Another longtime lurker turned noob!

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New Member
Nov 17, 2012
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Howdy all!
I visit occasionally for info, but never registered until just now. Whenever I'm searching for info via Google searches, MarshallForum always pops up as a top result. I get my info, then move along. It wasn't until today, yes--after searching again, that I decided to stick around. I see a bunch of great discussions going on, and you members seem pretty hip! Unlike some of the other guitar and gear forums, you all seem pretty respectable, helpful and fun. I see some good-natured ribbing, and I always like that.
Anyway, enough about why I'm here--and on to who I am.
My name is Rob, and I just retired from the Ir Force after 22 1/2 years. I play Ibanez guitars. At last count, I had 36 various models: a handful of Jems, a bunch of MIJ RGs, an S540, Pro540Power, P-II HH, a few Destroyers, an Iceman, and a few custom builds. I've been playing since Christmas 1983, and have been through every major guitar brands, old and still around. I loved my old Kramers, Jacksons, pre-pro San Dimas Charvel, and ESP Mirage Deluxe and M-IIs. I got my first Ibanez in 1987. Yes, it was the RG-550 DY. I fell in love with that beast. Since then, I've had a few other Ibbies hagning around with the other brands in my collection. A few years ago, I just decided that I love all of my Ibbies and had no need for the other brands. Still wish I would've kept the pre-pro San Dimas Charvel, though--it was a BEAST!!! It had a solid maple body, seafoam green finish and an original Kahler. But, I found that all of my Ibbies suit me fine, and I have variety with the different models and pickup combos. Speaking of pickups, I'm also a DiMarzio loyalist. I have a different DiMarzio combo in all of my Ibanez models--it helps me justify having multiples of the same
As far as amps go, I've had several over the decades as well. Like most who cut their teeth in the 80s--my first amp was a Peavey. It was an Audition. When I got good enough to play in a band, the need for more wattage took me to Buddy Rogers Music in Cincinnati--where I picked up a Peavey Renown. When I joined the Air Force in 1990, I left my two guitars behind along with that Renown. My mom later sent my two Kramers to me in Japan, but I needed a new amp. I ended up with another Peavey--this time, a tube Heritage. While in Japan, I picked up my second Ibanez--another RG-550 DY. Couldn't resist, as it was in a local pawn shop for $200.00
I've flip-flopped over the years between combos, half-stacks, full stacks, and rack gear. I've done the same with effects, too. I used to waffle between rack effects and analog pedals more than Brett Favre on his
Now, all of these years later--I finally have setups I really like.
Besides the previously mentioned Ibanez collection, here is the rest of my gear--broken down by use.

Studio work
Rack effects
Occasional pedal into recording amp (if one is used)
Overloud TH2
Waves GTR
Occasional amp (if I'm after a real organic tone)

Jamming and Live playing
Carvin Legacy 1
B-52 AT-100
Self-modded Epiphone Valve Jr.
Jet City JCA22H
Marshall Class 5
Marshall 5205 Reverb 12(just....can'
Two TubeWorks 2x12
B-52 AT-412A
Jet City JCA12S

Almost every Ibanez 9-series ever made.
Several modified BOSS overdrives and distortions.
Several scratch-built pedals.
Digitech I-Stomp
Tech-21 amp sim
Akai Distortion Factory
Zoom G2G George Lynch
Rocktron HUSH double

Misc Gear:
Zoom MRS-1044 multitrack
Vintage SR&D (Rockman) Distortion Generator half-rackspace unit
BBE 462
TC Helicon Voiceworks
Digitech Studio Quad
Digitech Vocalist
A few mixers
Yamaha Audiogram USB interface
Korg NanoKontrol2
Korg NanoPad2
Korg NanoKey2
USB-MIDI converter
KRK Rokit 8 monitors
Shure SM57
MXL 990 condenser
MXL 550/551 pack--red

As far as musical tastes, I like different stuff depending upon my mood.
Since I cut my teeth in the mid-80s, my absolute favorites are: Dokken, Ratt, Van Halen, Def Leppard, KISS, Ozzy, and the other typical 80s hair bands and shred guitarists.

I also like: Frank Zappa, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tommy Dorsey, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Jimmy Buffett, Pink, Ramones, Runaways, and a bunch of other artists/bands.

Anyway, sorry for the long intro thread--but I like to let everyone know as much as possible the first time, and in one post.

Now that you all know about me--I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you. From what I've already read--you seem like a very fun bunch! You also appear highly intelligent, helpful and of good character. I also see respect here--very important! I've always believed that's okay to disagree--as long as both sides respect the others' opinions.

I'll be asking questions, as well as helping to others.

Now...ROCK ON!



In Memorandum
VIP Member
Sep 5, 2010
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from Cleveland originaly. Born not raised but i lived there for awhile.

anyway nice collection man, great to have you!:)


Active Member
Nov 16, 2012
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WOW....your intro really put my intro to SHAME!! :wow:
No problem....from one newby to another....welcome! :wave:
BTW.....One of my first guitars ever was an Ibanez 550. Initially, I thought it was the greatest guitar ever built....until I realized I was never going to be a good shredder guitar player. :eek: That didn't take long at all! :rofl:

After that....I went to a Fender Strat and a few others.....

Anyway....very informative post and welcome aboard! :)