The Thing About Rockstars

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
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Thanks i appreciate that.

I was asking to try to understand your statements. I don’t know anything about you, your age, background, etc....I’m interested in some of your opinions and wonder if they would matter to me in the real That’s why i asked if you are good, who you like, could be a fat 13 yr old for all i know...just trying to get a read on you.
Lol. I'm not 13. I'm a fully grown adult man with a family. I'm probably not as old as some of you, but I'm not a kid either. Anyway, none of this has any bearing on you in real life. We're just talking. I don't know if I'm "good". I think that's a weird question to ask. How does one answer that? How do I know if I'm good, and who's to say anyway? Who's the judge of good or bad guitar playing? I don't have guitar heroes. I honestly never really thought much of that stuff until you brought it up. I don't know how or why that even matters. I mean, I get it, this site is guitar-centric. Guitar playing is all that matters to most of you. I can dig it. I don't really think that way though. I'm not into that type of competition. As I've said all along, I can't understand how a bunch of probably very good guitar players (that's you guys) aren't fired up about writing and playing their own songs. That's all. Several posts back I even tried to be encouraging about it. I guess that got glossed over in the rage and fury. :fever:

Sometimes a little info helps. It would be cool to hear your music and know a little more about you. If you stuff is good, i”d be the first to say so. I’m totally cool with criticism if it’s legit...not cool with being a dick just to be a dick.
I'm not trying to be a dick. It just comes out that way. How do you say "I hate cover bands" in a nice way? :erk: I'm not even sure how we got on cover bands anyway. This thread was about rock stars right? If it's my fault, I apologize for that too.

There really is no point in posting music. It's the same shit every single time. I should keep a list of all the people that give me furious ultimatums about posting clips. The only time anyone ever demands music is when they're pissed off. Why would I oblige that? Seriously, what do I get out of it? If I wanted to post music I would have done it before everyone was all pissed off about everything. I do know this - I've never once demanded anything from anyone. I don't care if anyone is good or bad or whatever. I accept you all just as you are until I have a reason not to. No song or sound clip will change that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
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That’s why i asked if you are good, who you like
One more thing, I really do want to thank you for asking this weird question before. You really got my wheels turning about guitar hero inspiration and how or why I don't have any. I love guitars and amps and playing guitar, but I don't love any guitarists! So weird. Surely that has stunted my guitar growth tremendously. You've given me some food for thought and I appreciate that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
Posting up clips happens in three instances:
1. Someone posts clips regularly, and they get a modicum of feedback
2. Someone is called out to post up clips, and when they do, they get shredded because people are dicks.
3. Someone is called out to post up clips, and when they wait for the fervor dies down, the clip gets zero feedback and it falls off the front page of posts for eternity.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
One more thing, I really do want to thank you for asking this weird question before. You really got my wheels turning about guitar hero inspiration and how or why I don't have any. I love guitars and amps and playing guitar, but I don't love any guitarists! So weird. Surely that has stunted my guitar growth tremendously. You've given me some food for thought and I appreciate that.

okay, so who's your favorite Saxophonist then? :D lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2012
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Hopehouse, Selkirk, UK
One more thing, I really do want to thank you for asking this weird question before. You really got my wheels turning about guitar hero inspiration and how or why I don't have any. I love guitars and amps and playing guitar, but I don't love any guitarists! So weird. Surely that has stunted my guitar growth tremendously. You've given me some food for thought and I appreciate that.

That's the dichotomy of guitarists. I'd say a vast majority of guitarists begin playing guitar because of some guitar god inspires them to do so after hearing them on some record, or the radio, or some bootleg cassette tape they got their hands on. On the other hand, musicians who play other instruments like the piano, anything brass, or some bowed stringed contraption, fall in love with the instrument based solely on the merit of the gear. I would say Drummers and Bass players would fall into the Guitarist category too but, we don't like to talk about them. :)

My dad was a Trombone player. When I asked him what inspired him to play it, he said he just loved to play. Same thing with my Mom and the Piano. It wasn't some famous musician that gave them the desire to pick up the instruments. Me on the other hand, it was purely to imitate and recreate the music that shook me to my very foundation. Nuno Bettencourt was the catalyst for that day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
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Posting up clips happens in three instances:
1. Someone posts clips regularly, and they get a modicum of feedback
2. Someone is called out to post up clips, and when they do, they get shredded because people are dicks.
3. Someone is called out to post up clips, and when they wait for the fervor dies down, the clip gets zero feedback and it falls off the front page of posts for eternity.
I'm gonna need some sound clips before I believe any of that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
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That's the dichotomy of guitarists. I'd say a vast majority of guitarists begin playing guitar because of some guitar god inspires them to do so after hearing them on some record, or the radio, or some bootleg cassette tape they got their hands on. On the other hand, musicians who play other instruments like the piano, anything brass, or some bowed stringed contraption, fall in love with the instrument based solely on the merit of the gear. I would say Drummers and Bass players would fall into the Guitarist category too but, we don't like to talk about them. :)

My dad was a Trombone player. When I asked him what inspired him to play it, he said he just loved to play. Same thing with my Mom and the Piano. It wasn't some famous musician that gave them the desire to pick up the instruments. Me on the other hand, it was purely to imitate and recreate the music that shook me to my very foundation. Nuno Bettencourt was the catalyst for that day.
That's how I am! I'm the trombonist that plays guitar fo the love of the instrument. Lol. I just like the guitar and wanted to play it to make music. I never cared about playing it to play other people's songs. I'm totally useless at a campfire. I can play like 5 seconds of lots of songs.


Aug 17, 2012
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Ghost-have you recorded any of your originals?

What style of music does your band play?

How old are you guys?

There are many ways to become a rock star today, if you have the goods.
I'm very reluctant to post any information about myself. I'm sorry. I know that's lame. I just want to remain anonymous. I'll just say I'm in my mid-late 20s.

I don't really have a "band". Just me and this drummer guy who is a pro. He's kind of helping me out. I need experience. He's really nice and not a total douche bag.

I also don't have any real original material. Just some riffs and a few licks that I play. I don't have a creative or musical bone in my body. I'm the most uncreative person there is. I can't write songs. Every time I try it's just a hopeless exercise in futility. The only thing I've got is some semblance of chops on the guitar and can hack away at some bullshit that sounds decent to the untrained ear. Every time I hear other musicians play their songs it just makes me want to give up. Everyone else seems to have the ability to write good songs and create good melodies etc... I don't really think I have what it takes to be a musician. I don't believe in myself one iota.


Green Beret
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Apr 20, 2009
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I'm very reluctant to post any information about myself. I'm sorry. I know that's lame. I just want to remain anonymous. I'll just say I'm in my mid-late 20s.

I don't really have a "band". Just me and this drummer guy who is a pro. He's kind of helping me out. I need experience. He's really nice and not a total douche bag.

I also don't have any real original material. Just some riffs and a few licks that I play. I don't have a creative or musical bone in my body. I'm the most uncreative person there is. I can't write songs. Every time I try it's just a hopeless exercise in futility. The only thing I've got is some semblance of chops on the guitar and can hack away at some bullshit that sounds decent to the untrained ear. Every time I hear other musicians play their songs it just makes me want to give up. Everyone else seems to have the ability to write good songs and create good melodies etc... I don't really think I have what it takes to be a musician. I don't believe in myself one iota.

Thats ok. Well mystery insures you getting attention, so I’ll go ahead put you on my attention whore list too. :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2014
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I'm very reluctant to post any information about myself. I'm sorry. I know that's lame. I just want to remain anonymous. I'll just say I'm in my mid-late 20s.

I don't really have a "band". Just me and this drummer guy who is a pro. He's kind of helping me out. I need experience. He's really nice and not a total douche bag.

I also don't have any real original material. Just some riffs and a few licks that I play. I don't have a creative or musical bone in my body. I'm the most uncreative person there is. I can't write songs. Every time I try it's just a hopeless exercise in futility. The only thing I've got is some semblance of chops on the guitar and can hack away at some bullshit that sounds decent to the untrained ear. Every time I hear other musicians play their songs it just makes me want to give up. Everyone else seems to have the ability to write good songs and create good melodies etc... I don't really think I have what it takes to be a musician. I don't believe in myself one iota.

Hey man, look, I’ve felt like you feel, honestly, I’ve been there. I feel the same about my playing and ability most of the time. The last band I was in had this extremely talented lead guitarist, he played far far better than myself, he could solo over anything on the fly, he wrote amazing songs and could do it in minutes. This guy has albums worth of great songs that no one has even heard.

From that I was inspired, now, my talent hasn’t improved. I’m stil not very creative and I struggle to solo at all but, the inspiration is often all that you need. I decided that I would come up with some originals of my own. I decided that I would contribute to the band and to me own needs by putting in some work to write my own things. I came up with a couple of songs that made it into the set list, not long after I quit the band but I continued to work on my music. By no longer being in the band I was more free to come up with anything, it no longer had to fit into a certain box.

For a time I resolved to create a song per day, whether it ended up being good or not I wanted to push myself to be creative. That worked for a while I have quite a few songs which I’m proud of. I used a computer based recording program to lay them down. The program has a drum machine which I used, i then laid down the guitar and bass tracks and like magic I had my very own originals. The thing I found to be most effective was to just listed when I was jamming and making noise. Every now and again a little riff would come out that I liked, when that happened I would start working off of the riff, using a little basic theory I built a progression around that riff. I would then go to the drum machine and find a groove that I thought would work and I laid down the track. It’s really not complicated to do, you just have to put in a little time.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2013
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Bay Area, CA
Remember this... every single band/singer/musician since the 60’s had done cover songs to establish themselves, to build a reputation and a name....Even ...

No one started their musical career playing originals...

When you call out cover bands with disdain and contempt, don’t expect someone not calling you out..

Jethro Rocker

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2011
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Saskatoon, Canada
I can't think off the top of my head. I know a great number obviously had to do covers till they were established.
I know KISS (hey like em or hate em, it's a good example) started off doing originals as did Gene in his former band.
Now, everyone learning must learn other songs in order to grasp chord changes etc but doesn't mean once in a band they necessarily played covers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
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I can't think off the top of my head. I know a great number obviously had to do covers till they were established.
I know KISS (hey like em or hate em, it's a good example) started off doing originals as did Gene in his former band.
Now, everyone learning must learn other songs in order to grasp chord changes etc but doesn't mean once in a band they necessarily played covers.
There is a difference between an original band doing a few covers and a dedicated covers band.

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