jcm 800's guide? pointers please!!

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Dec 9, 2009
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south coast, UK
Hi all, I'm not overly knowledgable regarding amps so could do with a bit of help, personal thoughts and some pointers if anyone would be so kind!!
Looking with a view to buy a JCM 800, most probably 80's era. I play Classic Rock, bit of blues, but have heard very good things about these amps but never tried one out! Im really digging Marc Diglio's tone on the xyz album "Hungry" and also self titled album XYZ. Now i know he didnt use an 800 on these albums but a different marshall amp modded by Mike Morin, or so iv heard. But thats besides the point, im just after a similar real decent raw sounding tone and because i mainly play classic rock (lead) iv been told by numerous musical accomplices that a jcm 800 is the way forward.
Obviously i am aware there are different models and each are good in their own way. What are peoples reccommendations?
Iv heard anything pre 85'/ 84' has poorer Gain so I am inclined to go for a later model as i do like a bit of bite, can anyone give me a rundown on the different models,...pro's and cons kind of thing? I would also be interested to hear opinions on the jcm800 reissues too.
A friend upcountry reccommended the 2205, due to the fact it has reverb (i tend to use reverb and delay in my setup) but also down to other factors. It was mentioned that the 2205 has an fx loop aswell whereas the likes of the 2204 doesnt and his personal opinion was that you shouldnt put time based effects before the preamp. Making the 2205 a better choice. However he did say the 2204 has killer tone. So hmmmmmmm.
Obviously theres also more models and as stated previously i have no real knowledge of these, all confusing to me as to what properties they all hold. A quick google, Iv seen the likes of 2203, 2204, 2205, various Masterlead series, 2210's.....2210 reissues... i dont even know where to start!!!
If anyone can help us out that would be great, it would also be interesting to see views on JVM410 vs jcm800 too?
For reference my gear include marshalls- JMD1, JVM410 (100 watt) and Fender EVH 5150 mkiii mini (50 watt)
guitars- les paul standard, charvel 375 and kramer jersey star reissue.
A brief list of the type of stuff i play or will be playing are:
George lynch/ lynch mob, john norum, xyz, gnr, hardline, giant, tyketto, winger, etc.... it might be worth mentioning im not too technical with adding pedals to my rig. Bare minimum is all i want really. Iv always tended to just plug straight in and play. But if needed then i do have chorus, and delay pedals etc. As i say im not massively knowledgable especially when it comes to understanding effects loops and chaining pedals etc etc. Preferably as minimal a rig i can make it...just want that class 80s lead sound :)
Sooooo..........JCM 800s anyone????

Cheers- Gem


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Jul 9, 2010
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Dixie Hollow
JCM 800 for the win.:yesway::yesway:

Boss SD-1 overdrive,tube screamer,or 7-10 band EQ pedal (set in a frown & boost the outplut slider some) and you're there.

delay or chorus is up to you but the 800 is the 80's rock/metal sound.
I've always liked & had the 2204's & ran fx in the front. just turn down the mix knob to between 9-11:00.

not sure what speaker cabs you have but the original speakers for them (800 cab) were Celestion G-12 65's blackbacks although the creambacks are good too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2014
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Congratulations for looking to one of the kings of the Marshall world and not getting sucked into their modern marketing and modern products. Don't let the DSL brigade steer you away. They will try. :hmm::naughty:

I agree with everything Blues n Cues just said.

I'll add that if you have the choice, go with the pre-85 models. 2203 or 2204. Vertical inputs. That's the one you want. 2204s are fantastic too, but they don't have the headroom and clarity that the 2203 has. That's a personal tone choice you have to make for yourself. Both kick ass. An earlier JMP 2203 would be great too, although there are things happening internally that can make them sound a little more "vintage". That could be good or bad depending on your wants and needs. The output tubes make a difference too. Most US models came with 6550 tubes, but many have been converted to EL34s. You're in the UK, so an EL34 will probably be easy to find. Either version is great, but they do have different characteristics.

And I believe that Marshall did a fantastic job with the JCM 800 2203x reissue. In my opinion it's the best reissue they've made. It's got all of the heavyweight champion swagger of a JCM 800, but with an effects loop. And they can be had used for a steal.

The bottom line, if you want JCM 800 sound, get the right amp - a JCM 800. Don't settle for amps that claim they can do that sound. Get one that does that sound.


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Feb 9, 2010
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In the midst of trees
You definitely want to do a little research but this topic can be very subjective.
I own two 800's vertical and horizontal 2204's along with earlier JMP 2203 and 2204's. First of all it's amazing how different amps of the same can sound so different from each other. Tubes, caps and other changes will influence the sound you get as well. Some amps sound deep and rich with more smooth overdrive while others can be more bright/treble/thin and more buzzy. It's seems like the newer you get the more bright they sound however my horizontal later 800 sounds more rich than my earlier vertical which is not the usual. It you want to get into the effects loop/reverb models then you're entering into a different era and territory. I had a JCM900 Dual reverb and it wasn't my "cup of tea". Thing would be to listen to clips and try as many out as you can. It's also amazing how much can me made up in difference with good effects and the speakers/cab you're using!


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2010
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In the midst of trees
JCM 800 for the win.:yesway::yesway:

Boss SD-1 overdrive,tube screamer,or 7-10 band EQ pedal (set in a frown & boost the outplut slider some) and you're there.

delay or chorus is up to you but the 800 is the 80's rock/metal sound.
I've always liked & had the 2204's & ran fx in the front. just turn down the mix knob to between 9-11:00.

not sure what speaker cabs you have but the original speakers for them (800 cab) were Celestion G-12 65's blackbacks although the creambacks are good too.

Agreed! Also it's nice to use the "KISS" method like this with basic pedal effects. If you want to smooth out your sound or get some grit you might want to check out the Ibanez Tube King. I really like that one in front of these amps!


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Jul 9, 2010
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Dixie Hollow
I agree with everything Blues n Cues just said.

I'll add that if you have the choice, go with the pre-85 models. 2203 or 2204. Vertical inputs. That's the one you want. 2204s are fantastic too, but they don't have the headroom and clarity that the 2203 has. .

not exactly true, the 2204 has plenty of head room if it's still original 6550's powered & not converted to EL34's.

both of the ones I've had had tons of headroom & really rolled back to almost pristine cleans depending on what tubes I had in there and what pickups I was using in the guitar.

either way,you can't lose.:yesway:


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Jan 29, 2015
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get a vertical input 2203 or 2204. add a metro loop if you need a loop. or find a 2203x re-issue.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2014
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not exactly true, the 2204 has plenty of head room if it's still original 6550's powered & not converted to EL34's.

both of the ones I've had had tons of headroom & really rolled back to almost pristine cleans depending on what tubes I had in there and what pickups I was using in the guitar.

either way,you can't lose.:yesway:

I partially agree. Both amps roll back to clean very well. If you're comparing a 6550 2204 to an EL34 2203, then the 2204 might have, or seem to have, as much headroom as a 2203 by the nature of the 6550s. Apples to apples though, both amps having the same output tubes, the 2203 will have more headroom.

Both my current 2203 and 2204 have EL34s, and the 2203 has way more headroom. I am talking big gig/recording volumes though. With the master volume up around 6 the 2203 still has room to spare. The 2204 is well into self compression. Down at tv play at home volume, it doesn't matter much. Either amp is a true winner though. :yesway:


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Jul 31, 2010
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Willard, Ohio
Once again.......the name JCM800 has several models. 1959, 1987, 2204 Master Model, & 2203 Master Model.

I listened to some XYZ on youtube and like the OP said......I'm hearing a "modded 2203.

So I would suggest he use his JVM410 (100 watt) and Fender EVH 5150 mkiii mini (50 watt) he already owns! No need to buy and amp!


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Apr 25, 2010
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Lancashire, UK
don't discount the combo versions....especially if you are on a tight budget...I have a 4211 (2210 in a 2x12 format) which I picked up for a steal and it is the best amp I have ever used. plus it has effects loop, reverb and a hot rodded boost channel built in.....win win !!!!


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Dec 9, 2009
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south coast, UK
Thanks to all who have contributed so far,
This is really petty but I just have to say it..........I'm a "She" not a "He" lol. Just thought i'd clarify that fact!!
Some great responses so far and good posts, for the record cab-wise i use marshall 1960 angled cab 4x12 and marshall mc12? 2x12.
Money is no issue when considering buying amps, (I dont have kids so im not skint haha) i like a bit of amp variety hence the ones i own to play around with. Unfortunately in my part of town here in the UK, i dont know of anyone who owns any jcm800 so I cant try any out to get the feel of certain models etc, :( bugger it

iron broadsword

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Oct 27, 2011
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You might be the first girl to ever make an account here, so fair warning... Haha. Welcome.


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Apr 5, 2013
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cambridgeshire uk
I brought a brand new jcm800 half stack 100 watt in 1982 , and the cabinet had g12 80's in it , and I still have 2 of those speakers as I turned the cab in to a 2x12


Dec 19, 2010
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Whereabouts on the South Coast are you? I've got a couple of 800s, namely 2203x & a 2210, and a 1987x to boot!


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Jun 26, 2014
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Bio-Isolation Lock Down
Cheers Iron,.....just awaiting the Hecklers..... ;)

I don't think you will find many hecklers in the Marshall forum.
It's pretty pro here.
There are other female members of this forum. You are not the first.
Not that it matters, at all.

The amp with the effects loop is the one to get. Whether or not you are using the effects, it's still handy to adapt it for multi uses. It always helps to have a power amp in / effects return.

The older models are probably better from a service and reliability standpoint.

I just play straight in, I never use effects on the amp.
Pro applications add effects at the mixer anyway...but I still like the flexibility of an effects send / return.

There are TWO basic configurations of guitar amps:
1. The preamp is clean, and the overdrive comes from the power tubes.
(usually an attenuator is used as the master volume)
2. The amp is designed for preamp distortion (800 master models).
(The master volume is part of the amplifier)

The true classic Marshall sound
is output tube distortion (super lead 1959, etc...). The attenuator is used to keep the volume level useable in smaller venues.

Preamp distortion (800) came later.
It was intended to allow a good sound at a much lower volume. Without the volume of over-driving the output tubes.

So, it is good to learn the difference...according to taste and applications.
It is good to try both flavors, and decide which one you like better.