Happy "Dimed My Amp" Day to me!!

Marshall & Moonshine

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2010
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sitting on a surfin' board, when given a choice
God, I forgot how amazing this thing is!! JCM 800 4104 (the heavy SoB). Dude, seriously... Fuck bedroom levels. All my troubles faded: Fuck the economy/floods/Middle East, etc... When shit's falling off the table (did it in my living room??!!), and it feeds back in a good way, life's alright.
My kid kept going "Do it again!! Do it again!!" He's 6.
If I had a camera and some tech prowess, I would youtube the fuck out of this. Also if I knew how to play...


New Member
May 4, 2009
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Phoenix, AZ
I've owned my JMP for about three years and I've been able to crank it one time. One time in three years. So much fun playing through an amp that loud. Just a shame it made my terrible playing that much louder.

Marshall & Moonshine

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2010
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sitting on a surfin' board, when given a choice
I've owned my JMP for about three years and I've been able to crank it one time. One time in three years. So much fun playing through an amp that loud. Just a shame it made my terrible playing that much louder.

Yeah, sometimes you just have to do it. My wife was out of the house with the baby, and I just had to. Amazing clarity in that thing. But now the neighbors know I suck.
I don't care.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2011
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Just a shame it made my terrible playing that much louder.

Secondly I was reminded of a quotation I read somewhere....."Life is like learning to play the guitar through a cranked 100W full stack":eek2:


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2009
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Wales, UK
It would be so great to have a neighbour who played... we could just say "right between 18:00-21:00hrs noise unlimited every evening... and once a month all weekend!" the rest of the time... dead quiet and peaceful... but in those hours... we will crank the Amps, drums whatever.... (or at anytime with pre-arrangement!)

If the cops come we just support each other and say the people in the next town are paranoid!
We live next door to each other and have no problem with the noise from the neighbour!

Marshall & Moonshine

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2010
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sitting on a surfin' board, when given a choice
It would be so great to have a neighbour who played... we could just say "right between 18:00-21:00hrs noise unlimited every evening... and once a month all weekend!" the rest of the time... dead quiet and peaceful... but in those hours... we will crank the Amps, drums whatever.... (or at anytime with pre-arrangement!)

If the cops come we just support each other and say the people in the next town are paranoid!
We live next door to each other and have no problem with the noise from the neighbour!

In theory, I'm not far from that. I live in a cul de sac where all the neighbors are cool with reasonable noise. I've got drums, bass, piano and all the guitar stuff to make it happen. My wife has a Heritage 535, our roommate is in about 3 bands and plays bass/guitar/keys&drums. (I do too, but he's better. ) The main obstacle is the 7-month old baby, although we have some earmuffs that fit him, which we use when we both play at church. It's a pretty loud church ;)--Marc Ford plays there sometimes and melts the paint off the walls. We're actually recording there today, and I think I'm gonna crank 'er up again during the sound check, and possibly for the actual record. I wish I could just use heroin... It's gotta be less addictive.
And the cops in Santa Maria (CA) don't generally give a shit as long as there's no blood.
But with all the baby/kid stuff, there's no room to leave it all set up at the house for when the opportune moment arrives.
So we're gonna add a music room to the house in a few years. :) :)

DSL100 Dude

New Member
Mar 30, 2010
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I can totally relate. There is NOTHING like the sound of a cranked Marshall! I turn up mine ANY chance I get.