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Considering Ceriatone JCM 800 2204HW - Questions

  • Thread starter heavypic
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Apr 20, 2021
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Hi All,

I am considering purchase of the CERIATONE JCM800 2204 HW for blues/classic rock (Allman Bros, Cream, SRV, ZZ Top, Led Zepplin, Rolling Stones, etc.). I don’t play metal. I typically use a Kealey TS808 pedal up-front and sometimes a Boss GT3 multi-effect pedal in the loop for delay, etc. I play LPs, Strats and Teles. I recently purchased a Marshall Origin 20H and a 2x12 with Greenbacks...liking that a lot!! I can play the O20H at full power at home with reasonable settings. I am now looking to add the 2204 given it's features, Ceriatone reputation, etc. - it looks to be a cool long-term keeper.

I like the current features of the 2204: pre-amp gain, T/M/B equal, master vol, presence, passive FX loop, full/half power, external bias probe jacks/adjustment).

I seek forum opinion for the following 2204 options:

• 3-Way Bright Switch: I believe this mini-switch can be installed on the face of the amp which is my preference. Question: Does one of the switch positions turns off the bright effect when not needed? ...or is it 3 separate brightness settings? I heard this switch demo'd on vids of other Ceriatone amps and it appears to be a useful feature.

• Is the PPIMV option necessary? I have a few master volume amps (Marshall O20H, Blues Junior, Fender DeVille, Bugera V22) and have been satisfied with the customary 1 gain / 1 volume controls. Pros? Cons? I don't need to be too quiet (save for hearing loss!) at home.

• I play mostly at home these days. Is there a problem running the 2204 amp at the 20W / /triode, half-power setting most of the time with EL34 tubes? My current speaker cab is a Peavey 2x12 with two 25W Greenbacks (16-ohm cab). I will need a new 2x12 cab, likely with Greenback and Creamback speakers to handle the 2204 at full power when needed. I know about the Ceriatone 2202 (20W model), however I prefer the full 50W, 2204 when needed.

The 2204 HW looks like a really nice amp!!

Appreciate the advice! I look forward to forum replies.


79 2203

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2017
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I had a Ceriatone 2203 for many years and it was the only amp that could hang with my 79,80 and 82 2203’s. And the crunch on that thing certainly put to shame a couple of expensive US made boutique “Marshall killers”
Very close to the vintage Marshall sound though slightly more refined, more bass, more gain, tighter. Sounded huge ar home but didn’t quiet cut the same as the vintage amps in a loud band mix. Didn’t clean up quiet as good either but still very good.
Probably louder than my vintage 2203’s but sounded a little fuller at low volumes. I asked Nik for a totally stock amp, though I think Ceriatone’s stock amps come with a lowered bright cap value. I’d recommend a decent attenuator over the half power/PPIMV options but I’m abit of a purist and like my clones to be as close as possible to the originals.
I play much the same type of music and would totally recommend it. I had 4 Ceriatones and they were all fantastic.


Apr 20, 2021
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Hey 79 2203,

Thanks for sharing your Ceriatone experience. Right now, I'm leaning toward the 2204 HW standard features and maybe the 'Bright Switch'. Not sure about ppimv yet...I'm reading pros/cons about ppimv. Hoping to learn more from searching and the forum.

Thanks again!


Rocker, Roller
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 9, 2009
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Central Virginia
You definitely don't need a PPIMV on a 2204 circuit. They don't sound good at all since it has a negative effect on the tone stack and NFB.
The stock master volume makes these manageable.

I wouldn't bother with any other "mods" personally. I like.2204's just The way they are.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Hi All,

I am considering purchase of the CERIATONE JCM800 2204 HW for blues/classic rock (Allman Bros, Cream, SRV, ZZ Top, Led Zepplin, Rolling Stones, etc.). I don’t play metal. I typically use a Kealey TS808 pedal up-front and sometimes a Boss GT3 multi-effect pedal in the loop for delay, etc. I play LPs, Strats and Teles. I recently purchased a Marshall Origin 20H and a 2x12 with Greenbacks...liking that a lot!! I can play the O20H at full power at home with reasonable settings. I am now looking to add the 2204 given it's features, Ceriatone reputation, etc. - it looks to be a cool long-term keeper.

I like the current features of the 2204: pre-amp gain, T/M/B equal, master vol, presence, passive FX loop, full/half power, external bias probe jacks/adjustment).

I seek forum opinion for the following 2204 options:

• 3-Way Bright Switch: I believe this mini-switch can be installed on the face of the amp which is my preference. Question: Does one of the switch positions turns off the bright effect when not needed? ...or is it 3 separate brightness settings? I heard this switch demo'd on vids of other Ceriatone amps and it appears to be a useful feature.

• Is the PPIMV option necessary? I have a few master volume amps (Marshall O20H, Blues Junior, Fender DeVille, Bugera V22) and have been satisfied with the customary 1 gain / 1 volume controls. Pros? Cons? I don't need to be too quiet (save for hearing loss!) at home.

• I play mostly at home these days. Is there a problem running the 2204 amp at the 20W / /triode, half-power setting most of the time with EL34 tubes? My current speaker cab is a Peavey 2x12 with two 25W Greenbacks (16-ohm cab). I will need a new 2x12 cab, likely with Greenback and Creamback speakers to handle the 2204 at full power when needed. I know about the Ceriatone 2202 (20W model), however I prefer the full 50W, 2204 when needed.

The 2204 HW looks like a really nice amp!!

Appreciate the advice! I look forward to forum replies.

Good choice for an amp, I dont think you need any of those extra options, 2204 is bright on its own already no bright switch needed, 2204 has a master volume so no ppimv needed, half power switch not needed you can dial in any volume. Something to consider, Ceriatone are back logged over a year on orders, if youre in the USA you might consider a Mojotone 2204 similarly priced and I think looks better asthetically. Mojotone has speakers and cabs too.


Classic Rock or die! -- Patrick Henry
Gold Supporting Member
May 15, 2020
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I have one, a 2204, on order. It's scheduled to arrive in about 90 days. I chose the buffered loop, and 3-way bright switch. No PPIMV. I'll be using a JohnH attenuator with mine, for home.

Can't give you feedback on what I don't have, but I can in a few months.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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I have one, a 2204, on order. It's scheduled to arrive in about 90 days. I chose the buffered loop, and 3-way bright switch. No PPIMV. I'll be using a JohnH attenuator with mine, for home.

Can't give you feedback on what I don't have, but I can in a few months.
How long ago did you order it?


Apr 20, 2021
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Hey all,

OP here. Thanks for the reply and help.

Perhaps the stock features are the way to go...mod later if necessary. Given the many good user reviews for the Ceriatone 2204 including a quality build and attention to detail...I may be having an 'Add to Cart' moment in my near future!!

Thanks again!



Apr 20, 2021
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Hey all,

OP here. I decided to order the Ceriatone JCM800 2204 HW. I sent Nik at Ceriatone an email today to initiate my order.

Question: I currently play my Marshall O20 head through a Peavey 212-6, 8/16 ohm, 2x12 cab with two G12M, 25W Greenbacks (8 ohms ea)...love the GB tone!!

Since I like the GB tone, I was considering purchasing another 2x12 cab and loading it with a one GB and either a Creamback or WGS ET-65 to accommodate the 2204's 50W of power. I read somewhere that total speaker watts should be ~1.5x peak amp power to be safe - true??

I assume my current 2x12 cab with two 25W GB's could be damaged if pushed too hard with the 2204. Probably OK with the 2204 in 20W power mode, but not at full power with amp cranked. The GBs are 25W and the CB/ET-65 are 65W. Is there any problem with pairing 2 speakers with a noteworthy difference in peak power?

Any other suggestions for a speaker to pair with a GB in a 2x12 for the JCM800 2204? I play blues/classic rock (Allman Bros, Cream, SRV, ZZ Top, Led Zepplin, Rolling Stones, etc.). I don’t play metal.

Thanks all!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2014
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Hey all,

OP here. I decided to order the Ceriatone JCM800 2204 HW. I sent Nik at Ceriatone an email today to initiate my order.

Question: I currently play my Marshall O20 head through a Peavey 212-6, 8/16 ohm, 2x12 cab with two G12M, 25W Greenbacks (8 ohms ea)...love the GB tone!!

Since I like the GB tone, I was considering purchasing another 2x12 cab and loading it with a one GB and either a Creamback or WGS ET-65 to accommodate the 2204's 50W of power. I read somewhere that total speaker watts should be ~1.5x peak amp power to be safe - true??

I assume my current 2x12 cab with two 25W GB's could be damaged if pushed too hard with the 2204. Probably OK with the 2204 in 20W power mode, but not at full power with amp cranked. The GBs are 25W and the CB/ET-65 are 65W. Is there any problem with pairing 2 speakers with a noteworthy difference in peak power?

Any other suggestions for a speaker to pair with a GB in a 2x12 for the JCM800 2204? I play blues/classic rock (Allman Bros, Cream, SRV, ZZ Top, Led Zepplin, Rolling Stones, etc.). I don’t play metal.

Thanks all!!
I suggest you going for a 4x12 if you like Gabs that much


Apr 20, 2021
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Hey all,

OP here. Thanks for the replies.

BTW - I meant no disrespect when I indicated 'I don't play metal'. I wanted to convey the tones I am hoping to coax from the 2204. The metal genre is great - I just spend most of my time learning/playing classic rock/blues. Not enough time in the day to do it all regrettably.

So...I'm open to suggestions for a speaker combination for a 2x12 cab for the 50w Ceriatone 2204. I'm fond of the pair of G12M, 25W, 8ohm Greenbacks (98db) I'm using in a 2x12 Peavey cab with my Origin20H.

I think I'll need a higher watt speaker to pair with a GB for the 2204. So, I'm considering either a separate 2x12 cab for the 2204 -OR- swap out one of the GBs from my current 2x12 and add a higher watt speaker that will work with both the 2204H and O20H. I guess I'm looking for a higher-watt Greenback...perhaps a G12M-65 Creamback (97db) or WGS ET-65 (97db). These 2 models seem to be a good sensitivity match for the GB. I'm leaning toward the WGS after listening to some y-tubes - it seems to be a bit tighter with better defined highs - might be a good match in a 2x12 with a GB. Seeking forum advice from actual users.

Appreciate any recommendations. Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2014
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Make sure the other speaker has a similar sensitivity to the GB. Also, 1 GB (25w) + another speaker (60w)= 50w total for that cab.


Apr 20, 2021
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Hey All -

Zado - I did include the sensitivity (97-98db) for the speakers I'm considering pairing with a GB - all the pertinent info is in my post above.

Saxon - The current wait time for a Ceriatone 2204 is 36 weeks, per Nik.

NEW QUESTION: Should I add Ceriatone's 'buffered' FX Loop Mod to the 2204 build? The stock 2204 only comes with a 'passive' loop. Nik indicated it is a MetroAmp-style FX Loop, solid-state (no tube) buffer. The Metro-style SS buffer seems to be favorable to many.

Alternatively, some say to just put a buffered pedal in the loop. On occasion, I may run my Boss GT-3 multi-effect pedal into the FX Loop for time-based effects (customarily reverb). Although the GT-3 and some other pedals may have suitable buffers already, I'm thinking it makes more sense to add the buffered FX Loop Mod to the amp build now. Thoughts?

Thanks again all!