Line 6 Hell!

  • Thread starter Adrian R
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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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Sup. Yeah, I have to agree with Adrian that those Line 6 amp are not too great because for me, I struggle to get a good sound from any of their heads or combos. You can mix cabinets all day long, but it will take a lot of time to get any kind of good tone from it (the clean tones are ok, but that's about it).

I like their POD and their floor pod multi-effects units. I have the Floor Pod Plus that I use for my effects and to control my amp's buttons via MIDI. I have NEVER used the amp modeling feature on it, but I would use it as an emergency backup if my amp were to go down (thank god that hasn't happened). I also use a old Flextone 2 2X12 speaker cab that sounds great and it very powerful.

But for the money that this guy spent on his Line 6, he could have easily got a used 100 watt DSL head, 100 watt TSL head, JCM 900, or maybe even a 6100LM. Any of those amps would have been so much better and easier to work with than the Line 6 amps.

Max Riffage

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Dec 11, 2009
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Glasgow, Scotland
While it's true that you can't compare any Line 6 or other solid state amp to a Marshall when it comes to playing on stage, they really are great for recording. I've known tons of tone snobs who think they can tell whether amp modeling was used on a recording or not. The simple fact is that, if the patch was set up by someone who knows something about tone to begin with, you just won't be able to tell. It's true that it's more difficult to get *convincing* organic sounds out of a modeler, but it can be done. And yeah, the factory preset patches pretty much suck across the board on every modeler I've tried.

I like the Line 6 stuff because I know how to dial in good tones with it, and for recording purposes, it's a lot easier to ensure that your tone is consistent from one day to the next when you don't have to try to remember where you placed your cab mic 3 days ago.

As much as I want to make fun of these kids with their little Spider amps and their Zakk Wylde presets, I have to remember that these affordable amps are getting these kids engaged in playing guitar (and that's good mmmkay!). Obviously we all love Marshalls here, but honestly - how many of us could afford an all-tube Marshall when we first started playing guitar? I'd say the number is probably pretty small. The entry level gear kids have today is way better than the crap entry level gear we had back in the day.

+1 on all that. :thumb:

I use POD Farm for recording demos into ProTools and you can get great sounds out of it, as long as you ignore the pre-sets and build them yourself.

Live is a whole different thing. I once depped with a classic rock covers band, with a backline of DSL100s provided. The regular guitarist fed his Marshall with a POD X3 Live, with all the patches downloaded for each song, just using a Strat for everything. What a sonic disaster.

I turned up with a Tele, Les Paul, JEN Wah and a clean boost. Didn't even need to switch channels. Part way through the gig I noticed people gravitating away from the line of fire of his can guess why.

I feel your pain Adrian...but I got to walk away and it was most definitely a one-off gig!


Jan 6, 2009
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Ontario, Canada
I like their POD and their floor pod multi-effects units. I have the Floor Pod Plus that I use for my effects and to control my amp's buttons via MIDI. I have NEVER used the amp modeling feature on it, but I would use it as an emergency backup if my amp were to go down (thank god that hasn't happened).

I have to ask how many other brand of multi fx unit have some of you guys tried? I see alot of ppl around me using line 6 stuff just for effects once they realize how degrading the amp models can be to their tone, but i dont really under stand this. I borrowed the 1st POD rack unit when it came out from a friend of mine. He let me have it for a month but i gave it back after a couple of weeks. I have done this with just about every other line 6 product since (minus the amps). Even things like the m13 that are just fx units to me dont sound as good as say.... something by TC electronics. I used a g-sharp for years and now use a g-major 2 unit by TC and i havnt found any line 6 unit that sounds as natural while still being crisp. This is just my 2 cents but I dont see the point of putting out the money for something that you only use 20% of when their are other dedicated machines that sound better (for less money if you look).
Just a thought tho, to each his own


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2008
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I have to ask how many other brand of multi fx unit have some of you guys tried? This is just my 2 cents but I dont see the point of putting out the money for something that you only use 20% of when their are other dedicated machines that sound better (for less money if you look).

Do you understand how a MIDI footcontroller with built-in effects can be useful to control an amp that has MIDI capabilities?

The MIDI can actually control an amp's buttons/switches. For example, in my JVM410H, I can use I can create a preset in a bank that will allow me to have a certain function turned on or off. Then, I can add effects to that same preset. This is how I use the JVM and Floor Pod Plus w/MIDI.

An example would be for "SONG A" in my set list. I have "SONG A" which requires some channel switching and effects. So I dedicate preset 1 for "SONG A". A sample of the tones I need for "SONG A" would be


preset one (reserved for intro to "SONG A": (JVM) channel/mode=clean/green ON; (JVM) reverb ON; (JVM) Master Volume 1 ON; (JVM) effects loop ON; (floor pod) delay ON; (flood pod) chorus ON; (flood pod) gate OFF.

preset two (reversed for chorus of "SONG A": (JVM) channel/mode=OD1 orange ON; (JVM) reverb off; (JVM) Master Volume 2 ON; (JVM) effects loop ON; (flood pod) delay OFF; (flood pod) flange ON.

So, I can't speak for others, simply shutting down the amp modeling does not mean that I am only using 20% of the FPP's capabilities (it's probably some like (95%). All I'm doing is shutting down the amp+cabinet modeling. The delay, effects, noise gate, tone, level, and MIDI are incoporated for just about every song presets. I agree, it might be a waste of money to have all those capabilities at your feet and ONLY use the MIDI, but that's not my situation. So like I said, the effects are pretty good, but the modeling is not. TC electronics makes good effects, but I still would not use their overdrive because my amps is usually better (tube vs. digital). Line 6 amp are still not very good.


Aug 6, 2009
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S. Texas
AdrianR, what's needed here is a little more optimism. Let's look on the bright side; he got a pair of Boogie cabs out of the deal so he's almost grown up. :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Aug 20, 2009
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Lancaster, Pa.
As usual the amp's tone is frickin' fake..loud as hell, but no tone. My 100w 900 dumps ALL over it..and all I can hear on his side of the stage is NOISE and no music.

Adrian, the next time you guys are jammin ask if you could switch rigs to check out his baby, he will proudly let you Im sure... thinking to himself *check this out* but in reality he'll be on the other side of the room thinking what the hell is that sound!! :confused::wtf:


Jan 6, 2009
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Ontario, Canada
Do you understand how a MIDI footcontroller with built-in effects can be useful to control an amp that has MIDI capabilities?

The MIDI can actually control an amp's buttons/switches. For example, in my JVM410H, I can use I can create a preset in a bank that will allow me to have a certain function turned on or off. Then, I can add effects to that same preset. This is how I use the JVM and Floor Pod Plus w/MIDI.

An example would be for "SONG A" in my set list. I have "SONG A" which requires some channel switching and effects. So I dedicate preset 1 for "SONG A". A sample of the tones I need for "SONG A" would be


preset one (reserved for intro to "SONG A": (JVM) channel/mode=clean/green ON; (JVM) reverb ON; (JVM) Master Volume 1 ON; (JVM) effects loop ON; (floor pod) delay ON; (flood pod) chorus ON; (flood pod) gate OFF.

preset two (reversed for chorus of "SONG A": (JVM) channel/mode=OD1 orange ON; (JVM) reverb off; (JVM) Master Volume 2 ON; (JVM) effects loop ON; (flood pod) delay OFF; (flood pod) flange ON.

So, I can't speak for others, simply shutting down the amp modeling does not mean that I am only using 20% of the FPP's capabilities (it's probably some like (95%). All I'm doing is shutting down the amp+cabinet modeling. The delay, effects, noise gate, tone, level, and MIDI are incoporated for just about every song presets. I agree, it might be a waste of money to have all those capabilities at your feet and ONLY use the MIDI, but that's not my situation. So like I said, the effects are pretty good, but the modeling is not. TC electronics makes good effects, but I still would not use their overdrive because my amps is usually better (tube vs. digital). Line 6 amp are still not very good.

Im glad then to see someone is using it for its potential. I actually understand the benefits of midi well. I use my tc stuff and midi board to control my amp for presets. Its nice to press one button a song and everything changes.


New Member
Nov 4, 2008
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Line 6 amps are complete garbage. The only thing they make that's worth anything is the POD, and only that's good when using it for scratch tracks on guitar when recording, like so you can play through headphones to a drummer. That's all it's good for. It still sounds terrible even then.

Sorry you gotta put up with this shit. Some people just don't know. They just see a bunch of bells and whistles and think they all have to be great.

I have a X3 live and it sounds pretty good recording on the computer. When I attempted to run to my Marshall for the effects (no modeling), it sounded real bad. So I use it only to record covers for youtube and it does a good job for that purpose.. I have never liked their amps..

80's Rocker

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May 4, 2009
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KISS Army Base!
Yea some of the direct recordings for computer don't sound horrible with a pod. Sometimes better than somebody using a real amp just for the fact that the recording quality or what they used to record it with arent to good and thus having more feedback than guitar sound which is not good.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2008
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Delta, B.C., Canada
I'm a long time Marshall fan and user, and I'm also a long time Line 6 user.

I've owned about 10 Marshall heads over the years, 3 currently. I also have owned a Line 6 AX2-212 since 1999. The AX2 was my only amp for a while due to living in an apartment and not really having a use for a loud tube amp as I very rarely played out.

I can honestly say that I got REALLY good at tweaking that AX2 and have a number of great organic sounding patches for a variety of situations. I also have a POD XT Live that I've gotten similar results with.

I keep both Line 6 products around as backups. If I show up to a gig and the 6100 won't light up or goes down for some reason, I can grab the POD from the trunk, plug it into the PA and keep the show going.

For smaller gigs where the head and cab is too much for the stage size or whatever, the AX2 steps in with a smaller footprint and very usable tones.

Do the Line 6 units sound EXACTLY like my Marshalls? Hell no. But they do a good job of getting great tones of their own that are usable in all kinds of situations.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2009
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Terre Haute, Indiana
I'm a long time Marshall fan and user, and I'm also a long time Line 6 user.

I've owned about 10 Marshall heads over the years, 3 currently. I also have owned a Line 6 AX2-212 since 1999. The AX2 was my only amp for a while due to living in an apartment and not really having a use for a loud tube amp as I very rarely played out.

I can honestly say that I got REALLY good at tweaking that AX2 and have a number of great organic sounding patches for a variety of situations. I also have a POD XT Live that I've gotten similar results with.

I keep both Line 6 products around as backups. If I show up to a gig and the 6100 won't light up or goes down for some reason, I can grab the POD from the trunk, plug it into the PA and keep the show going.

For smaller gigs where the head and cab is too much for the stage size or whatever, the AX2 steps in with a smaller footprint and very usable tones.

Do the Line 6 units sound EXACTLY like my Marshalls? Hell no. But they do a good job of getting great tones of their own that are usable in all kinds of situations.

My buddy is using one of these amps right now because his blue voodoo crapped out. They don't sound like Marshalls but he can nail a decent peavey tone. Really not that bad for practicing either. BUT I undersyand what is meant by the OP. Marshalls should never be completely replaced with Line 6.


Active Member
Mar 26, 2009
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Melbourne, Australia
What do the other guys in the band think about it?
If they like his shit sound, maybe you are better off leaving and moving onto something else.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2008
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Modelers do make terrific spare amps for gigs. If there is a problem with a tube amp, just plug in the modeler to the PA and you can get through the gig OK.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
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Line 6 is a great practice tool and something to lay down quick tracks in the studio with - but it's not the real thing.

Just ask a line 6 lover how many PRO'S they know who tour and/or record with line 6....... now ask them how many use MARSHALL!

Well there are some pretty famous Line 6 Pod recorders, but for playing live Line 6 sucks. BUT the Edge used a Pod 2.0 live as an expirement and it wasn't ad at all !


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Ha ha! I actually like my Line 6 Spider II. I've found a few really decent tones out of it. And I like the ease of use.

I use it for rehearsals mostly. But sometimes if my DSL 100 or JCM 800 is too much for a gig....... I'll bring the Spider II and it works very nicely.

Granted it's not as sweet a tone as my Marshall tubes...... but it's decent and it's extremely easy to load in, set up, and load out.

And having the FBV Shortboard to control it with is extremely cool. I get volume, wah, tap tempo, tuner, change patches, stompbox style effects on/off control.

I used to have a Line 6 AX-212 which I really enjoyed..... but after a year it totally crapped out on me..... and it was impossible to get repaired..... cause it would never STAY repaired. P.O.S.!!!!!!!

I also like my POD 2.0 for doing late night recording when I don't want to wake up the kids.

I don't know about a Vetta though..... too many friggin buttons on that thing!!

However I suspect operator error as the reason for the OPs problem with his other guitarist.

Adrian R

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
What do the other guys in the band think about it?
If they like his shit sound, maybe you are better off leaving and moving onto something else.


Unfortunately what you are saying is a distinct possible reality. The reason why I haven't pulled that trigger yet is because aside from this major problem everything else is groovy..:hippie:

Finding a good fit in a band in many ways can be an 'exercise in futility'. I'm hoping the guy either sees the light or self destructs do to a lack of interest or commitment.

Two guitar player arrangements that work well require that the two guitar tones compliment one another. In this scenario its close to impossible.:(

Sappy 80s line: "Here I go again on my own....":wtf:


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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The frozen hell called Canada !
this is a bad place to flaunt Line 6 stuff , they seem to have there place in the recording
world but to ask a Line 6 amp to keep up with a all tube Marshall in the live setting !!!!
LOL !! good luck with that ... i have read alot about there HD147 on how loud it goes , but it sounds like shit when pushed at the high volumes some say , who knows , but for
right now its Marshall all the way !!!!


May 6, 2009
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If you can't make a line 6 amp sound good, you don't know how to use it. (notice I said good) That being said, I don't choose to use one. I can get very good sounds out of my Pod XT. However, I only use it for effects in my JVM loop.

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