The horrible truth about Marshall amps that no one talks about

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Dec 7, 2023
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One is not enough.

In fact, it may be addictive.

Story time. Long story, be warned. Based on real events.

So, just when I was happy being a potato couch dad, forcing everyone out of the room to be alone and playing with my monstruous sonic creation while watching endless episodes of mind-numbing TV shows for days ― yeah, I was on Xmas vacation and really know how to make my time worth ― I make the mistake to check the app for OLX ― let’s call it the Portuguese Craigslist ― and I’m hit right in the face with an add for a Marshall Origin 20c. Relatively cheap.

I kept it under watch, even though I wasn’t gonna buy it obviously, I mean I just had my DSL1CR upgraded with a 12” Greenback, and it was still the honeymoon phase, of course I wouldn’t buy it!

So why did I messaged the seller and made an offer, one would ask? Just to check the waters, I would never buy another amp. Not for nothing, but I have plenty to be grateful for. I have an original Peavey 5150 combo, a Mesa Dual Rectifier Multi-Watt, a Vox VBM1, a Fender Champion 600, a PSA-1 Sansamp, and like I said, I just upgraded my latest acquisition! It made no sense whatsoever to buy another Marshall, I said to myself…

As I told about it to my precious dearest wife, the sweetest budget troll ever, she asked what the seller had replied to the offer, to which I said he had accepted it. “You have some money on the side”, she replied, “that your parents gave you this Christmas”. (Yeah, old folks, as they get older, have no patience for getting present for their natural children, “just take this and buy whatever you want”, and instead spend their time and resources with their children’s children ― and I have three of those!) That reaction, although not entirely unexpected (precious, dearest and sweetest, remember?), did make me wonder and out came those fatidic words “Hmmm, what if…?”

So, I spent a bit of time reading this forum searching for opinions about the Origin20, just for educational purposes, as it made no sense to buy another amp.

The opinions were favourable, obviously, and I contacted to seller to check the amp ― I have never seen or played an Origin. It was just curiosity that drove out of town the 31st of December. It was safe to do so, because it made no sense…

Ok, so I bought it.

I didn’t even try it. “Does it power on? Good, I’ll take it. Bye, have a nice day. Oh yeah, Happy New Year. Cheers.”

I came home and felt ashamed of my weakness… for less than half a second, feeling pretty darn good since then, because I really like the amp! Like I said, I play in an apartment and I’m very self-conscious. I like to play for my own enjoyment and one of my favourite things is to get a tone I like and just listen to it for ours, chugging new riffs and solos, while I’m watching TV. I’m passed my mid-forties, I’m not going to be a rockstar or a sports champion anymore, just like I’ll never be as thin as I was. I have a desk job, a wife, three girls and a dog, so sitting on the couch is the national sport in my life. So I like to set the amp volume low enough to (barely) listen to the TV of to have a polite conversation while keeping a good tone. Of course I like to feel speakers moving air, but by the time I get home, doing that would be offensive to my neighbours and those around me. So, with the low power setting, boost on, gain on 10, master on 1 I managed to get a slight crunch with the Origin, very slight but non the less very pleasant. Not gain territory as the DSL, mostly clean at those volumes, but it sounds good. I tried it with the 12" Greenback and liked it better. Not that the 10" V-Type is bad, like many said, but different, more... compressed? Can't really explain. It kind of makes the amp sound old, in a good way, and maybe that was Marshall's intetion when they chose it. I read that a 12" fits there, so maybe I'll upgrade it. Or maybe I make a cab for the chassis and 12"+10" and keep them both, who knows? For now I'm enjoying it as it is, it just needs an OD.

So now, I am presented with a new problem. Everyone mentions the Origin as a great pedal platform. So, I tried it with the Maxon OD808 and it came out pretty good. I also read lots of people mentioning the Boss SD-1. Opinions? I’d like a little more saturation without compromising the amp’s natural tone. I don’t intent to go into Van Halen or even GnR’s Appetite For Destruction distortion levels, but something… plexiesque. Cliché, I know. Don’t judge. ;)

Anyway, I read lots of threads about what pedals works well, but came to no consensus, as the choice of a pedal is obviously a personal preference. I’d start a new thread about it, but I fear it may be redundant… Still, any help is appreciated.

Cheers, guys!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2012
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Queensbury ,NY
I just sold my Orign20h. I couldn't get anything out of it. No matter what pedal I put in front of it it just lacked the balls we all know Marshall is famous for. Its pretty much a clean amp and that's it. But my thought is if Marshall took the clean crunch channel of the DSL and made that into the Origin it would be much more of a usable amp. More versatile and tone full. its a shame its not a better amp. Newbies have no clue what they are missing getting that amp.


Well-Known Yinzer
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Apr 7, 2020
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A DSL and an Origin can cover a lot of tones.
Great pair of amps to have.

Here's a pedal option for you - get something with a dual output and run the 2 amps stereo. :yesway:
Lots of different OD pedals work well with the Origins.
EQ in the loop is a must for me.

So, what's the next Marshall on your list?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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Barrie, ON
I just sold my Orign20h. I couldn't get anything out of it. No matter what pedal I put in front of it it just lacked the balls we all know Marshall is famous for. Its pretty much a clean amp and that's it. But my thought is if Marshall took the clean crunch channel of the DSL and made that into the Origin it would be much more of a usable amp. More versatile and tone full. its a shame its not a better amp. Newbies have no clue what they are missing getting that amp.
I have seen people do wonders with this amp. Not sure why you couldn't.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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Barrie, ON
I just sold my Orign20h. I couldn't get anything out of it. No matter what pedal I put in front of it it just lacked the balls we all know Marshall is famous for. Its pretty much a clean amp and that's it.
You sure it was Origin? The 20W Origin actually has no clean headroom to speak of. It absolutely doesn't work as a clean amp.
Last edited:


Jul 29, 2022
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Happy NAD!
I can relate to your "shame" for sure. Sounds like a lot of my transactions.
I have the Origin 50H and so far am loving it. Great tone to it with nice grit that let's each guitars voice come through.
Any pedal I've thrown at it sounds good so far. SD-1, BD-2w, Rat, Sun Face, FuzzProbe, Mobius, DMM in the loop. The amp really comes to life, or gets more "balls" if you can get that master above noon. Definitely helps to have an attenuator of some sorts to get all the goods, but not a must have.
Enjoy the Marshalls, they are pack animals and don't like to be alone.

I just sold my Orign20h. I couldn't get anything out of it. No matter what pedal I put in front of it it just lacked the balls we all know Marshall is famous for. Its pretty much a clean amp and that's it. But my thought is if Marshall took the clean crunch channel of the DSL and made that into the Origin it would be much more of a usable amp. More versatile and tone full. its a shame its not a better amp. Newbies have no clue what they are missing getting that amp.

Way to get the guys new amp thread going.
Sounds like your were the newbie not knowing what he was getting buying the Origin. Not all amps need JVM levels of gain.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2023
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I just sold my Orign20h. I couldn't get anything out of it. No matter what pedal I put in front of it it just lacked the balls we all know Marshall is famous for. Its pretty much a clean amp and that's it. But my thought is if Marshall took the clean crunch channel of the DSL and made that into the Origin it would be much more of a usable amp. More versatile and tone full. its a shame its not a better amp. Newbies have no clue what they are missing getting that amp.
Sorry to hear you coudn't get the tone you wanted out of it. Dialing amps is an exact science that is not exact. The exact part is in the amp; the part that is not exact is in the hands. What I mean is the guy that sold me the amp said that he used the high power setting, pushed the power tubes with the master gain and he still wasn't getting as much distortion as I get with the low power and master on 1. We have all seen other people get good sounds out of it.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2023
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A DSL and an Origin can cover a lot of tones.
Great pair of amps to have.

Here's a pedal option for you - get something with a dual output and run the 2 amps stereo. :yesway:
Lots of different OD pedals work well with the Origins.
EQ in the loop is a must for me.

So, what's the next Marshall on your list?

I keep saying to my self, and my othert half, that I got lots of ground covered and that I don't need a new amp, but we all know how that story goes. The Dual Rec can honestly get into plexi territory, do high gain stuff and has great cleans, so maybe it would be enough on its own, but it just wasn't practical since it's a beast and I wanted someting that I could get my hands on, take with me to the couch and relax for a while and put it back when it's time for dinner. Hard to do with a head and a2x12. The DSL solved that and now the Origin does it to. I simply have a wider array of sound choinces.

Although, if I had the money, a JTM 1 Watt would be awesome, because I'm mesmerized by the elusive "plexi sound". I have no practical use for high power amps.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2023
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Happy NAD!
I can relate to your "shame" for sure. Sounds like a lot of my transactions.
I have the Origin 50H and so far am loving it. Great tone to it with nice grit that let's each guitars voice come through.
Any pedal I've thrown at it sounds good so far. SD-1, BD-2w, Rat, Sun Face, FuzzProbe, Mobius, DMM in the loop. The amp really comes to life, or gets more "balls" if you can get that master above noon. Definitely helps to have an attenuator of some sorts to get all the goods, but not a must have.
Enjoy the Marshalls, they are pack animals and don't like to be alone.

Way to get the guys new amp thread going.
Sounds like your were the newbie not knowing what he was getting buying the Origin. Not all amps need JVM levels of gain.
Thanks, my friend. There's a guy pretty close to me, locally, selling several chinese branded OD and Klon clones, such as Moskey, Kokko and stuff like that. I may check them out, because if they are usable, two of them cost the same as a used SD-1... which, incidentally, another guy also close to me is selling.

Decisions, decisions...

And I get what you mean. When someone calls me newbie, I don't get bothered one bit - some people judges you by the post count and the date that you join in. I've been around a while and have my own ideas. But let me tell that probably the most fun I had was when I was a newbie and trying new things and figuring stuff out - not affraid to experiment and doing things wrong, sometimes being negligent... Those were great days and I miss feeling like a newbie. Back in those days, I also posted my rig in my sig. These days, I don't have the patience (or the time needed) to do such thing. Maybe Msharky67 just needs amps that are easier to dial, with inherent good sound regardless of how you set the TMB. It's all good.

What matters to me is that I get a sound that I like out of it.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2023
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OLX is our doom... If you look hard I'll always find something to buy there.

Last time I bought an RG570.
Very true!

A while back I had a buying spree for Vintage V100s, the old ones, with the original LP heel... Ended up with three of those... A Peter Green model, a Slash AFD Paradise model and a regular one...


Well-Known Member
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Jul 20, 2008
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Congrats, and enjoy in good health!

Not much equals the feeling of getting new gear.

Although I’m left wondering where are your wife and daughters when you’re in the living playing guitar and watching tv?

I guess I’m too old and stuck in my ways, but I don’t get the attraction of playing guitar, at such a low that you can watch tv while doing it?

In any event, enjoy your new Marshall,…


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Marshalls have a tendency to do one thing particularly amazingly without doing everything well (or more modern ones- everything well without doing something particularly amazingly).

That usually means getting one for certain X tones then looking at another for Y.

Pay attention to drives people generally approve for M-types. These aren’t Fenders, and shit that works best with those doesn’t necessarily with Maarshalls (and vice-versa sometimes). TS was a mainstay for all amps and I heard many here preferring SD-1s. I tried one from GC and returned it, finding it too similar to the TS-mini. Then was doing an all Boss board and added an anniversary edition SD-1. Given more time, I hear the difference in clipping and have preferred the SD-1 since.

TS, SD-1, Tim/Timmy, BD-2, RAT, DOD 250/MXR D+, and Klone pedals,are all places to start with significant overlap in at least 4 of those mentioned (you just pick yout 2 favorite for OD). then there is muff/fuzx if that’s your thing.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2023
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Congrats, and enjoy in good health!

Not much equals the feeling of getting new gear.

Although I’m left wondering where are your wife and daughters when you’re in the living playing guitar and watching tv?

I guess I’m too old and stuck in my ways, but I don’t get the attraction of playing guitar, at such a low that you can watch tv while doing it?

In any event, enjoy your new Marshall,…
We have a room that we set as our day office, so the wife’ ll there along with the kids if they need to study. And plenty of times, the middle one is by my side watching tv with me.
I also enjoy playing loud, I just don’t have many opportunities to do so. And at the end of the day, I’m so tired that I just feel I go into cruise control and turn off my brain and just play and watch a screen with stuff happening…

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