Screen resistors and plate voltage

  • Thread starter krokit
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New Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Discussion good, sparring bad.

We've already got a top dog around here, we don't need another.
If anyone wants to fight, here I am.

"Discussion good, sparring bad." Great point Adwex!

"We've already got a top dog around here, we don't need another.
If anyone wants to fight, here I am."
Whoa Mate, where'd that come from?
WOOF! Oh does that include me?

But in all seriousness the two tech monkeys are fairly sharp, but the technical sparring gets old and quite frankly is above and beyond the average member here. They tend to use the forum as their personal fencing arena and it's nothing more than a, "who's got the biggest Willy contest?" Now it's fine if some of the members of the forum want in-depth information and you can go ahead and PM your favorite tech monkey, then you can delve into all the fourth quadrant math you want! But for the sake of the other folks on the forum can you keep your thesis and doctrines to a minimum please?

Much appreciated,
From: Mr. A**hole


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2008
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I just learned more about transformers than I otherwise would have EVER known :) I think a lot of people here are very interested in reads like that, I know I am. makes me feel like I know a little more about the amps I love so much.
I understand though that moderators don't want to see threads degenerate, such a shame...I'd pay money to learn stuff like that, it's like becoming a jedi apprentice for a moment...

Joey Voltage

Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Brighton, MA
The issue was already in bed, Jon tucked it in and kissed it goodnight. It didn't need to be woken up and fed again.

Allow me to provide the stupid semantics...perhaps "amplifier" was a misleading word. A transformer however can certainly be considered a voltage "multiplier" though.


Nobody is trying to start a pissing match Adwex, and exactly why I put the disclaimer that I was in no way going to partake in a pissing match regarding semantics. It was MY point of view and SOLEY mine that I would never consider a transformer to be anything other than just that, anybody is welcomed to have their own! Thats why I didn't Quote Jon's message nor addressed him when I wrote that, you just assumed I was attacking him. Do I have to have to use smiley emoticons after each sentence?

You know what? I Actually put in a lot of time and thought in my post to make sure that it was informative to others, and worded as such with as little technical mumbo jumbo (which is what I saw lacking), to be easy to read and understand some very basic principals of transformers using simple examples, to those who have no background. took a bit of time out of my day in order to do so.

To be honest your response just leads me to believe you have a personal bias of sorts. Now how should I take your post, as a personal attack? Should I not even bother to help people out anymore?

Jonathan Wilder

Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Greenville, SC
No he doesn't have a bias towards anyone. But like myself and a few others around here he has noticed that every time I post something up you feel that you have to find something wrong with what I posted...even when there is nothing wrong with what I posted.

Most of the stuff you're finding wrong with my posts is just a matter of simple semantics. I'm not the only one who sees this. Without name dropping, there are a few others who have brought it to my attention that they see it as well.

Prime example...the "Marty's 2203 Before & After Thread"...I post up before and after pics of the amp due to the poor work quality that was done prior to me working on it and the corrective action I took to fix it. Everyone enjoyed seeing the pics...and what did you do? You just HAD to come on with your "me too" posts and talk about how "You're so confident that you don't need to post pics of your work"...:wtf:

Why do you feel compelled to do this? Is it to somehow inflate your ego and make yourself out to be the best tech in the universe? Is it to somehow make it appear to the unsuspecting public that we don't know what we're talking about and that no information is proven valid unless it came from you?

It's every time I post something up...EVERYTIME! You've become so predictable with it it's not even do it damn near like clockwork and believe me dude it's getting really fucking old.

Believe me dude...I'm not the only one who sees this. There are others and they know who they are...and I will leave it up to them as to whether or not they want to make themselves known. But there are in fact others who see exactly what I see with your demeanor on here so we can't all be crazy.

Joey Voltage

Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Brighton, MA
No he doesn't have a bias towards anyone. But like myself and a few others around here he has noticed that every time I post something up you feel that you have to find something wrong with what I posted...even when there is nothing wrong with what I posted..

My post had NOTHING to do with you, If it had I would have been more predictable, and quoted you like I have ALWAYS done Before! My post was an attempt to expand on the topic, and educate everyone else BESIDES you! Offer it up in a very non-intimidating way, and use examples so some people that didn't have damn clue before could easily be like "hey!, now I get it!, and look, there's even more info than I need, but it is easy and it doesn't look that bad. there's no intimidating language either to make it seem like it is something more impressive than what is actually going on"

Most of the stuff you're finding wrong with my posts is just a matter of simple semantics. I'm not the only one who sees this. Without name dropping, there are a few others who have brought it to my attention that they see it as well...
How far are we going to go with this Jon? Hmmmmm, there have been posts where you did have errors, or maybe said something or made a claim that wasn't true, or never considered, and bullheadedly passed it off to save face!, you are sooo worried that admitting you are slightly in the wrong, or having the attitude that you may learn some thing on this Forum is damaging to your reputation. Boy how your tune changes quite a bit when you go other places dunnit?, or want info/help from somebody. There have even been some posts here where you could have learned something, but that seemed a bit too much for you to swallow, took it as malice, and fought tooth and nail. None of us in the grand scheme of things knows their head from their asses, and excepting that is the biggest favor you can do for yourself! The first posts in this topic were nudging you a bit, but not maliciously..... you took it that way

Prime example...the "Marty's 2203 Before & After Thread"...I post up before and after pics of the amp due to the poor work quality that was done prior to me working on it and the corrective action I took to fix it. Everyone enjoyed seeing the pics...and what did you do? You just HAD to come on with your "me too" posts and talk about how "You're so confident that you don't need to post pics of your work"...:wtf:..

Don't even talk to me about "me too" posts, Your the King Of shameless "I Love Me" and "Me Too" posts. When have I ever gone on here to solicit myself any chance I get? Hmmmmm, I don't view these people as potential customers!, and never treat them that way. Do you not believe that I don't work a full 40+ hour week at a 9-5 like many others? oh and when was the last time I was on here, making public address', talking up all the crap I wanted to build, or put into production? Maybe I should, I will even do so later tonight, and show everybody a taste of what I have been breaking my ass on for the past many months. I only posted that pic because some of the work looked suspiciously similar, and I think I even mentioned I took as a form of flattery. Nor do I recall posting pictures without cause any other time?. Usually because somebody asked, you specifically did I know. Do you ever see me trying to advertise my work every chance I get?. Trust me, I have had many opportunities to do so.

Why do you feel compelled to do this? Is it to somehow inflate your ego and make yourself out to be the best tech in the universe? Is it to somehow make it appear to the unsuspecting public that we don't know what we're talking about and that no information is proven valid unless it came from you? :..

:rofl::rofl::rofl: This IS EXACTLY What others see you doing! You wanna talk about PM's I have gotten several, I mean several as well.

Anyway, I'm done. I'm not discussing this matter any further with you. You know what?, I won't even post in the same thread as you in any forum we both belong to any more, even if I do have something to add sound good?.

I also think I'm done with this place in general for a little while, after I finish up the last two video lesson tutorials I promised. As of lately I have felt it become more of a popularity contest in MANY different areas than I would like.......... I simply don't have the time or energy right now.

Marshall Mann

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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Discussion good, sparring bad.

We've already got a top dog around here, we don't need another.
If anyone wants to fight, here I am.

Hey AD, I was not trying to throw fuel on the fire, sorry. I personally have learned a lot (semantics aside) from both Joey and Jon, not to mention Lane, JMPJCM, MM54 and Belch to name a few. It's a shame that emotions have to play in so heavily some times.

I hope you guys make peace , we need you both here. :h5:


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
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I'm not sure.
To be honest your response just leads me to believe you have a personal bias of sorts. Now how should I take your post, as a personal attack? Should I not even bother to help people out anymore?

Bias? Perhaps a little...but not as much as you may think.

Personal? Absolutely not.

I don't personally "know" anyone here. Respect is a huge thing with me, I live my life every day with it in mind, and I'm drawn toward others who conduct themselves similarly. It is the fundamental foundation I stand on when watching over this forum.

I'm certainly NOT attacking you, I'm just sticking up for someone who has gone out of his way to share his knowledge and experience with the group (as you have too). I won't sit idly by while his reputation is put into question. That's all.

I know that, in the past, you and Jon got along well and perhaps even collaborated together. I'd love to go back to that time. Everyone here (including myself) has a great respect for your expertise as well, I like to think that you can both coexist without competition. There are friendly ways to suggest an alternate, more accurate explanation of a technical subject. I'm an Engineer, and I have years of experience dealing with a co-worker who insisted on trying to make me look incompetent, when I was right 95% of the time. Maybe that's why I defend Jon.

Of course you should continue to help people out, I'm (we're) not suggesting you shouldn't, your contributions are valuable and welcome.

Ok, I think I've said enough.

Joey Voltage

Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2009
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Brighton, MA
I don't personally "know" anyone here. Respect is a huge thing with me, I live my life every day with it in mind, and I'm drawn toward others who conduct themselves similarly. It is the fundamental foundation I stand on when watching over this forum.

As is with me too! I live by a very stringent code of ethics and principals, and I too admin at a public DIY based forum. but that can only extend so far sometimes. I don't feel I need to elaborate any more on this.

I'm certainly NOT attacking you,
I'm well aware of the misconceptions, demeanor that happen in internet land. some of what you wrote seemed aggressive, but I didn't assume anything, or that it was...... So my question was a dead serious one to you. I didn't know so I asked, nothing more.

I'm just sticking up for someone who has gone out of his way to share his knowledge and experience with the group (as you have too). I won't sit idly by while his reputation is put into question. That's all.

in this whole thread, I didn't question his reputation, and was playing along with his little "well Actually" joke. Wasn't trying to test him with my mini article either, in fact I felt it was due since it was the 4th time this week I seen/answered the same question in various places. I took a bit of time carefully wording it so it would be easy to follow, and gave up more Info than was necessary, so hopefully it wouldn't be asked again for a while. I never addressed him in the article, and considered starting a separate thread for it, but decided THAT would be seen as challenging, and pissing in anothers litter box, so I kept it here.

Assumptions were made, maybe on both ends, but it got me to thinkin' 'bout things, and slightly made me regret taking the time bothering to do it. I have, hopefully in a very non-threatening way said my piece.


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
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I'm not sure.
Ok, now that we've vented our pent up frustrations, let's have peace and fraternity.
I admit, I guess I was in the mood for a fight, ...very unusual for me.

I must apologize to the OP, krokit, I hope his question was addressed sufficiently.


New Member
Sep 7, 2010
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Ok, now that we've vented our pent up frustrations, let's have peace and fraternity.
I admit, I guess I was in the mood for a fight, ...very unusual for me.

I must apologize to the OP, krokit, I hope his question was addressed sufficiently.

Why what happened, did I miss something?



Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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:) "This ain't the Garden of Eden. There ain't no Angels above. Things ain't like they used to be, and this ain't the Summer of Love."

:):) TWIN


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Jun 15, 2008
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Cork, Ireland

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