happy when I saw there was a 4 Ohm setting with this head...I have played fests before where cabs were provided, but they were 8 Ohm, and the JCM900 does not have the 4 ohm output so no...
  4. Cardiac Tom

    Need Some Assistance Please...JMP

    :hbang: :D We'll worry about that when I get a fourth would that work impedence wise? And thanks for all your help!! Will post some cab pics soon...
  5. Cardiac Tom

    Need Some Assistance Please...JMP

    Some of the back side... Sorry to be an idiot, but what are the jacks to the left of the speaker outputs...not labeled, so I don't know...
  6. Cardiac Tom

    Need Some Assistance Please...JMP

    Will have some more pics soon... I love this amp...And this sucker is loud!!!! Used it at practice last night and it went well...gonna use it at our show tonight, but I am bringing the 900 as a backup just in case...
  7. Cardiac Tom

    Need Some Assistance Please...JMP

    Sorry for all the questions, but what model cab is this?
  8. Cardiac Tom

    Need Some Assistance Please...JMP

    Will do that...since it is unknown at the moment, I was going to test the head with my current cab...thanks for the suggestions! Another hour to go before I start playing with this amp...Stoked!
  9. Cardiac Tom

    Need Some Assistance Please...JMP

    I will post pics when I get a chance... Looks like the same markings on it at all other then the serial number and the Marshall logo. Do you happen to know what ohm the cab is? Like I said, only one speaker jack at the bottom. I paid $500.00 total..
  10. Cardiac Tom

    Need Some Assistance Please...JMP

    Ok, I did not have a lot of time to do anything but buy this at the price that was given...A friend of a friend was in need of cash quick so I walked away with his half stack for what I thought was the deal of the year. Did not have a chance to play it yet (that will change by tonight) but the...
  11. Cardiac Tom

    Time for a new Marshall...Suggestions

    Sounds good! Thanks for that... As I was saying before, a buddy of mine works at GC and has one is stock (or at least he did a few weeks ago) and would give me a good deal...Just have not had the time to get up there...
  12. Cardiac Tom

    Time for a new Marshall...Suggestions

    Still have not gotten a new head yet... I have been out on the road for work pretty much since I decided to pick one up...I'm in the communications field and the FCC Mandate regarding narrowbanding for radio users kicks in at the end of the, I am extremely busy... The good thing...
  13. Cardiac Tom

    Time for a new Marshall...Suggestions

    Cheers! I know...I finally started working again last year and I am so busy, the last thing I want to do is sit on a computer in the evening...I do need to come here more, something I will work on! Not really a fan...I think they are over priced and over rated. And, in death metal, a lot of...
  14. Cardiac Tom

    Time for a new Marshall...Suggestions

    Thanks for the replies so far...very helpful. The 210 seems to be the way to go...Still going to try that new DSL, but I'm digging the extra versatility as a future option as I dabble in other types of rock and metal...Should go with the 410, but to be honest, I don't really want to blow that...
  15. Cardiac Tom

    Time for a new Marshall...Suggestions

    I want to go new at this point...I look for used stuff here and there though and if I come across something, hopefully will have the funds... I haven't even considered the 210...just looked it up and that seems like the ticket...Thanks...
  16. Cardiac Tom

    Time for a new Marshall...Suggestions

    Hi all, Back from sabbatical...been really busy so my internet time is way down... Anyway, the last few weeks have been extremely busy for me...lots of band stuff going on, work has been crazy, wedding plans, and so on...Needless to say I am kind of bummed out, physically and mentally...
  17. Cardiac Tom

    Preamp Tubes? - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    Hi Marty...was hoping you'd see this... What about V3? No matter in this... For now I just may go with the Tung-Sol's...Others have recommended those as well...
  18. Cardiac Tom

    Preamp Tubes? - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

    Hey all, Been a long time since I posted here...Hope everyone is well. Ok, I'm looking to replace my preamp tubes. I use a Marshall JCM900 4100 and I'm not sure if they ever been replaced before... I play death metal and am very simple...I use no effects other than an EQ in the loop...
  19. Cardiac Tom

    For The Metal Fans...

    I was actually surprised by that...BM has ignored us for years now...And the reviewer is a legit one...I don't know the dude, but he is an old metalhead (some friends know him), so he gets it... Also another surprise is that the User Reviews are getting up there too...and no shit talking in...
  20. Cardiac Tom

    For The Metal Fans...

    Tour kicks off on took a lot to make this happen (if you all only knew)... Hope to see you out there if you can...if so just mention the Marshall forum and we'll hang...I'll be camped out at the bar or merch table... :)