ever have one of those days/weeks when nothing seems to be going right?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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United States
yeah, that's my current situation... we were watching the newest episode of Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia last night (the one where Dennis rents a fancy new car to go to the beach), and it perfectly mirrored me & my wife and my son's situation this week, and all the maddening ways that life seems to be sh*tting on us lately. its just a comically perfect culmination of tons of stuff going just completely wrong regarding things that we have to do with my son starting college soon... every single thing that could possibly go wrong is going wrong - all kinds of technical glitches, student loan stuff not being handled correctly, website inconsistencies, required paperwork that we are just finding out now, etc... we are all about to pull our hair out in sheer frustration. I legit feel like I'm having a mini panic attack, and so does my wife.

if anyone feels inclined to do so, go check out that new episode of It's Always Sunny to see what I'm talking about... LoL
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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2020
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Yea I get ya, two weeks ago we played a gig and a short between two electrical sub panels smoked our entire monitor system and EQ. I find an Ashly EQ on ebay buy it realize I used the wrong card and overdrafted my card. then last night going to the rehearsal hall to install the EQ befor out gig I was broad sided in the passenger door were my wife was sitting, had to emergency cancel the show, they took my wife to ER by ambulance and after the cops released me I spent the rest of the night in the ER while they Xrayed my wife.
She is OK and the car is still drivable all though the door is mangled and half open and the rocker panel is bent and fender crushed and the girl in the other car had a suspended licnese.
So yea having a week too.
Gotta give credit to the DSL though it was thrown accross the car and still worked at todays show.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2012
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I always considered those events as a reset to remind you that things or life before wasn’t so bad. They also make the next things that happen seem way better. Just how I look at it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
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yeah, that's my current situation... we were watching the newest episode of Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia last night (the one where Dennis rents a fancy new car to go to the beach), and it perfectly mirrored me & my wife and my son's situation this week, and all the maddening ways that life seems to be sh*tting on us lately. its just a comically perfect culmination of tons of stuff going just completely wrong regarding things that we have to do with my son starting college soon... every single thing that could possibly go wrong is going wrong - all kinds of technical glitches, student loan stuff not being handled correctly, website inconsistencies, required paperwork that we are just finding out now, etc... we are all about to pull our hair out in sheer frustration. I legit feel like I'm having a mini panic attack, and so does my wife.

if anyone feels inclined to do so, go check out that new episode of It's Always Sunny to see what I'm talking about... LoL
Nothing ever goes wrong 😑


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
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Yeah, it's like a sine curve for me...
My entire life that is...

Loads of ups and downs...
Currently in a down for about a year.
This week exceptionally so... Especially today.
If you believe in fate like me, then that's why I came across your post .

Hang in there friend...
And roll on ...

Cal Nevari

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2022
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yeah, that's my current situation... we were watching the newest episode of Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia last night (the one where Dennis rents a fancy new car to go to the beach), and it perfectly mirrored me & my wife and my son's situation this week, and all the maddening ways that life seems to be sh*tting on us lately. its just a comically perfect culmination of tons of stuff going just completely wrong regarding things that we have to do with my son starting college soon... every single thing that could possibly go wrong is going wrong - all kinds of technical glitches, student loan stuff not being handled correctly, website inconsistencies, required paperwork that we are just finding out now, etc... we are all about to pull our hair out in sheer frustration. I legit feel like I'm having a mini panic attack, and so does my wife.

if anyone feels inclined to do so, go check out that new episode of It's Always Sunny to see what I'm talking about... LoL
Only for the past 57 years. 😉


Classic Rock or die! -- Patrick Henry
Gold Supporting Member
May 15, 2020
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yeah, that's my current situation... we were watching the newest episode of Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia last night (the one where Dennis rents a fancy new car to go to the beach), and it perfectly mirrored me & my wife and my son's situation this week, and all the maddening ways that life seems to be sh*tting on us lately. its just a comically perfect culmination of tons of stuff going just completely wrong regarding things that we have to do with my son starting college soon... every single thing that could possibly go wrong is going wrong - all kinds of technical glitches, student loan stuff not being handled correctly, website inconsistencies, required paperwork that we are just finding out now, etc... we are all about to pull our hair out in sheer frustration. I legit feel like I'm having a mini panic attack, and so does my wife.

if anyone feels inclined to do so, go check out that new episode of It's Always Sunny to see what I'm talking about... LoL

May, June and July have sucked.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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United States
right now I'm dealing with...
finalizing everything for my son's surprise birthday/graduation party that is taking place this Saturday, while dealing with the sweltering heat & humidity, which always puts me in a bad mood... then we're having an agonizingly frustrating time finalizing all the arrangements for my son to start college in a little over a month (he'll be going away to school 2 hours away), with the school's financial & student services department, and the head of their math department that are the most uncooperative people I've ever had the displeasure of trying to communicate with, and on top of that I'm in the process of quitting the band that I've been playing guitar in for the past few years now... a lot of anxiety and stress going on right now.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Yep , it happens . So I come up with a cure and solution : I go out and score me a super deal on some new gear for happiness and get right back on track to playing more guitar !

Here is my latest new cure for the blues ......

The head and cab : " Mississippi Marshall " Pure 90's 100% USA made top quality American muscle Rock machine


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