Line 6 Hell!

  • Thread starter Adrian R
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New Member
Dec 25, 2009
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The thing of the line 6 is that besides sounding a bit digital and recorded versions, it's dynamics are terrible. I like beeing able to pull some upside down chords with loads of crunch. Line 6 just fails miserably at that, it totally covers your flaws. But since its got shit dynamics, your style doesnt get through the amp. Regardless of your picking technique it sounds the same.

But I got to admit the Pods are better. They still sound a bit like recorded but the dynamics are better and its ballsier. However, i'd only use one for recording.
They are good for recording, they are pratical and sound good recorded.

however i've heard people say the vetta ones are pretty good too.


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May 3, 2009
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want to see just how bad they are?....put a pedal in the front end and tell me what happens....any pedal

Jonathan Wilder

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Greenville, SC
I'll refer back to a previous post where a poster stated that stacks are like a "right of passage". Valve amps are the same thing in that regard...a right of passage. This is a lot of the reason among other factors why Line 6 stuff is hated by many...myself included.

Take tablature and Guitar Hero for example. Guitar used to be something that only people with the dedication and the heart for it would learn to do. And through that heart and dedication they became awesome and well-respected guitar players. Once tablature came out, now everyone's a guitar player. Guitar Hero made this even worse because now the one's who AREN'T guitar players THINK they're guitar players and that Guitar Hero is just the same as playing the real thing. Well that would be like me saying "I'm a pro on Flight Simulator so I can fly a real plane." Well this is far from the case. In a real plane I actually find it easier as you have feel feedback from the plane and can both see AND feel what the plane is doing along with the fact that you have depth perception, whereas on the game it's all visual and not nearly as 3D as flying a real plane.

It's just the same with Line 6. Before there were modelers, the consensus was that if you want valve tone you gotta get a valve amp. And with valve amps comes more maintenance, impedance matching, valve replacing/biasing, etc etc. Only the ones who were "worthy" (by that I mean again had the dedication and heart and aren't just doing it to impress via "putting on the image of", i.e. "posing") had real valve amps, Marshalls, Les Pauls, and knew how to play them. Then Line 6 comes around, and now everyone has all valve tone.

Of course we all know that this is far from the case. I'm not disputing the fact that some people claim to be able to get them to sound decent. However, while they may sound decent they are far from having valve tone as everyone likes to claim they do. Not even the dynamics are there as lots have stated.

I'm waiting for the day when they make it "initiation free" to join a "biker club". Maybe then everyone will be riding Harleys. :D


Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
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Austin, TX
1) I have had tube amps since 1969, Played on Marshalls since 1993. It was not a "right of passage, it was the technology that was, is available.

2) The new technology does level the "playing field" in that it allows for sonic experimentation to folks who otherwise could never afford it, allowing talent to grow and ideas to mature that other wise would not.

3) Once that talent is matured, this technology allows for reproduction unheard of in the past, whether in the professional studio (My experience) or the home studio (also my experience).
(I was in my mid 40's when I got my xt and recorded in a studio in the early '90s using a pod for one track.)

4) "Nothing can keep a man in everlasting ignorance such as contempt prior to investigation". (Herbert Spencer) That being said, I was skeptical until I learned how to use the technology, now I am okay with it.

5) Venues, some bar/ club/ coffee house owners will NOT let you bring your Marshall 1/2 stack into the building. (No matter how great you think your "tone" is). The income I have gained from my Pod xt has earned more than enough money to buy several amps of my choosing.

6) Into the future, I have played on my pod xt and my computer, through SKYPE with a man in Oregon and another in Wales U.K. all live, all at the same time from my small apartment... pretty freakin' hard to do with a Marshall stack.

7) Remembering the past, I liked my record player. You know the one that had one small speaker in it? Yeah it sounded super, all Hi-Fi an' shit. Then I really liked my dads first reel to reel. Simply awesome, all that tape to wind and (((Stereo)))! Then I really liked my 8 track player, that's the one they shoulda stuck with in my opinion... nice bulky, clickin' in the middle of the song 8 tracks. Etc Etc.ETC! Now we can store all of our entire music libraries on a "Thumb Drive".

I believe this may be a form of evolution, no?

I am sorry for the long winded rant, but I do find it a little insulting (rude at the very least) To have the Palate I use to learn, grow and experiment with put down and marginalized. :io:


New Member
Oct 19, 2009
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Here's a test I made to show how dynamics are in fact good on the POD.
I made it soem times ago becuse on Boss GT central there were people claiming the same, and... well listen.
It compares the dynamics of the Boss GT-10 VS the POd X3 Pro. The sounds are obtained just by varying the picking intensity and not by changing the guitar volume or any parameter at all. GT-10 VS POD X3 Pro.mp3
(in case an Altervista window opens, click on QUI to access the file)

I'm actually noticing that on forums (in general) people bash one brand or the other without even trying them or lisdtening to what it can do. This is one example.

PS: don't bother tone. As u can hear on my website I made better recordings using both devices. But that day, I was suffering of tendinitis in both wrists and of course it affected my playing.

Jonathan Wilder

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Greenville, SC
I'm actually noticing that on forums (in general) people bash one brand or the other without even trying them or lisdtening to what it can do. This is one example.

Another example would be the constant attenuator bashing that goes on on these boards by people who regurgitate shit they read elsewhere without actually trying one.

Me personally, modelers are great for recording scratch tracks or practicing via headphones late at night. But I will never be caught dead using one live or on an album should I ever happen to record one. They just don't have the same raw organic attack about them that valves are known for, and this is what I think people refer to when they speak of dynamics. But I've been a valve junky since the day I started playing and always will be so that's just my opinion.


New Member
Oct 19, 2009
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There are pro bands like Nine inch nails who sue a Vetta II for their albums. But they mike them up, so the difference from valve amps is just the preamp/poweramp and the cabinet is not affected. Obviously, the cab simulation is another world.
Of course i'm talking of high end modellers, keep in mind that the Vetta II had costs 1300 euros new. People tend to confuse them with the 300eur Spiders, which of course are of another league.
Like comparing a Marshall MG to a JCM xxx...


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
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I had a Line 6 Rackmount POD. It was fun but I sold it to get a Marshall TSL 100 (which I eventually sold to get a JCM800 2204).

The thing I didn't like about the Line 6 was that with certain effects on, it just didn't have the processing power to do all the simulations. I often heard what is referred to as Zipper noise. I also found that the simulations sounded nothing like the original tones. There was always a certain metallic quality to the tone that I didn't like. That being said, I think that the newer units are better and in the right hands, they can sound very good.


New Member
Nov 11, 2009
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Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater here. Obviously the price is the big selling point with Line 6 stuff. For what I paid for my POD, I got something that can reasonably replicate the sound of tens of thousands of dollars worth of gear. In a live setting, the sound greatly depends on what you plug it into. With all those bells and whistles it can be overwhelming to figure out what you like and don't like. I've never owned one of their amps, but I'll bet even with one of those, someone who took the time to really play with it could at least find a handful of sounds they like. I get that none of them is going to make you forget about your Marshall, but as far as bang-for-the-buck, that POD was the best $200 I ever spent on guitar gear. BTW, the guys from Twisted Sister, and Wayne Static from Static-X use PODs live.


Senior Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Arrrrgghhh...:mad: The other guitarist in the band I am in just unveiled his new rig: A line 6 350w Vetta head and two Boogie 4x12 rectifier cabs..with a midi switch that controls the head's 10 billion different sounds..

Sounds like SHIT..god I hate that crap..

Dunno if I can stay in this band for long..this other guitarist is the political favorite, (long time friend) they hired me as the lead I know in the end I will lose this possible approaching problem..

As usual the amp's tone is frickin' fake..loud as hell, but no tone. My 100w 900 dumps ALL over it..and all I can hear on his side of the stage is NOISE and no music.

When, I say WHEN, will these lost guitar players ever freakin' learn that you positively cannot replicate Marshalls or other great natural guitar tones but only DEFECATE with that fake freakin' crap! The dude paid $1200 for that piece of shit on ebay!!

That sux! Since you used the word "political" I would give them the finger and move on. There should be a consensus amongst the members of the sound/tone the band is after. If they think his fucked up shit rig sounds good. Let them have it. The is your first sign this isnt the gig for you.
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Jonathan Wilder

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Greenville, SC
Why is it that when guys flame a certain piece of gear that people feel compelled to use big name artists as a defense mechanism? Do we honestly use big name artists as be all end all to dictate what gear to use?

Again another post hoc logical fallacy -

I love my favorite artist's tone. His tone is what it is because he uses Line 6 gear. If I want his sound I have to use Line 6 gear to get it.

Creates another syllogism -

My favorite artist uses a Line 6 POD X3

I use a Line 6 POD X3

Therefore, I sound just like my favorite artist

Come on people! Can we not make up our own minds? Can we not think for ourselves? Do we have to have someone holding our hands all the time to tell us how to do things? People with VALID complaints against a certain piece of gear have them because they tried them and flat out they didn't like it. Plain and simple. The gear didn't suit their playing style/needs. Who cares if KK Downing of Judas Priest and countless others have had great success with it? Fact is that I didn't and just as there are countless others who've had success with it, there are countless others who did not.


New Member
Dec 25, 2009
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when i'll need to record i'll probably get a pod cuz its a lot more pratical and sounds okay without a lot of work on it. But i won't use one live unless backup. That is, cuz i aint rich and cant afford several amps. The dynamics on pod are better over the spider but i just have this trauma over the spiders god they suck so much.

They arent bad for recording watch this per instance


considering they are very pratical it's probably good for bands that want to record with decent quality without having to buy loads of mics and remaster everything, double track and stuff. Even though i would'nt use this tone, i would like another amp simulation etc etc. But it sounds too "farty" and weak live.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
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I paid $350.00 for the Pod xt and $250.00 for the fbv shortboard. Money well spent in my opinion. =-)
Oh, just so's ya know....
Line 6

Well, POD's are great for recording, but why reconrding on a POD if I can record in my friends studio ?

As an FX unit the pod offers a lot of stuff but doesn't sound as good as individual stomp boxes. Now a full pedalboard of stompboxes is more expencive as a POD, but you only will use/need 3 or 4 pedals. And buying 3 or 4 good stompboxes is cheaper than a POD XT and a floorboard.

Cardiac Tom

Dec 16, 2009
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Woodridge, IL
Why is it that when guys flame a certain piece of gear that people feel compelled to use big name artists as a defense mechanism? Do we honestly use big name artists as be all end all to dictate what gear to use?

What most people don't know is that it is all about the endorsement for many of these big name artists...They'll ditch that equipment they are currently using when a better deal comes along...

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
The problem is with that guy only and absolutely not with Line6 gear.
To my website and tell me if the POD sounds really that bad. I swear you won't.

The problem is many peopel complain about modelelrs but most fo them will sound liek sh*t even thru (type your fav guitarist here)'s gear! LOL. The problem is THEM and not the gear. Vettas are expensive, high end modeling amps. They can deliver amazing tone.
They r not the cheap Spiders!


The amp in question IS a 350w Vetta head..and let me tell you there is nothing amazing about it! Okay, by itself it sounds just 'ok', and it can produce some interesting tones/effects... but the moment the model, whatever it is, attempts to be utilized in the band's mix it just get lost..and all I hear is white noise...and NO TONE..whatsoever. My 100w half stack COMPLETELY annihilates it and does not mix at all..just like oil and water bro... One with any experience cannot tell me that in the mix it sounds good..almost like comparing the flavor of a Burger King steak burger to that of a fresh, yet properly aged rib-eye steak cooked properly (with a good German brew in hand) on a Weber grill..

I stood next to this guy when he dialed up what he said was a 68' Plexi tone..and said " wow, isn't this amazing..just like it but with more balls" I said nothing and just continued to freakin' sucked and sounded NOTHING like a real Plexi..plzzz...freakin' joke..

Oh, and it has nothing to do with brand name loyalty..that doesn't mean shit to me..its all in the sound..PERIOD..

Oh, and I read some posts about dymanics..WHAT DYNAMICS..there isn't any!

Jonathan Wilder

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Greenville, SC
I stood next to this guy when he dialed up what he said was a 68' Plexi tone..and said " wow, isn't this amazing..just like it but with more balls"

This is EXACTLY why I hate Line 6 and anything it stands for. It creates this fallacy in people's minds that the playing field has now been leveled and that everyone can have amps that sound and play just like the real thing at 1/8 to 1/4 the cost and no maintenance involved. Then as Adrian stated, when you try to place them in the mix all you end up with is white noise that any all valve Marshall will annihilate in a heart beat. Then the whiny baby attitude comes out..."Oh...I can't hear myself because Adrian's too loud!" when no, it's because your amp just simply doesn't cut through in a live mix. And it's far from a '68 plexi. All the while the guitarist who bought it is probably happy as a clam thinking he's got real Marshall tone when in reality there's absolutely no comparison.

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
This is EXACTLY why I hate Line 6 and anything it stands for. It creates this fallacy in people's minds that the playing field has now been leveled and that everyone can have amps that sound and play just like the real thing at 1/8 to 1/4 the cost and no maintenance involved. Then as Adrian stated, when you try to place them in the mix all you end up with is white noise that any all valve Marshall will annihilate in a heart beat. Then the whiny baby attitude comes out..."Oh...I can't hear myself because Adrian's too loud!" when no, it's because your amp just simply doesn't cut through in a live mix. And it's far from a '68 plexi. All the while the guitarist who bought it is probably happy as a clam thinking he's got real Marshall tone when in reality there's absolutely no comparison.

Absolutely..I mean I just cannot imagine anyone who knows anything about tone can say that its good..or that the model; whatever it is, sounds like the real thing.. I realize that to a degree that some of this is subjective and I respect this notion. However, if we all were to open (if you could do that) a sonic 'dictionary' if you will, and look up the definition of what a Plexi tone is..listen to it..and then use this as the proper definition (symantical acceptance universally) I would be really surprised if anyone objectively could honestly say that the LINE 6 would sound even remotely like the real Plexi. If they did..well, I would suggest a trip to an otolaryngologist!..


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
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I stood next to this guy when he dialed up what he said was a 68' Plexi tone..and said " wow, isn't this amazing..just like it but with more balls" I said nothing and just continued to freakin' sucked and sounded NOTHING like a real Plexi..plzzz...freakin' joke..

The thing is, these people have probably never played through a plexi of any kind, let alone a '68. They probably never even played through a JCM800 either.

A POD has no balls... its just a preamp. How can a preamp have more balls than a roaring Marshall? This kind of statement just shows how much they know.... or don't know.


New Member
Nov 4, 2008
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Ok,I just took my X3 live out in the backyard and shot it... It let out an awful scream before it died..