Are You A Left Lane Driver?

  • Thread starter crossroadsnyc
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tone seaker

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Where the Rock Rolls Hard and the Blues Rains Down
Hey dude , you are not law enforcement , just get out of the way , let the guy go . Its the smart thing to do and cost you nothing . Avoid conflicts .

Did you not read my post DUDE. It does and has cost me broken windshields bein behind semis and horrible gas millage to go slow and speed up in the right lane when I can use my cruies control in the left lane. Why the H#ll should i get over when im going 8mph over the speed limit so some raging A-hole can go 30+ over breaking the law endagering people.


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Jul 14, 2010
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Did you not read my post DUDE. It does and has cost me broken windshields bein behind semis and horrible gas millage to go slow and speed up in the right lane when I can use my cruies control in the left lane. Why the H#ll should i get over when im going 8mph over the speed limit so some raging A-hole can go 30+ over breaking the law endagering people.
So , you see fit to engage and provoke road rage because its in YOUR best interest ? Come on man . Its simple , just get out of the way and let the guy go . He's not the raging asshole , can you understand ?

tone seaker

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Where the Rock Rolls Hard and the Blues Rains Down
So , you see fit to engage and provoke road rage because its in YOUR best interest ? Come on man . Its simple , just get out of the way and let the guy go . He's not the raging asshole , can you understand ?

No I dont road rage they do and its there head thats gona explode. i drive along minding my own buisness but if they tail gate me horribly I slow down till they pass for me and my faimilys saftey :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Any more i dont really go by the speed limit, i just keep up with traffic.

Ive seen more dangerous driving to get around the left lane campers then those speeding in the left lane.

Ive also seen people in the right lane wait till the light turns green to turn right, because they use that time to send one or 2 more texts before they turn right.

Even turning right on red isnt common sense any more.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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The Uniform Vehicle Code states:

Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ...

This law refers to the "normal" speed of traffic, not the "legal" speed of traffic. The 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is going 65 MPH must move right.

***Let me translate: All you dicks blocking traffic MOVE OVER! Its the law and has always been the law in every state! All you righteous a-holes who refuse to get out of the left lane are an equal part of the problem that create road rage situations, improper and dangerous passing on the right, weaving in and out of traffic, etc.

Really it just comes down to common sense and common courtesy its that simple.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
It's the Law in Washington State that the Left lanes are for passing only. But in the North, people like to drive in the Left lanes mostly because it's a smoother ride, less traveled, and don't have the huge ruts in them due to tire wear from studded tires.

When it's slick out, I don't care who's behind me, I'm driving in the Left lane so that the ruts don't throw me around and cause me to crash. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2014
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It's the Law in Washington State that the Left lanes are for passing only. But in the North, people like to drive in the Left lanes mostly because it's a smoother ride, less traveled, and don't have the huge ruts in them due to tire wear from studded tires.

When it's slick out, I don't care who's behind me, I'm driving in the Left lane so that the ruts don't throw me around and cause me to crash. :shrug:

Ive heard of that before, and i sometimes drive in the left lane when im not passing other cars, but i keep an eye on my mirrors and if i see a car thats way back there and they are quickly catching up i get over and let them by and then move back into the left lane. Its so simple and easy to do and it takes little to no effort or thought and doesnt ruin my day at all.

Its the same way at a store, i can see there are main isles and side isles so when im doing my shopping and i see something i want to look at, or i see some one i know i dont stop in the middle of the main isle and block everyone else who is on a mission to get what they need and get home. I simply move into a side isle before i stop.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2008
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Lakeland, TN
The Uniform Vehicle Code states:

Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ...

This law refers to the "normal" speed of traffic, not the "legal" speed of traffic. The 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is going 65 MPH must move right.

***Let me translate: All you dicks blocking traffic MOVE OVER! Its the law and has always been the law in every state! All you righteous a-holes who refuse to get out of the left lane are an equal part of the problem that create road rage situations, improper and dangerous passing on the right, weaving in and out of traffic, etc.

Really it just comes down to common sense and common courtesy its that simple.



Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Ive heard of that before, and i sometimes drive in the left lane when im not passing other cars, but i keep an eye on my mirrors and if i see a car thats way back there and they are quickly catching up i get over and let them by and then move back into the left lane. Its so simple and easy to do and it takes little to no effort or thought and doesnt ruin my day at all.

Its the same way at a store, i can see there are main isles and side isles so when im doing my shopping and i see something i want to look at, or i see some one i know i dont stop in the middle of the main isle and block everyone else who is on a mission to get what they need and get home. I simply move into a side isle before i stop.
Of course you've heard it before, we all heard it in our drivers education class and took a test on it when we were teenagers, unfortunately a large part of the population hasn't thought of it since and they don't enforce the law on the road, what you describe above if everyone followed that same courtesy we would have safer roads.


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Of course you've heard it before, we all heard it in our drivers education class and took a test on it when we were teenagers, unfortunately a large part of the population hasn't thought of it since and they don't enforce the law on the road, what you describe above if everyone followed that same courtesy we would have safer roads.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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How about when a Semi changes lanes from right to left to pass another semi up a hill and losses speed and your behind it for miles :(

ALWAYS Respect the bigger vehicles and be very careful around them for MANY reasons . Eat it up bro , pull over if you have to , let them do their thing . You don't own the roads . Stop focusing on your own self interests and know that you have to share the roads with many .


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
I don't move over when I'm doing 10 over the speed limit and the asshole behind me likes to taste my bumper. Then I slow down to the posted speed limit and then stay there, just to piss him off. :D

Yeah, I'm that guy.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
The Uniform Vehicle Code states:

Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ...

This law refers to the "normal" speed of traffic, not the "legal" speed of traffic. The 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is going 65 MPH must move right.

***Let me translate: All you dicks blocking traffic MOVE OVER! Its the law and has always been the law in every state! All you righteous a-holes who refuse to get out of the left lane are an equal part of the problem that create road rage situations, improper and dangerous passing on the right, weaving in and out of traffic, etc.

Really it just comes down to common sense and common courtesy its that simple.
but who's the bigger asshole? The Left Lane driver, or the fuckwad playing Frogger with traffic, weaving in and out. I seek those guys out and purposefully mess with them.

tone seaker

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Where the Rock Rolls Hard and the Blues Rains Down
ALWAYS Respect the bigger vehicles and be very careful around them for MANY reasons . Eat it up bro , pull over if you have to , let them do their thing . You don't own the roads . Stop focusing on your own self interests and know that you have to share the roads with many .

If im going 85 in a 80 why should i move over to let some one go 110mph. Why shouldnt if focus on my own self interest (keeping from getting a broken windshield and getting max gas milleage)


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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I only use the left lane on a two lane highway as its meant to be used. Meaning, I pass someone then move back to the right hand lane. I get so pissed and will tailgate, flashlights, flip people off (even been known to throw a full pop can) at the ass wipe just cruising in the left lane holding people up and going the same or slower speed than people in the right lane.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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A huge pet peeve of mine all my life. For freaking sake, left lanes are for passing not Sunday driving! Isn't it the law?? Its a very simple concept. I bet more people are killed each year by aggressive drivers than drunk drivers, drivers trying to get around the slow pokes. They need to make a national campaign for this, start ticketing the jackasses not using the left lane for passing. I come from NJ where all the drivers are aggressive, I currently live in MD where the drivers are so stupid and passive I HATE getting behind the wheel, even to drive 3 blocks, they are oblivious to what or who's around them, you'd think every driver was a senior citizen they stop on green, go on red, drive through stop signs, and drive 10 miles below the speed limit and not willing to pull out of parking lots or make a right on red! My theory is MD has no mental institutions, they put all their mental patients in cars with an unlimited tank of gas and they just drive around perpetually. And forget about circles, all the local roads are full of them and backed up a mile, they don't understand what yield means it doesn't mean stop! One thing they do understand is the 4 way stop, they seem have a grasp on that concept for some reason. And I'm not saying NJ is any better, the roads are like the wild west there, everybody is in a hurry its like a race and very dangerous, the road rage is out the roof, I hate getting behind the wheel there but at least I can get where I'm going. I think I'll just stay home :pissed:

Hell yeah Bro!!! Lets go on a road trip together and terrorize these phuck stains that are so ignorant...

I have a good friend who is a State Trooper and I have ridden with him in his un-marked car. We get behind these assholes and they won't move. He beeps the horn, tailgates, flashes lights and nothing. So, he turns his cop lights on and all of a sudden the asshole moves over just like that, guess what?? Too late, he pulls them over and they end up with at least one ticket, this happened 3 times during one eight hour shift when I was with him. I told him I was jealous and want to be a Trooper.
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