DSL series vs JVM series??

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Active Member
Jul 16, 2013
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obviously a big price difference but is the jvm worth it? is the dsl a better value? what do you guys think?


Everybody's Favorite Member
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Aug 29, 2010
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Tonewise i would go the DSL. Features, the JVM.

The Satch JVM leaves both for dead

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
What are you after, playing style....? The JVM is obviously more versatile and more money. Very modern tones on JVM, do you need that versatility? For example, I find the Crunch mode NOT crunchy enough for me on my DSL so I push the front end. You may find it plenty but need to switch between clean and crunch (I basically never do) so you need a pedal omce again. It's certainly workable but whether it's worth it to you...?


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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obviously a big price difference but is the jvm worth it? is the dsl a better value? what do you guys think?
You haven't stated a particular model for either the DSL or JVM, and that will make a huge difference in price, features, etc.

So, in general I'd say that all boils down to this: if you don't gig and/or record, save yourself the money and go with any DSL model, (I guess I'd say DSL is a better value with this point of view in mind.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Arlington Heights, IL
The DSL is plenty of amp for anyone. I've played the JVM but not enough to qualify a solid recommendation. My impression is, "Nice amp, too many knobs"! LOL But truth be told I might trade my DSL for a JVM if offered the opportunity, just to see if all those features are worth it. At twice the price, I'd go DSL every time, but money not withstanding? Hmm...

The JVM is a DSL plus mega features.... but the tone you get from a DSL combined with its simplicity is right in my wheelhouse. Unless I buy a JVM and hate it given time to really get to know it, it's hard for me to say not to get one over a DSL.



Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Think about it? Okay!

Jvm, it's got all the bells and whistles. but...
what do they actually represent?

the settings represent the same sound at different volumes and different levels of 'fuzz'/blurryness.
it's the 'mad' soloists soloing amp.
the 'mad' part is the clue here.

it makes no sense to have all those different settings, if theres only 1 volt per 1 note (unless you play humbuckers, blah blah blah...)
there's only 1 correct setting and the rest are a bit of fun.

Did you notice how when chris george demoed the VM he used the bridge pickup and then hit the 'mids boost' setting but didn't use the guitars 'mids setting or bass setting'. why? because the mids boost has very little effect while using the guitars mids effect setting or bass effect setting.
it's a 1 trick pony.

If your starting out and you want 1 amp to do it all, then great the JVM is the amp to start with. just get a 1 pickup guitar and forget about the last 50 years. the JVM is giving you all the sounds.
the pro setup would just be a one vintage pickup of choice guitar (single coil or humbucker) and a guitar with EMG 81's (X or not).
THAT'S ALL YOU'LL NEED as far as 'tone' & 'gain' goes.

from that setup all you need is vibe and delay effect pedals.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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The DSL 2000 is literally the 'do all' amp. including cascaded gain sound. (see 'next gen' dial setting)
Once again the pro only needs 2 guitars one guitar has the 2/3 vintage passive pickups of choice and the other has 2/3 active EMG 81x (or not).

once again NO boost pedals are needed, NO overdrives, NO internal mods, NO
hot pickups etc...

This amp doesn't have a variable resistor in the 'deep' amp circuit. so we can switch it on and include it in the signal path and send the volt racing through it and then it goes into the next amp and is increased just like the volt that is taken from the 1959RR's amp and returned back to the start of the amp to be reamplified to make the cascasde amps sound.
the DSL makes those big wide fat bass notes when the volt is adjusted to match multiple amps in series.

the JCM2000 amp is the best amp jim marshall has made. it represents a huge lifetime achievement. The JMP doesn't represent a lifetime of evolution. It's perfect a what it does, but it doesn't have 2000 in a box.


New Member
Aug 13, 2013
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Los Angeles, CA
I love the JCM 2000. but the Orange channel on Both OD 1 and 2 are the best 80's metal tones ever.

I think ever since the JCM 800, even the other 800's they made, and the 900's, 2000's were all great but none of them were as significant as the original '81-'84 JCM 800's.

The only amp to come around and match it was this new JVM series, because the tone is pure and awesome and came out at the right time. I have an 800 now and it's very pure sounding like people have said, it reacts to your technique and shows your flaws and virtues too, but the JVM does too and I've heard people say otherwise, I think they just say that because they don't like new stuff vs Vintage or something, it's not digital at all, I miss mine and I'll be in the market in the future to pick another up.


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Jan 7, 2009
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The JVM's are great amps and worth the money if you use the features. It really depends on what you are trying to accomplish and how you will use it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2011
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Somebody post the damn dsl cartoon already! :lol:

You mean this one? Most relevant part to this thread starts at ~1:55.


I'm a JVM owner, so I suggest going with the JVM. :lol:
I remember reading something on this forum about how in order to get to the JVM, the Marshall engineers started with the DSL as a base. Maybe I'm imagining things...

Honestly, to my ears, the JVM sounds tighter at high gain settings than the DSL. The DSL sounds buzzy, less defined as the gain is cranked.


In Memorandum
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Sep 5, 2010
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well for the money the DSL wins but otherwise they're both awesome. personally i think the JVM is better built overall but it's "harder" (loosely put but it is oddly set up for the eq if you want vintage like tones and feel) to dial in but way more options and more gain than any amp should ever have lol..... i keep it on orange and lower than 2 on the dial for modern metal if that gives you an idea of the preamp gain levels rofl.

but the DSL is much like the 6100 before it, versatile, great tones (treat it like 4 amps in one box as opposed to a 2 channel 4 mode amp and you'll grasp it better) but the JVM is basically the UPGRADE to that (price reflective though).

so whatever you can afford but me, i've owned three DSL's, and i will probably buy another one but if i had the SPARE CHANGE i would buy a JVM.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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Lethbridge, Alberta
I tried using a JVM410H for about a year. Had some great tones but I was always frustrated by it somehow. Too much going on for my simple mind I guess so I pulled out my DSL100 again and my happiness came back so I sold the JVM.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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why do guys keep saying they have sound that reacts to their fingers when they are playing at massive simulated volume settings? (high gain)
all the notes are virtually the same and you can't get big voltage increases with plucked notes like you can with small gain settings.

more defintion with hig gain is the hallmark of LoFi/ big sound loss amp design. :(
Mr mustain's JVM sound is a L O N G way away from capturing 100% of the strings vibration.

You make 1 voltage when you pluck the string then your amp settings multiplies it by 1000.
If you're hearing more defintion you have less than the original signal voltage.
you have 60% of 1 note voltage times by 1000.
you're hearing LOSS of sound. :(

you can be deluded if you like.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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NO that's a lame 2014 comment straight from the money makers phrase book.

there's 500 different pedals and 100 different amps but there's only 3 voltages.
that means there is only 3 types of sounds. clear, dull, and really dull.
high impedence, medium impedence and lo impedence. that's it!!!

chose your level of dullness and stop throwing away money and stop tell guys to mod and stop telling me via the grape vine for the last 30 years about your 'unique voltage'!
it ain't happening!

now I know I've bought 30 items too much!
thanks to the BS liar snake salesmen!

talk about grab money off the poor stupid suckers!

Hendrix could NEVER have seen the money grabbing that's been going on for the last 30 years all started by him. He must be turning over in his grave with all the 'keeping the punters in the dark' but not telling them voltage can only make one sound.

Hendrix knew what he was doing but you guys of today have NO clue because you ain't turning your amps down to get educated in what amps do.
you've failed electric guitar amp school.

when the price of pedals comes down to the real price of $20 each then it's personal preference.
when the price of amps comes down to the real price of $150 then it's personal preference.

until then people are getting RIPPED OFF of their HARD WORKING EFFORT for not much money, MONEY.

it's NOT personal preference we are getting taken for uneducated fools.

Choose how much volume gain you want and how dull you want the sound and buy the setup that does that sound.
that's all you need to do.

isn't it funny how 1 guy in 30 years says the opposite of the guys ripping off the gear buyer and HE get's attacked.

TOnE is NOT in the fingers and personal preference is NOT to have all your money taken from you while purchaseing not needed guitar gear.
Guy's selling you guitar product are not your mate/pal/hombre! they're preying on you. ;)

DOn't BUY that superdistortion pickup! you're getting a dull blurry sound.