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Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
I did it... (hint)

B73I5047 copy2.jpg

you guys will probably laugh, but, I bought my 1st Gibson Les Paul ever...

It's a 2011 Teaburst (plaintop) w/ 1960 spec's...

My only other Gibson acquisition, in life, was an SG, back in the '80s. I hated it, IMO, it was a POS.

I had always wanted a guitar like Jimmy Page's, the plaintop sunburst. I'm not too much for figured tops on the LP.

Just got home w/ it, & haven't plugged her in yet. Just alcohol'd the strings to get her drunk before I.... well, you know the drill. I just wanted to clean any dirt/corrosion off the strings & let them settle a bit. So, this snapshot is a teaser...

Look Vin, it even came w/ a pickguard already on it! :)... The pickguard has 1960 engraved on it...

The guy who got it, said he used to live in NY, did a lot of deals w/ Sam Ash, & had a buddy working there. His buddy would call him whenever something he thought was cool showed up... who knows :shrug: that's what he said...

Anyway, I've looked at a lot of ad's in the last year + & haven't seen anything that's caught my eye, until this one...

I'll take more pic's later & jam on it today sometime...


here's my official photo (for now)

B73I5060 copy.jpg
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Dogs of Doom

~~~ Moderator ~~~
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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
thanks guys... The guy said he hardly played it. You can tell it's been played, but, you can also tell that it's a closet case queen...

The case is all shiny & new (minus the new case smell - since it's 13 years old), like it hasn't been out of the closet much. The guitar has no scratches, nicks, bumps... It was a little dirty, he obviously didn't clean it up, but, it wasn't real dirty, you could just tell that it had been played & handled...

Dogs of Doom

~~~ Moderator ~~~
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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles

well, I do have my Hamer double cut & my Yamaha LP, which is a copy of this, somewhat...

Right now, I'd say the Hamer is the better guitar. Sounds just fly off of it. I play it aggressively, & it plays aggressive right back. It can also clean up just as well. This seems more a polite guitar. I can get aggressive out of it, but I have to dig in a lot harder, for less dividends...

But, it has it's own character, some things that I'm really digging, so, not to say that it's a slouch, I just have to work harder to get the sounds that I want & the sounds aren't necessarily what I'm used to getting w/ even less effort on the Hamer...

The Yamaha, is definitely not on par w/ either. I've tried installing pickups, pots, etc., & while it's like a heavy Les, it doesn't display much character. It's just a heavy guitar. Put hot pickups in it, it's just a heavy guitar w/ hot pickups. Put mellow pickups, it's just a guitar w/ mellow pickups... :shrug:

but, yeah, I suppose having a guitar that says Gibson & Les Paul is something that one must do, at some point. I've held out this long... When I was a kid, I lusted after Les Pauls. I scored an Ibanez Artist (double cut) & it cured me of my LP GAS. I would compare LP after LP to it, & it to me was the better guitar every time, so I quit trying them out - a true LP killer story...

I've actually had my eye out for a LP bass, but... they are few & far between. When I was looking at them a few years ago, they were low in the $800+ range & the better ones were at around $1700. You could get a good one at $1400. Now, the beaters are selling for $2400 & the prices go up from there...

Not too many good looking burst basses out there...

I just had a couple hours on her & There's some good tones in there.

Dogs of Doom

~~~ Moderator ~~~
Staff Member
Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
What pickups are in that? I always mess with pickup height, pole piece height action and intonation until it sounds right to me. Give her a chance lol.
IDK, the guy that had it didn't know either...

Well, I'm keepin' it, just giving an honest review, after about 2½ hrs of getting used to her.


Hold my beer!
VIP Member
May 25, 2010
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Vin's Magical Amazing "Stuff" Box
If you decide you want to try some other pickups might I suggest the Burstbucker 61s. My 2020 Standard came with BB 61s and I fully expected to hate them because I've hated all the other BBs, but I couldn't get rid of them no matter how hard I tried. I tried several different pickups in it because I wanted uncovered zebras for the look, but none of the pickups I tried sound as good as the 61s, I even put a $400 set of Bare Knuckles in it and they don't sound as good as the 61s. So the other day I found a set of 61s in reverse zebra on Reverb and ordered them, what I should have done to begin with. As you know, I'm an old school high gain guy (not modern metal) and the 61s are awesome for that, and everything else as a bonus. They've become my favorite pickups.
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