50 Watt Plexi With Variac, Diff Voltage Readings And Clips 120v Down To 90v

  • Thread starter jman271
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Nov 13, 2017
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The best aggressive volt reading was about 107 for really hard right hand stuff, I love this thing!

go easy on my VH riffs, not eddie but trying for that "tone"..clips ends at 11:45,,,,my favorite tone starts at 10:35



Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2016
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Damb, jman! That sounds awesome! I grew up listening to that tone so I know it well. You got to give me details if you could be so kind.What model ceriatone, any special mods like the vh mods ,is it a 68 plexi? Tubes, guitar and p/u and type of variac. How about the feel? Does the variac give it a unique feel.Ive researched this for years and so MANY different opinions ,some say it works and some say it dosen't. Ive almost been convinced that I would have to get a suhr sl 68( EXPENSIVE) to get that tone and feel but if I could save $ I'm all for it! Once again ,killer tone and playing.Anxiously waiting your reply thanks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2014
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My tech biases my amp ( LTD ED Metro GMP45 Head/NOS glass ) at 112v. My wall voltage is consistently 125-129v, and burned up 2 current production Mullard 12ax7s, and 1 NOS GEC KT66 4 years ago, so I had to buy another matched pair 1956 coated glass NOS Marconi Osram KT66, I got all NOS Mullard Preamp/GZ34 and my tech said I would be best off to at least get a regulator. Not a Variac, and stabilize it at 120v. And if I like, then bias it at 112v, and run it with the Brownbox at 112v. I haven't burned up a tube in 4 years, and my amp runs a lot cooler.

I use both a Furman P1800AR and a BrownBox/Variac type device.

I initially bought the Furman AR15 Series II Regulator/Conditioner, and a 10 amp Variac from Parts Plus. Big Red 1.