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Am clueless about amp heads and cabs please help me out guys >.< !!!!

  • Thread starter raddy
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New Member
Feb 22, 2009
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hey guys i was in a shop and i see this awsome MG100hdfx amp head with a halfstack ( the one which is usually there with the mg100 heads am sorry am not good with gear >.< ) and thn i go online and they are like naw dont spend your money on this man go for the 1960 Lead cabinet. Now it sounds nice but what amp head shud i take with that ???? i am totally clueless what is a JCM 900 800 2000 and since yesterday i used to think that amp heads have little speakers in them ( yeah i noe i am bad at gear i just saw the mg100hdfx head yesterday ) yeah and i gig and cover Batio , al di meola , john mc laughlin , charlie christian , vai , satriani and thn alll the HEAVIER shit :headbanger: my guitars are MAB1 armorflame and a customised guitar me and my frend made with EMG 81/85 pickups and a PA-20 gain booster. I also have a BOSS GT-10 processor ( so yeah FX is not a place am hankering after) So yeah these 1960 lead cabs sound good and am interested in buying them but am clueless what head i shud take man... :wtf: please help guys am not really a smart person with gear i just play and live for music. ( funnily am good at tweaking the amps tho :D ) so help me out. my email is heartofmayhem@hotmail.com and yeah please please help me guys. hope for the best:fingersx: i play metal , clean , jazz , blues , rock , pschdelic , classical etc. thanx in advance.

javier pintos

Active Member
Sep 9, 2008
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best thing to do is hear for yourself, but...

a lot of guys here are geared towards tube amps, they do sound different (i think so too as most of guys here), however it would depend on how much money you want to spend, i would say go to a local store and play an MG100 head and see if you like it, then play a tube amp and see what changes in the sound for you to decide.

My closest contact with an MG head is a friend that has it, got it brand new, he loves it, but he still wants a tube head as soon as he finds a good deal

I have an AVT50 Watt (you could say it´s a relative of the MG) using it with a 2x12, the same speakers played with a DSL sounded completely different, but i liked the tube sound better, they both sounded good i´m not saying the speakers made the difference, the amp made the difference.

If you made your mind about the MG head, and you are just thinking on which cab to get the MG and 1960 cabs do sound different, i would say the 1960 is a hell lot better than the MG cab