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Celestions G12T-75 v Vintage 30s in my 1922 Cab

  • Thread starter Aussie Battler
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Jun 9, 2020
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Howdy I have a 1922 2x12 Cab which is a back up and has the standard G12T-75 and I have another 2x12 Cab which is a hughes and kettner 2 x12 with V30s in it and I had a bit of luck when I bought my 83 JCM 800 2204, as it was a deceased estate and they were just getting rid of everything they threw in this old Cabinet which I didn't need as it was a shabby non branded old thing but took it anyway.
Well I opened it up the other day and found two mid 70s Creambacks in them so winning on that freebie any way the question I would like to know is as I'm going to put the Creambacks into my gigging cab would the V30s be an upgrade in the 1922 as its a much smaller cab and I went up in size when i bought the new amp as it stuck out over the sides on the 1922 and the music I play is mainly hard rock/ punk style so all distortion and nothing else.

Cheers Wayne
Jun 9, 2020
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Thanks to both replies I did wonder about that I will give that a try with the mix first as the V30s being a bit darker the T-75s but they cut through a bot more so I'll start there as I'm getting the father in law to do the greenbacks as they are soldered up and I'm really bad at that .
Also the Hughes and Kettner is 16ohms and the 1922 is 8 so I assume I'm going to have to change the wiring set up
Jun 9, 2020
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Howdy I pulled out the Vintage 30 to put into the Cab with T-75s and they and the 75s are 16 ohm and the 30s are 8 ohm so unless I'm missing something how do you wire up to have one of each as suggested?


Well-Known Yinzer
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 7, 2020
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Howdy I pulled out the Vintage 30 to put into the Cab with T-75s and they and the 75s are 16 ohm and the 30s are 8 ohm so unless I'm missing something how do you wire up to have one of each as suggested?
Hmmm... You hadn't mentioned that they were different impedance.
You can parallel wire them to 5.33 ohm if your amps have a 4 ohm out jack, but it's always best to match the speaker cab impedance to the amp.
Jun 9, 2020
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All good
I didn't know that either until I opened them up and realised that so I will just leave them be as I have already put the cream backs in which needed to be parallel wired which was different to how the box was wired for the vintage 30s.
I was surprised that I got it wired up well as being 70s cream backs they required soldering which I hadn't performed since high school and I'm 60 now but I needed a couple of goes to get a clean solder but got there in the end.
I'll take the win and use the Vintage 30s for something else or move them on.
Thanks for your help.

Cheers Wayne


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2021
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Auburn, CA
Nice score on the Creambacks. I just bought some re-issues and I love them, probably my favorite speaker.

FWIW: I didn't like V30's with my 2204's...a little too bright and buzzy for my taste. Depends on the specific amp, not just the model IMHO.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2020
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Id expierament with combos. the G12T is kindsa scooped witha sizzly treble. And the V30 to me have a rolled off high and an in your face mid HONK. I personally HATE V30 for crunch tones. And the V30 will be 3db more sensitive than a G12T....roughly the volume of 2x G12Ts something to consider also.
Im more a G12-65 guy.