power tube

  1. Gutch220

    When calculating dissipation of 6L6GC's for biasing?....

    For doing bias calculations with JJ 6L6GC tubes, I've always used 30 for the dissipation watts, but I've also seen/heard people use 25w. So I wanted to hear some feedback. What should you use? Which one is correct? There's like a 20% difference of mA when using each so I'm assuming it would...
  2. Michael Inglis

    Dsl100hr External Bias Point Question

    Hope this makes sense.... Summary: How do these bias points work, why are there two trim pots? I just got a new DSL and found out to my elation that it has external bias points on top of the chassi. My question is about the trim pots. It's probably obvious but there are the standard three...
  3. notyouraveragejoe01

    Dsl40c Pre & Power Tube Arrangement [suggestions And What's In Yours?]

    Alright folks. I have scoured this forum and I have witnessed scattered bits of information on various preamp & power tube arrangements for the DSL40. So, in a an effort to help total Marshall newbs such as myself, and even trusty vets, I wanted to consolidate all of this into one post. So...