
  1. V

    MG50DFX mains transformer

    I need a new or used 230 V mains transformer for my MG50DFX. Anyone here that can direct me to a supplier? Marshall has replied that the MG50DFX mains transformer is no longer held in stock due to its age.
  2. D

    Valvestate 8040 transformer taps

    I bought a Valvestate 8040 used. Looks like parts have been replaced before and the boost channel is not working. The voltage on the tube's heater is about 6 volts between the two 68 ohm resistors. The transformer secondary voltage is 18VAC. Tested the tube in another amp and it is fine. The...
  3. ntrueman

    Dagnall D2105 Mains Transformer Spec.

    Hi All, Does anyone have a copy of the Dagnall Specification sheet for the D2105 mains transformer used in the JCM 2000 DSL 100W amp. Since Dagnall are no longer operating I can't download one, hoping someone has a locally backed up copy. I'm looking for a cost effective alternative or a used...
  4. S

    Marshall 9001 preamp main transformer

    Hello everyone, Recently, I acquired a second-hand Marshall 9001 amplifier. Upon usage, I noticed that it blows the fuse every time I turn it on. After sending it to a technician for repair, they suggested that it might be a transformer issue. However, I couldn't find any information about the...
  5. felipevsw

    JCM 2000 DSL 50 output transformer brand (2001)

    I was checking this thread: But it didn't had a proper confirmation since the topic side tracked to the bias drift problem, if it exists or not... so I've decided to start a new thread. BIAS...
  6. A

    Volume changes while playing Marshall DSL20

    Hello, I have owned a Marshall DSL 20 for 2 years. I purchased it from Thomann Germany. The issue I am facing is that when I play with my DSL 20, the volume sporadically changes. I had sent it to Thomann for repair service a few months ago, and they returned it claiming it was repaired...
  7. A

    Tube Depot JTM45+ mods, KT88s, split/shared cathodes, safety, and transformer questions

    Hi all, I recently posted a question about which amp/kit to get, and I think I've narrowed it down to the Tube Depot JTM45+. Initially I thought I wanted a true JTM45 replica, and was turned off by this kit. Then I realized it might be exactly what I want, as I am more chasing a Zeppelin-type...
  8. Adam Wynne

    Marshall JVM410H Transformer Buzzing

    Afternoon boys and girls! Got a little query regarding my JVM. I noticed today after playing at a semi-respectful bedroom volume (Master on 1, channel dimed :naughty:) for a couple of hours that the transformer on the left as you face the amp (can't remember which is which...) was making a...
  9. P

    About power transformer and DSL40CR

    Hello everybody. So, I can get a good deal on a Marshall amp (DSL40CR) but it's 220v and my house is all 110v. Could a power transformer work without creating any noise or problems? Asking cause I know how sound gear can be super sensitive to power input. Also, I could not find the power...
  10. B

    SV20C plugged in without speaker load :(

    Just bought an SV20C amp from a friend and I accidentally hooked up a TwoNotes Torpedo Captor X attenuator to it incorrectly and took it off standby without a load attached to the speaker output. I connected the SV20C effects loop send to the attenuators speaker input, then the attenuators...
  11. Çağdaş

    Mains Transformer for Marshall Valvestate 8080

    Hello there! Me and my friend have just decided to build our own amp, and we chose Valvestate 8080. We examined the schematic and its components, and searched for them on the internet whether we can find them near to us(We're living in Turkey, so it's not an option for us to buy abroad because...
  12. Hammerheart

    Silver Jubilee Reissue Input Transformer Swap

    I'm thinking of getting a 1002 2555x Jubilee from the UK and changing the input transformer so it runs on 120v here in Canada. Providing I get the correct part, how easy a swap is this? When I did my 1w combo this way all the connections were push on spade connections so it was super easy. Does...
  13. Hammerheart

    Jubilee reissue transformer replacment

    I'm thinking about getting one shipped to Canada from the UK but I need to replace the input transformer. anybody have any idea how easy a swap this is? Are they solderless connections on these? Are there any internal photos of these anywhere? I need to find a part number for the 120v transformer.
  14. L

    Problems With My Marshall Jmp-1

    Hey guys, I have some problems with my JMP-1: - Clean Channel is very quiet (not really audible at max volume) - OD Channel is audible (low volume though) but if I roll the volume knob on my guitar or slighty touch the strings it starts making cracking noises etc. -> Volume is very low in...
  15. S

    Avt20 Replacement Transformer

    Hi all: I'm trying to resurrect my brother's AVT20. When powered, there is an enormous hum that does not respond to controls. The caps look fine (nothing obvious, but I'm happy to change these), I've checked all joints, looked for cooked components, replaced the ECC83, and even replaced the...
  16. A

    Valvestate 65r Transformer Output Voltages

    Hello, I have a valvestate 65R. The transformer's secondary to the pre-amp is shorted and I need to know the voltage and current so it can be rewired, but couldn't find any information on the net. I asked the Marshall guys and they told me "due to the age of the unit we do not have any values of...
  17. Hammerheart

    Silver Jubilee Mini Head - Power Transformer Question

    Any idea if the power transformer in the Silver Jubilee 20w mini head has input voltage taps on it so it can be changed to run on 120v with no messing about. Failing that, anyone know where I can buy a 120v transformer for one in the UK? I really want buy one soon but I'm moving to Canada for a...
  18. CraigMclaughlan

    Vs265 Mains Transformer Needed

    Hello all. A friend owns a Marshall Valvestate VS265 amp (in the uk). He is trying to source a replacement mains transformer for the amp. The original transformer is a Drake. We're unsure the model number but it does have a sticker with these alphanumerics on it: 96B.1.. 37 96 This is a mains...
  19. CraigMclaughlan

    Vs265 Mains Transformer

    Hello all. A friend owns a Marshall Valvestate VS265 amp (in the uk). He is trying to source a replacement mains transformer for the amp. The original transformer is a Drake. We're unsure the model number but it does have a sticker with these alphanumerics on it: 96B.1.. 37 96 This is a mains...
  20. K

    Help With My Marshall Class 5, Not A Tube Issue

    So, my Marshall Class 5 (2010, I believe, the red one) has been doing this thing where I can turn it on and it will work normally for anywhere between 30 seconds or 30 minutes. At some point, however, it starts crackling. I've played through different 1/4" cables, replaced the power cable...