Are You A Left Lane Driver?

  • Thread starter crossroadsnyc
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Oct 7, 2011
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South of Nashville
Nah little man , not at all . LOL .... Its your blood pressure that will be squirting out your temple when you play your dangerous and stupid "SOB" little boy game with a mental midget who's really more nuts with bigger balls than you and pops you a nice chunck of hot lead right through that hollow head . Then you can be your family's hero for a long time . Grow up , learn how to RESPECT others . You never know who you be messin with .... and not just on the roads . Ha ha lots a good a lawyer gonna do you ..... wtf man ... r u for real ?

This is like the angriest Canadian I've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
Hey Ghostman, do you have a conceal carry license? You might need one.
maybe. Maybe not. guns have no part of this conversation. I've seen guns pulled on the highway, and have never batted an eye.

This is a perfect example of why guns are bad. Just because you own a gun, you think you have the right to drive unsafe? You suddenly own the road because you have a gun in the car? No. so fuck those people. :D

tone seaker

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Where the Rock Rolls Hard and the Blues Rains Down
If so, knock it off! Seriously, is there anything more annoying on the road other than maybe tailgaters or the guy / gal that cuts you off in heavy traffic just so they can be one car ahead? I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to be this cop on our current trip. The worst!

I think its more like the Hot Now Light came on at Krispy Kreme Donuts. LOL
I notice he did not pull them over. I onec saw a cop go pass me doing 100 mph on the expressway and followed him to a Denny's resturant where he was meeting his buddies for dinner
I get sick of cops blatently going over the speed limit because they think there above the law.

I once had a cop tell me Quote "I am the Law"


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2008
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Lakeland, TN
This thread has enlightened me on why people drive slowly in the fast lane...thanks! They are the undercover Speed Lane Police!

FYI - I just go around them now and try not to have an accident from being unsafe!


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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LOL Dude you are exactly what I think the raging maniac driver. Your post prove it. Im laid back with my cruse control on going 8mph over while your behind me flashing your lights and throwing you hands up in the air tailgating me with your head about to explode, People like you make me laugh. LOL

And here you go saying "its now quite clear that its just way too complex for you to understand" Thinking your better than me and others. Get over your self Son LOL

The unsafe lane changes 300 times a minute I would call far more dangerous than a driver cruising along.

Also, these unsafe lane changes are just as illegal as the Left lane driver. even more so. A left lane driver gets one ticket for impeding traffic, if that's where it leads. The asshole changing lanes like a drift king wanna be asshole, gets one for every lane they decide to jam themselves into. As well as reckless driving, following too closely, speeding, etc. etc.

That's a poor argument against the left lane rider.

You guys are laughable, clearly you'll never acknowledge your part in this, you think what youre doing isn't as bad as the guy that goes around you. You're breaking the law, read the code below. Its sad you dont see it, the situation you create when you break the law and the danger you put yourself and others in. Its a chain reaction only you can stop.

The Uniform Vehicle Code states:

Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ...

This law refers to the "normal" speed of traffic, not the "legal" speed of traffic. The 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is going 65 MPH must move right.

***Let me translate: All you dicks blocking traffic MOVE OVER! Its the law and has always been the law in every state! All you righteous a-holes who refuse to get out of the left lane are an equal part of the problem that create road rage situations, improper and dangerous passing on the right, weaving in and out of traffic, etc.

Really it just comes down to common sense and common courtesy its that simple.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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lmao. Bring it. I have zero issues on the road. I'm patient, which should be the number one trait for any driver. Fuck assholes who think they have a superior place on the highway above all others. Yeah, I'll seek them out every time and do everything I can to really blow their temper.

That attitude is going to get you hurt or killed Bro! There are too many nut jobs out there that just dont care!!!

Far Rider

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Apr 11, 2011
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If so, knock it off! Seriously, is there anything more annoying on the road other than maybe tailgaters or the guy / gal that cuts you off in heavy traffic just so they can be one car ahead? I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to be this cop on our current trip. The worst!

That trooper deserves a medal.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Literal laugh out loud at the fucking internet tough guys in this thread! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Some maybe and some maybe not. Speaking for myself, I have pulled at least 3 dumb phucks out of their cars at intersections over the years who were really asking for it and all of a sudden they are the ones not so tough anymore. One DB even pissed his pants in front of his screaming GF, that was great. And was I stupid for doing that, yes, regardless if they deserved it...yes, if they had a gun I could have been dead or I could have shoved it up their ass then I would be the one in jail. I try not to do this anymore seeing as I have way too much to lose. Its best not to mess with anyone and just do what is right to avoid issues. I also find the DBs with the biggest mouths and hand gestures when they are in their cars are also the biggest pussies when its just you and them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2012
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If so, knock it off! Seriously, is there anything more annoying on the road other than maybe tailgaters or the guy / gal that cuts you off in heavy traffic just so they can be one car ahead? I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to be this cop on our current trip. The worst!

I think I laughed more at their laugh :D


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2016
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Banana Republic LFG
if I'm in the passing and someone is coming up on me I move out of the way. Then you have the idiots in the right lane when you are in the left passing that wait til you get up on them and cut you off. The highways are cluttered with idiots, always best to avoid trouble if possible. And always duty to retreat when carrying.

tone seaker

Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Where the Rock Rolls Hard and the Blues Rains Down
You guys are laughable, clearly you'll never acknowledge your part in this, you think what youre doing isn't as bad as the guy that goes around you. You're breaking the law, read the code below. Its sad you dont see it, the situation you create when you break the law and the danger you put yourself and others in. Its a chain reaction only you can stop.
I go 8 mph over the speed limit with my cruse on in the left lane. The people in the right lane are going the speed limit or slower thus I am always passing becuase the traffic is congested every where so I am not breaking the law I am continualy passing. If I get in the right lane all the jerks going way over wont let you back over. The guy wanting to 100+ in a 80 is the law breaker and I refuse to condone that and get a broken windshiel.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2014
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West Oz
The banter here is very entertaining :) In this little big city I inhabit, the powers-that-be, after years of pondering the causes of traffic congestion, have exacerbated the problem. We now have to leave 1-1.5 metres clearance when overtaking a cyclist. Now, that would be perfectly achievable on wider major roads (should the cyclist opt not to use the purpose-built cycle path which is often installed alongside said road) However, many suburban roads are too narrow, have no safe overtaking areas, or are encumbered by traffic-calming islands. An unworkable regulation which empowers any TourDeWannabes to choke the roads with impunity :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
You guys are laughable, clearly you'll never acknowledge your part in this, you think what youre doing isn't as bad as the guy that goes around you. You're breaking the law, read the code below. Its sad you dont see it, the situation you create when you break the law and the danger you put yourself and others in. Its a chain reaction only you can stop.

The Uniform Vehicle Code states:

Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic ...

This law refers to the "normal" speed of traffic, not the "legal" speed of traffic. The 60 MPH driver in a 55 MPH zone where everybody else is going 65 MPH must move right.

***Let me translate: All you dicks blocking traffic MOVE OVER! Its the law and has always been the law in every state! All you righteous a-holes who refuse to get out of the left lane are an equal part of the problem that create road rage situations, improper and dangerous passing on the right, weaving in and out of traffic, etc.

Really it just comes down to common sense and common courtesy its that simple.

I guess high speed lane changes, following 6 feet off a bumper at 70mph, and going 15-20mph over the speed limit isn't illegal. Okay. Thanks for helping me understand that. :D


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
That attitude is going to get you hurt or killed Bro! There are too many nut jobs out there that just dont care!!!
Not as much as the asshole who challenges me with a "Do you conceal carry?" That's a threat, implying that I'll have to defend myself with a gun. It's driving. We all get angry from other drivers on the road, but if even have to remotely consider threatening someone with a gun, you have no place in society.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
This is like the angriest Canadian I've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
In all seriousness, I drive in the left lane as much as possible. However, if I see someone approaching in my rear view, I will move over when it's applicable. But if I'm cruising along and someone changes lanes behind me and is riding my bumper, well then I hope they like the view, because they are stuck there if I can help it. Also, if I see some asshole weaving in and out of traffic, I do my best to stay away from that prick, but if his path is to get around me, then again, I hope he likes my bumper because he's stuck.

I'm courteous when it's warranted by the other driver. Drive like an ass, and I thrive on making your life miserable.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2016
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Banana Republic LFG
Not as much as the asshole who challenges me with a "Do you conceal carry?" That's a threat, implying that I'll have to defend myself with a gun. It's driving. We all get angry from other drivers on the road, but if even have to remotely consider threatening someone with a gun, you have no place in society.

Asshole, really? I posted that because idiots are out there that are easily provoked. You have a family you are responsible for to protect? Someone threatening my life or family with a firearm I most certainly will respond accordingly. That post had nothing to do with you being the aggressor, but for self defense in an escalated event that can't be avoided. It happens.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
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Some maybe and some maybe not. Speaking for myself, I have pulled at least 3 dumb phucks out of their cars at intersections over the years who were really asking for it and all of a sudden they are the ones not so tough anymore. One DB even pissed his pants in front of his screaming GF, that was great. And was I stupid for doing that, yes, regardless if they deserved it...yes, if they had a gun I could have been dead or I could have shoved it up their ass then I would be the one in jail. I try not to do this anymore seeing as I have way too much to lose. Its best not to mess with anyone and just do what is right to avoid issues. I also find the DBs with the biggest mouths and hand gestures when they are in their cars are also the biggest pussies when its just you and them.
Dude, bro, you are a fucking bad ass bro! I bet the hot babes really cream their Jordache when they see you coming down the street, dishing out intersection justice like a real life 80s after school special TV super hero!

Except none of that is true. You have delusions of grandeur and a very active, albeit warped, imagination.