
  1. G

    Origin 20 Power Transformer Replacement

    Hi all, I successfully burned the power transformer in my origin 20. The secondary HT winding is smoked but all Fuses are still fine :) I couldn't find an exact replacement. Asked Tube Amp Doctors but they can not obtain this PT type from Marshall. Any recommendations on a replacement type...
  2. G

    New amp design based on Origin 20 - Part 2

    Hi all! This is the continuation of the Thread: New amp design based on Origin 20 Based on an Origin 20 I replaced the main PCB with a custom one. This second revision is loosely based on a JCM 800 JEL design with other mods from the first revision. Attached you find the schematics and the BOM...
  3. M

    Marshall tube amp for home

    Hi everyone, New here. I am aware that this must have been discussed before and I have seen a few threads, but found varying opinions on this matter (which confused me even more, to be honest), so would like to get some advice. I am looking for a Marshall tube amp for home-playing only...