FX Loops- a few questions

david woods

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2020
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Hey guys,

So it only hit me recently.... m is very very poor- particularly when I've worked in a studio for years. I find myself generally working as a mix engineer/online service where we mix more than actually track and I think that may be my reasoning for my knowledge sucking so bad!

Any way..... here are a few questions you might be able to help me with, Im particularly interested as my Jubilee is arriving in a few days and I have never actually had a true valve amp, from my reading online they can be somewhat delicate (particularly the valves) and I want to be sure I'm not doing anything to put the amp under pressure.

1) I have purchased a dedicated reverb pedal to use with the Jubilee, a cheap one Choral Verb11 - how exactly do you setup the FX loop? I assume you get two leads, put one on the send into the pedal and one on the return into the pedal?

2) If I get the send or return mixed up for any reason on the amp- can that damage the amp/ valves?

3) Are there any other items I should be aware of or pay special attention to when working with the FX loop?

4) Do you guys tend to use the FX loop for reverbs?

Your help is as always greatly appreciated!

Biff Maloy

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2019
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Amp effects send to pedal in. Pedal out to amp effects return.

Not many ways to damage anything. Main advice is, always remember that as the amp is turned up then most likely the volume (effect level) of the pedal will most likely need to be backed off. Example: You get a great sound for comfortable around the house amp volume. Reverb sounds great. Then you go out and jam with a band and the amp is up really loud. Now all of a sudden you're washed in reverb. Basically just remember most of the time you will need to fiddle with effect levels per the volume you play at. This holds true for out front boosts as well. The louder you get the less needed from anything else.

Biff Maloy

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2019
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I run two TC Electronic pedals in the loop of my 2525H. Effects send to a Flashback X4 Delay in, X4 out to Hall of Fame Reverb in, HOF out to effects return.