KK JCM 800 - How to get a volume boost?

  • Thread starter gmanpdx
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Jul 12, 2010
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A quick re-vist to this from me after many pedals and testing and research. Seems most of you knew much more than I did - a maxed out preamp isn't going anywhere as stated above.

Guitar volume control or any type of preamp control in not an option - tone is too critical and any change loses sustain, tone, etc. I payed a lot of money to get the tone this JCM 800KK gives all that goes out the window as soon as this is attempted.

I have tried reversing the use of pedals, numerous overdrives, sparkle drives, volume pedals, eq's and all effect tone to a very unacceptable level.

The best I have come is using a boss metal overdrive pedal - playing rhythm with it on - trying to neutralize any effect on tone - then turn the level control down so that when I turn the pedal off - it gives a boost (like Marshall factory suggested). Very unstable - hard to duplicate - and it changes the tone - but the change at least sounds like metal and has sustain, etc.. just not the tone I want or purchased when I bough the amp. I am not happy.

I guess Kerry King just uses multiple heads at different volume levels. I am in Portland OR and will start looking for someone to put in an effects loop - but this sounds like major surgery and adds to my frustration.

Thanks again for all the help on this forum and will advise if I find a true solution.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2010
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A quick re-vist to this from me after many pedals and testing and research. Seems most of you knew much more than I did - a maxed out preamp isn't going anywhere as stated above.

Guitar volume control or any type of preamp control in not an option - tone is too critical and any change loses sustain, tone, etc. I payed a lot of money to get the tone this JCM 800KK gives all that goes out the window as soon as this is attempted.

I have tried reversing the use of pedals, numerous overdrives, sparkle drives, volume pedals, eq's and all effect tone to a very unacceptable level.

The best I have come is using a boss metal overdrive pedal - playing rhythm with it on - trying to neutralize any effect on tone - then turn the level control down so that when I turn the pedal off - it gives a boost (like Marshall factory suggested). Very unstable - hard to duplicate - and it changes the tone - but the change at least sounds like metal and has sustain, etc.. just not the tone I want or purchased when I bough the amp. I am not happy.

I guess Kerry King just uses multiple heads at different volume levels. I am in Portland OR and will start looking for someone to put in an effects loop - but this sounds like major surgery and adds to my frustration.

Thanks again for all the help on this forum and will advise if I find a true solution.

You might want to try a JCM 900 MKIII if you get a chance. They have dual footswitchable master volumes that change nothing more than the master volume with the push of a switch. They also easily have as much gain as the KFK head or more due to having 2 gain controls 1-10, and 10-20.:) They are basically the next generation of the 2203/2204 amps.


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
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What a great thread!!!

My favorite solution is to run an EQ in the effects loop of my modded Marshall. I use a PQ-3 in the loop of a GCX switcher. This way I can have a totally different lead and rhythm tone. I can boost the mids and treble with the PQ-3 to cut through as well as boost the overall volume.



New Member
Mar 16, 2010
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You might want to try a JCM 900 MKIII if you get a chance. They have dual footswitchable master volumes that change nothing more than the master volume with the push of a switch. They also easily have as much gain as the KFK head or more due to having 2 gain controls 1-10, and 10-20.:) They are basically the next generation of the 2203/2204 amps.



New Member
Apr 8, 2008
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I guess Kerry King just uses multiple heads at different volume levels. I am in Portland OR and will start looking for someone to put in an effects loop - but this sounds like major surgery and adds to my frustration.

Thanks again for all the help on this forum and will advise if I find a true solution.

I have been through this myself and this theme was actually my first post in the forum. Got a lot of good help.
I was using a 2203X at the time and that one has an effect loop and I used a boost pedal there and voila case closed.

Adding an effect loop is not major amp surgery and should not be too expensive. I totally recommend doing that. It seems to me that you have found your amp/tone and by far that is the hardest to find. So adding the loop will get you your desired result.

The KK is a monster. ... i love it ... I don't use it live so I don't need to do any mods on it. If I ever use it live in the future I might get another KK and do amp switching.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2009
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My JCM800 has been modified (by previous owner) to have dual master volumes.
The original MV pot was replaced with a dual pot. It's a volume knob inside a volume knob.
You can set separate levels and switch between them with the reverb button on the footswitch. The reverb still works but you can't activate it with the footswitch anymore which is fine for me because I NEVER use reverb anyways.

This is a GREAT mod that works on both channels and does not affect the tone in any way.


Here's a pic:


Mar 16, 2010
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My JCM800 has been modified (by previous owner) to have dual master volumes.
The original MV pot was replaced with a dual pot. It's a volume knob inside a volume knob.
You can set separate levels and switch between them with the reverb button on the footswitch. The reverb still works but you can't activate it with the footswitch anymore which is fine for me because I NEVER use reverb anyways.

This is a GREAT mod that works on both channels and does not affect the tone in any way.


Here's a pic:

That's a neat mod! I always have been an fx loop guy and I've been using a GMajor to boost my solos for ages, but now my main amps (AC30 and a JMP1979) don't have fx loops. I'm trying to figure it out how can I use my time-based effects (all synced with songs bpm) AND solo boosts with that.
Mod both amps? :confused::confused:


New Member
Sep 26, 2010
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either run an eq pedal or as sugested another master vol. but for the vol installed & swt is it worth the $$$ you put out already or the vol on gtr.kk is not a lead plyr anyway persay so eq or vol pedal or knob on gtr.if your miking out have pa guy turn you up/or like i always did reach back and turn it up-then turn it back down very cheap no mod no $$$


New Member
Sep 26, 2010
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no efx loop/try puting your didgital stuff in line w/ mike cord better tone //my valvestate has a mix con.and u hear the phase sift from the lattency of the unit(the time it takes to prosess your signal-ms)and cords kill tone to/ i now just run pedals before amp/and use eq in loop if needed- less is more another thing i found was a vol boost is generated buy puting a patch cord in my parrallel efx loop and using the control on amp(jtm60) + i found w/ it its only amp when you go into power amp in u still can use both cln & distrtion tone controls but now i use valvestate & swt. channels going straight in to input on front love the V.S.II 100W


In Memorandum
VIP Member
Sep 5, 2010
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get a boost pedal that's ACTUALY for boost OR you can get a volume pedal and have it set for a slightly lower volume for your main tone then pop it up for your solos. Other options would be modifying for a loop....not real into that one myself...sure there's some other useable methods though. good luck mang!


New Member
Sep 26, 2010
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What a great thread!!!

My favorite solution is to run an EQ in the effects loop of my modded Marshall. I use a PQ-3 in the loop of a GCX switcher. This way I can have a totally different lead and rhythm tone. I can boost the mids and treble with the PQ-3 to cut through as well as boost the overall volume.

ya luv those pedals very underrated


New Member
Jul 12, 2010
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My JCM800 has been modified (by previous owner) to have dual master volumes.
The original MV pot was replaced with a dual pot. It's a volume knob inside a volume knob.
You can set separate levels and switch between them with the reverb button on the footswitch. The reverb still works but you can't activate it with the footswitch anymore which is fine for me because I NEVER use reverb anyways.

This is a GREAT mod that works on both channels and does not affect the tone in any way.


Here's a pic:

--love that solution - the KK does not have any foot pedals - but will be seeing if I can get this modification done - or put in an effects loop.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2009
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--love that solution - the KK does not have any foot pedals - but will be seeing if I can get this modification done - or put in an effects loop.

I'm not an amp tech but I don't see this being a very hard mod.
Replace the master volume pot and put a circuit inline between the two pots that is controlled by a single button footswitch. If you don't have any footswitch inputs on your amp it should be very easy to add one.

Every amp tech that has seen the mod on mine has commented on how great it is.

I would love to have my DSL50 modded with this mod. I may look into it.