Silver jubilee mini questions

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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2023
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Thinking about getting one of these as I miss using Marshalls live and I like the sound and versatility of these amps.

To those that own/know these amps well -

1. On either the combo or head - can the effects loop be used as a solo volume boost with an eq pedal? Is the effects loop good for basic delays/reverbs etc? In general, is the loop decent?

2. Is the clean channel volume balanced well with the dirty channel? I understand the eq's are shared but I can deal with that. I'm more curious about the volume levels.

3. A lot of people seem to feel that v30s are the best speakers for the Jubes. Is that true? If so, which v30s should I be looking for? I'm planning on getting a head with a 1912 cab.

Thank you for any help at all!

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
I have an original Jubilee and a Mini head.
1. Loop works excellent with an EQ as a solo boost provided you have the headroom. I put time based fx in as well and it is a quiet well functioning loop IMO.
2. Sort of.. the big trade off is shared GAIN control. If gain is set lower for clean channel it will affect the volume of clean channel as well somewhat. Master volume should be set with clean channel as lead channel has that additional Lead Volume control to balance it with. Master volume of course is set for the entire amp.
I mostly live in lead channel amd set gain high accordingly. Then boost in loop.
3. I think any V30s are matched well, the original comes with the Marshall branded Vintage G12 speakers. V30s are similar. T75 would not be the best bet, for example.

Very responsive EQ unlike any other Marshall and a smooth distortion. Love my Jubes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2023
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I have an original Jubilee and a Mini head.
1. Loop works excellent with an EQ as a solo boost provided you have the headroom. I put time based fx in as well and it is a quiet well functioning loop IMO.
2. Sort of.. the big trade off is shared GAIN control. If gain is set lower for clean channel it will affect the volume of clean channel as well somewhat. Master volume should be set with clean channel as lead channel has that additional Lead Volume control to balance it with. Master volume of course is set for the entire amp.
I mostly live in lead channel amd set gain high accordingly. Then boost in loop.
3. I think any V30s are matched well, the original comes with the Marshall branded Vintage G12 speakers. V30s are similar. T75 would not be the best bet, for example.

Very responsive EQ unlike any other Marshall and a smooth distortion. Love my Jubes.
Thanks so much that's great! I need to try one soon....

Kinkless Tetrode

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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I too have an original 87 and a mini head.

1) I have never tried to use the loop in that fashion, so I don't know.

2) Balancing channel volumes are no problem. Set the volume of the clean for stage volume with the master volume, and then balance the overdrive channel volume you want against that with the lead master.

Finding the setting of the input gain that works for both channels has never been a problem for me. What works for dirty also works for clean for me. But I can see how that might not work for somebody else. It's not a Fender clean, but it's not a bad clean. Once I was setting up my original 87 at a gig and another guitarist was setting up his Twin Reverb. He commented: "That's a Marshall Clean? That's sounds great." With the mini you can also swap in 6L6s very easily too.

I also use the Jubilee's overdrive channel mainly. If you pickups are not too hot, it cleans up fairly good with the volume control on the guitar. You have a nice range from cleanish, to crunch, to searing that way. So set the gain needed for the overdrive channel as the priority.

3) I am one of those who is of the opinion that V30 or G12 Vintage speakers work best with Jubes.

Kinkless Tetrode

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2017
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, which v30s should I be looking for? I'm planning on getting a head with a 1912 cab.
It might be easier to get a UK made V30 from Mesa, than a single G12 Vintage which usually only come OEM. Does the SJ 1x12 come with a G12 Vintage?

IME, the Mesa version is the warmest, and it doesn't cost any more.

However, Avatar has the Hellatone 60 which is a standard V30, but has gone through a pre-break in process. And break in is important in my experience. it's only available in 16 ohms.

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