
  1. december

    Origin 20 or DSL20 for brightest clean tones?

    How close is the Origin 20 to the green/classic gain channel of the DSL20CR/HR? I had a DSL20CR and sold it because the ultra gain channel did not work out for me. I got my high gain sound taken care of now but I was listening to old recordings of the DSL and realized that those clean tones were...
  2. tomatejo

    Silver Jubilee 2525h Too Harsh!

    Hi, I bought a couple of days ago the new Marshall Silver Jubilee and I find it too harsh to my ears. Its so damn bright. I tried to change the presence and the eq and still to bright and harsh and I dont know if its a tube issue or something like that. I was expecting to find that smooth tone...
  3. mrallibone

    Dsl40c Clean Channel Is Too Shrill & Bright! Help!

    Im playing a stock 2017 LP Tribute (pickups 490s) through the Marshall DSL40C. I recently bought the amp used. I believe it to be about 2 years old or so. I am experiencing a tone problem on the CLEAN (green) channel, in which the amp is emmiting this ear-pinching shrill bright sound...