gain stages

  1. T

    Help with Metal Voicing Tone Mod for AFD100

    Help Advice needed Voicing for Tube Amp. Cathode Bypass n Cold Clipper help. Metal Tone using AFD100 style amp. So I modded my amp. I do not have an AFD100 but I used this schematic to build myself one. I can switch from a stock JCM800 to the S.I.R. #34 mod with a push pull Gain knob. Then...
  2. M

    Tube Positions, Gain Stages, And Amp Channels.

    Hey Marshall fans. I have a question regarding the relationship between tubes, gain stages, and amp channels. I have a DSL40C which has 2 channels (clean and ultra drive), 4 modes (clean, crunch, lead 1, and lead 2) and 3 preamp gain stages (V1-3). There are some frequencies that I'd like to...