speaker upgrade

  1. A

    Speaker upgrade for Marshall Valvestate S80 8240

    Hi guys, i recently adquired a Marshall Valvestate S80 8240 combo amp. I´m happy with my purchase and I´ve been using the amp with my Boss GT-100, which has been fun. I noticed than the clean tone of the amp has a sound that i don´t like when the mid control is at 12 o´clock. Sounds kinda honky...
  2. G

    Code 100 speaker upgrade or external cab?

    Hi. I have a Code 100 combo and I have been thinking of upgrading the speakers. Should I replace the stock speakers in the amp, or would it be better if I just bought an external cab and bypass the built in speakers? I have found that when I deactivate the cab simulator in the amp I get a more...
  3. recordatron

    Celestion Super 65s in an MG Combo Demo

    Hi All! I'm new here but I've recently done a video on how the Celestion Super 65 speaker sounds in an MG102CFX 2x12 combo. I was looking all over for info on these recently when I was thinking about buying them and there's not much out there so I thought I'd do a video myself and include some...
  4. Carlos G

    Opinions on greenback or creamback for a DSL40CR?

    I've been wanting to make a speaker upgrade to my DSL40CR and I'm deciding between a Vintage 30 and a Creamback G12M-65. Does anybody have some experience with this two speakers and how they behave with the DSL's? Your help will be much aprettiated.
  5. S

    Speaker change suggestions for my evh 5150 iii 50 watt combo

    I've been looking to replace a speaker of my evh 5150 iii 50 watt combo so my clean tones won't start to break early, so which speaker do you guys think would be the best for warm cleans? And i also read that if you don't want your clean tones to break early look for higher wattage speaker...
  6. PaulHikeS2

    DSL5CR - First tube amp, lots of questions.

    Cheers! I'm a 50+ novice guitarist (<2 years) and I purchased a DSL5CR a few months ago, so it's well run in. It was an upgrade from my Vox Mini SuperBeetle (looks amazing, sounds good) and I'm very happy with it. It looks and sounds great. I play almost exclusively in 0.5 watt mode and am very...
  7. Rusty Strings

    A Type & V Type speakers upgraded my Marshall MX212AR vertical cab

    this is what happened a fortnight or so ago: 70/80s out, In went: Celestion A Type (top) Celestion V Type (bottom) I also plotted combined graphs (credit to Celestion website) of the 70/80 vs AType vs VType frequency charts: