Please Help!!!Soldano SLO/Jet City JCA100 content. I killed my amp:(

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New Member
Jun 15, 2012
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I didn't know where else to seek help. I have a JEt City JCA100h that I've been messing with....and have been pretty successful up until tonight.
This amp uses the same board as the Soldano SLO100 so anyone with knowledge in this area please chime in.

The amp already has quite a few mods done by me. I've been tweaking here and there fine tuning
Tonight I was messing with the tone stack. The slope resistor/treble cap values. All was good found a combo I liked. Then I decided to mess with a couple other resistors (r19/r46)recommended on another forum.
I was doing this work top side without pulling the board so nothing was touched but the few components I was replacing.

When I fired the amp back up I noticed that it just sounded funny. Like clipping really hard like a distortion pedal with a dead battery.
Now both preamp gain knobs only sound normal at about 5. If I turn up the gain on either channel I actually get less gain and the tone is super clipped and blatty zero sustain. Both pots are making noise as well. They were working fine up until right now.
There's no way both gain pots took a shit simultaneously
So what could it be. I've swapped all the preamp tubes for known good tubes. I didn't change any components that affect gain.

I'm at a loss. I'm gonna try to find some new pots locally tomorrow locally so I can rule them out as the cause. Although they are acting bad I don't believe they both are failing at the same time.

Please help!!!!!!


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Apr 8, 2012
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Holy Grail Tone , Md. USA
You might want to verify the components values. Also you might have a solder bridge (glob) thats touching somthing its not supposed to touch. (How clean is your soldering?)

Soldering heat can damage a board that has printed traces. Sometimes can happen if your not carefull

I would say double check.

I also had a glob of solder fall off my soldering iron yrs ago and it shorted some things. I had to "remove it..

It could be alot of things but chances are "if it happened right after you modified it " then it shouldnt be too.hard to find. Make sure you put in the right values!

Always check with a multimeter before installling


New Member
Jun 15, 2012
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So I woke up thinking there's no way it's BOTH gain pots. And the values of the components I was messing with wouldn't cause this so..... I either bridges something or there is a trace lifted. Which I doubt as the traces on this amp are pretty beefy. I've got some checking to do. Thx