Egnater Renegade 65W

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Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Stoked about my Renegade 410

I see I don't have to wait in line to reply to this thread! :lol:

I bought an Egnater Renegade 410 combo that was damaged in shipment and repaired it. The amp sounds awesome! The clean channel is very good and the gain channel has so much gain on tap that you can get controlled feedback at low room volume levels. This amp easily has more gain than my Marshall MHZ40C or JCM800 2x12 Combos.


The features of the amp and its foot-switch system really make this amp geared toward Live Music use. The 4 Celestion 10" speakers in this model sound fairly meaty right out of the box and should only get better as they are broken in.

The most unique feature is the Dual-primary output transformer driven by two sets of output tubes that can be blended or selected PER CHANNEL by front panel controls. Also, rear panel bias adjustments and monitoring points allow you to take full advantage of a wide range of output tubes that can be used in this amp (from 6V6 all the way up to 6550). You can put two different pairs of the same output tube type and instantly A-B compare them or put two completely different pairs in and blend them. Anything goes within the approved tube types which include 6V6 / 6L6 / 5881 / EL34 / 6CA7 / EL34L / 6550 / KT66 / KT77.

Since I had to have the amp opened to repair it I got to check out all aspects of the quality of components, materials and manufacture. The Renegade is a class-act in most all departments. The chassis is rugged. The internal components are OK (not necessarily the best in the world but better than average) and the cabinet is all Baltic-birch plywood (no MDF or particle board I can see). The provided fan will keep things cool and the adjustable balance / unbalanced D.I. should work fine for live PA feeds as well as recording


The quality of manufacture is also better than average (even a bit better than I found in my previous favorite Chinese-made amps... the Vox Classic Plus series, which are no slouches either). Both the Vox & Egnater designs feature MONSTER MAGNETICS (big transformers and chokes, which are absolutely required for good tone) which is why they are on the heavy side (just like the best Marshalls).

The included heavy-duty detachable castor wheels are first rate (unlike any I have seen elsewhere, good design) as is the embroidered heavy-duty padded cover and awesome all-metal 4-button / 4-LED / 3-Toggle footswitch assembly.

For the price I paid I feel like I STOLE it! IMHO it is a great design, has great tone and every facet and feature oozes with quality and attention to detail in design, materials and manufacture. I feel it would have well worth the street price these go for as it truly is a completely package (not just an amp, power cord and 2-button off-the-shelf footswitch). This baby just BEGS you to to take it out and play it live (which I do when I can use an amp of this size & weight). The only thing I miss are good side or top handles like many of the Vox & Marshall amps have (but the castor wheels help make up for that)..

