Line 6 through jcm2000 possible?

  • Thread starter jonnykronic
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New Member
May 10, 2012
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hammonton, NJ
I have always been a huge fan of Marhsall amps for years and finally got my hands on a JCM2000 in a great deal. Now I have a question and since I'm not the best when it comes to amps I figured I ask you all who know so much more then me. Now I own a Spider 3 half stack HD150 head/ spider 3 cab and a JCM 2000 DSL head. Sadly due to my money issue I've had to use the cab along with my JCM2000 although the cab does have a decent sound to it I still feel like I'm not getting to correct output as I should. But any case I decided to stick to just using my JCM2000 for live shows and just using another cab from a friend from other bands to make travling easier so now when I'm home and just jamming I've been using my Spider 3 head again. I am not the biggest Line 6 fan in anyway, due to it's usually about effects more then anything else. But I messed around with some settings and getting a decent sound out of my HD150 is it possible to run my HD150 through my JCM2000 into the head? Or should I just suck it up and by a PodXT for when I'm laying down guitar tracks at home on my pc? Because as you all already know the better of the two is the JCM in almost every aspect, as I stated before I don't want to mess up my head and be stuck when it comes to an upcoming show.


The Ozzk

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Mar 28, 2011
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Calgary, AB
I think the cab have some cellestions in it. If you like your cab who cares about the logo. Now the HD 150...

I'm assuming you want the effects from the HD, otherwise I see no point. I would sell the HD and get whatever effects you need pedals or multi-fx.

If you absolutely need to get the effects from the HD then run from the direct out of the HD to the loop in the DSL.


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Jan 29, 2010
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Nottingham, UK

Not quite sure what you're trying to get at here. Are you wanting to run the HD150 as a pre-amp in to the DSL or the DSL as a pre-amp into the HD150 . I think the only way to record the DSL at its best will be to mic up a cab, as the resulting sound you're after is a combination of the DSL's pre-amp, power amp and speakers. Using the HD150 at any stage will rob some part of the sound and will never sound as good.

This is one of the drawbacks with many valve/tube amps. They need to be driven through all their amp/power stages in to a cab to sound at their best. This is usually too loud for domestic recording situations and certainly will be the case with a DSL50 or 100. So you're pretty much stuck with either loud recording volumes and a mic'd cab or settle for the amp and speaker modelling of the HD150.

Hopefully that makes sense and I'm sure some of the other members will chip in with their experiences of this scenario. If you can tell us exactly which bits of which amp you're wanting to use we can give you a better idea of how to achieve it.


In Memorandum
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Sep 5, 2010
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If you need effects i'd get a processor but you could POSSIBLY line your line 6 through the send of your fx loop to isolate the power amp. I wouldn't though. the DSL's power section doesn't need to be driven to sound good it's a modern tube amp. the only "power section part" that needs pushed to get that wall of sound is the 4th preamp tube (closest to the power tubes) is the phase inverter. that's where yo get your cranked power tube sond in modern amps and is a commonly ignored aspect of tone.

for effects the HD300 would be great, the VOX tonelabs are my favorite thogh. yo can even bias the POWER tube (though it's a dual triode/refered to as a "preamp tube" it's used as a tube power section in these modelers. they're digital preamps with a tube power amp).


New Member
May 10, 2012
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hammonton, NJ
thank you guys, just to make it all easier ill sell the HD150 and maybe the cab to pick up a marhsall cab. I like the cab that was released with the JCM800 and I found a used one on craigs list maybe Ill give it a shot. Then maybe pick up a PODxt or just a bunch of pedals.


New Member
May 10, 2012
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hammonton, NJ

Not quite sure what you're trying to get at here. Are you wanting to run the HD150 as a pre-amp in to the DSL or the DSL as a pre-amp into the HD150 . I think the only way to record the DSL at its best will be to mic up a cab, as the resulting sound you're after is a combination of the DSL's pre-amp, power amp and speakers. Using the HD150 at any stage will rob some part of the sound and will never sound as good.

This is one of the drawbacks with many valve/tube amps. They need to be driven through all their amp/power stages in to a cab to sound at their best. This is usually too loud for domestic recording situations and certainly will be the case with a DSL50 or 100. So you're pretty much stuck with either loud recording volumes and a mic'd cab or settle for the amp and speaker modelling of the HD150.

Hopefully that makes sense and I'm sure some of the other members will chip in with their experiences of this scenario. If you can tell us exactly which bits of which amp you're wanting to use we can give you a better idea of how to achieve it.

In a nut shell, I wanna use the line 6 to run through the 2000 to get a better sound with effects. But that's what im not sure thats possible. I talked to my cousin who has my old cab and will be letting me use use it again due to him finally getting a new one. It's a great marhall cab 4x12 celstions and smaller than a standard cab. I hooked my JCM 2000 out of it today and it sounds wicked with the pedals im using now. So I think Ill be just fine.

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